Saturday, January 9, 2016

Tape ministries; passing away peacefully in sleep

The Cut-to-the-Chase resource: AudioBook Ministries

This site is an assortment of religious materials read by human readers and presented the way materials are prssented through the NLS. If you just need a cool resource stop here.

If your soul is crying for more RantWoman psycho-spiritual adventures read on.

RantWoman has encountered an analogous Quaker resource but cannot remember its name.

RantWoman would also be too happy to riff and rattle about Meeting libraries and electronic publishing and... and...well, save that for another day.

But really, this post is dedicated to:

A middle-aged pastor RantMom knows who retired early because macular degeneration clobbered his eyesight and maybe he did not connect with all the blind ministers out there in the world.

The mysterious blind Presbyterian minister from IA who RantWoman learned recently married RantWoman's maternal grandparents in CO 80+ years ago before moving back to IA.

The flutters of elderly women with failing eyesight who drive large segments of their sister worshippers to worship at any number of faith communities in RantWoman's orbit, and especially Dorothy from RantMom's church who recently passed peacefully from her sleep to her next dimension

There are two more stories needed.

Dorothy is one of the Presbyterian chauffeurs RantMom keeps urging RantWoman to pray will pass their eye tests to keep driving.

RantWoman: MOM, I LOVE YOU but I cannot automatically pray that someone that age passes her eye test. I pray that she and God will figure it out! Dorothy and God seem to have figured it out.

Dorothy apparently does not want a memorial but the RantWomen agree that memorials are for the living and there should certainly be some kind of celebration. Here, though the RantWoman's chatter took an odd turn, toward the recurring arguments between RantDad and the Righteous Rev. Rant Granddad Every time there was a visit, there was always some kind of argument.

RantWoman remembers one visit where RantGranddad needed to go do a funeral or memorial for someone. RantDad took the "Funerals? Bah! " position. RantGranddad took a different positions. They took these positions in the front seat of a parked car wit hthree Rant Siblings in the back seat. They took their positions staunchly with no wiggle room. Staunchly as in a chip off the old block, de tal palo, tal astilo, like father, like son. And somehow despite the arc of the argument everyone made it safely back to Rant Granddad's.

Lord have Mercy, and celebrate Dorothy!

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