Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Neighbors Decamping

Another one bites the dust, dang it. From a few days ago

RantWoman did you hear about Robert?

What about Robert?

He passed away we think this morning. We do not know who found him.

Robert had a daughter and grandchildren who are in touch fairly frequently. This time RantWoman will leave a note in the office with permission to pass her name along to family.

It's not like RantWoman and Robert were fast friends. Robert lived either directly downstairs or just one apartment over. The previous resident of RantWoman's apartment used a wheelchair and apparently was quieter than RantWoman.

A couple months after RantWoman moved into her building, RantWoman got to have a second detached retina surgery. So much fun (not!)  RantWoman even got to stay overnight at the hospital. Whee. No sooner had RantWoman gotten home and settled into the face down in the massage chair regimen when Robert came banging on RantWoman's door complaining about the noise.

RantWoman remembers just kind of staring bleary-eyed.

RantWoman also remembers over the years dropping lids fairly frequently and just mumbling "bless your heart Robert" every time the clatter rang out..

Robert smoked and walked his dog late at night. RantWoman and Robert sometimes gossiped at those hours. The dog died earlier this year too and RantWoman has no idea what health issues made Robert just rail thin. Robert was in his 70's. Maybe that is as much as RantWoman is supposed to know.

Bless Your Heart Robert

Priscilla Jane Foxen

Priscilla came at least once to testify about the Center Park Bus. Priscilla also loved the group outings for example to the mall. Priscilla had a sweet devoted male friend Allen from Brooklyn. Hold Allen in the Light.

Colin: RantWoman apologizes if it seems uncaring not to find the blog post about testimony before the King County Council about the Center Park Bus. RantWoman is pretty sure Colin said his last name. He gets to be remembered without it for now. Colin had been some kind of professor. Colin had diabetes and passed away in a care facility. Colin's story reminds RantWoman to Take Care of Herself.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

LImits and "Two Corinthians"

RantWoman, it's a SCHOLARSHIP WINNER. What on earth lands him on this blog?

1. Please excuse (or not) RantWoman. RantWoman is having another terminological meltdown. Young Scholarship Winner is a math major, but he is going on and on about living a life without limits. Never mind all the blind empowerment warm and fuzziness. A life without limits is something RantWoman just cannot imagine in any mathematics she is familiar with, that is unless one is talking about infinity and cardinality and even then.

Young Scholarship Winner did manage to mention two limits, one financial and one geographic. True anything more mathematical than what he mentioned would probably make many people's eyes glaze over.  Still, RantWoman needs to acknowledge she is having a terminological meltdown before anything else can move. Dear groupies, COPE!

2. RantWoman quite likes and needs to bathe herself and others in the text quoted in the video from as our beloved Orange Occupant at the White House is wont to say "Two Corinthians."

Now the speech with apologies for leaving the url naked because Something Was Acting Up when RantWoman tried the usual Share to Blogger option from YouTube.
