Thursday, July 5, 2018

LImits and "Two Corinthians"

RantWoman, it's a SCHOLARSHIP WINNER. What on earth lands him on this blog?

1. Please excuse (or not) RantWoman. RantWoman is having another terminological meltdown. Young Scholarship Winner is a math major, but he is going on and on about living a life without limits. Never mind all the blind empowerment warm and fuzziness. A life without limits is something RantWoman just cannot imagine in any mathematics she is familiar with, that is unless one is talking about infinity and cardinality and even then.

Young Scholarship Winner did manage to mention two limits, one financial and one geographic. True anything more mathematical than what he mentioned would probably make many people's eyes glaze over.  Still, RantWoman needs to acknowledge she is having a terminological meltdown before anything else can move. Dear groupies, COPE!

2. RantWoman quite likes and needs to bathe herself and others in the text quoted in the video from as our beloved Orange Occupant at the White House is wont to say "Two Corinthians."

Now the speech with apologies for leaving the url naked because Something Was Acting Up when RantWoman tried the usual Share to Blogger option from YouTube.

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