Saturday, February 29, 2020

The State of ...according to bedbugs

They're BACK! Even though Meeting life has not had a lot of chatter about bedbugs, RantWoman is subject to visitations every leap day from literary bedbugs demanding help in translation and interpretation. RantWoman sets pretty firm limits about such demands; RantWoman tolerates them mainly because they only come about on leap days.

For Friends unfamiliar with this history, RantWoman offers previous moments:

How Fares the Truth According to our Bedbugs 2012 edition

Bedbugs 2016 plus or minus

To all Friends and Bedbugs everywhere.

Greetings from the Pugetopolis corner of our overheating planet, our overheated real estate market, and the land of traffic congestion conniptions. RantWoman was grossed out reading our draft missive from 2016 about refugee crisis issues; RantWoman is appalled to hink how much worse the baby jail / family separation / wait in Mexico immigration monstrous cruelties are now than in 2016.  We the bedbugs are making RantWoman write down what she said about bedbugs probably having it way to good in all the corners of that Orange Freak's immigration system: People are not supposed to talk to their customers the way RantWoman talks to us, but since she works pro bono and we have not found anyone else with near her capabilities, we guess we need to put up with her commentary. Also we will remind her to look again for an appropriate Quakerese translation of "Orange Freak" and we will assum fierce holding in the Light regardless.

We understand communications channels between RantWoman and her Meeting are a little, just say it, fried right now. We will take our chances and do the best we can with what comes through. The way RantWoman tells it, it seems like people are more afraid of RantWoman than they are of the corona virus, sex offenders, the Trump administration and even the likes of us. We do not care. RantWoman is the only interpreter we have found. We can live with her quirks. We keep trying to make her write down the stuff she babbles about learning how to do teamwork and trying to stay out of the way for some streams of good energy. MAYBE we will be able to leave her in better humor than we found her but we do not guarantee that will help for others with sore souls! In fact, RantWoman keeps saying "Leave it Keep Praying. More bedbugs might just make things worse. But there has to be SOMETHING..."

Our testimony

Back to the main topic. Leap Day is once again upon us and we the bedbugs of University Friends Meeting are called, nay commanded in the holy Light of God to offer testimony of ourselves and our surroundings. We have asked our trusted interpreter / translator RantWoman to serve once again as our voice, though this year we are a little worried. RantWoman's tendency to blurt out uncomfortable Truth is as ferocious as ever and we pray that she will not only convey our sentiments carefully but also find the right words so that our thoughts can either be heard clearly or chewed upon fruitfully by readers.

Frankly, times are kind of rough for bedbugs around UFM. The community replaced the carpet in the worship room. It tore down the bedbug highrises serving as sound muffling on the worship room walls. The carpet replacement occurred in conjunction with organizational hiccups at SHARE, the housing support entitdy usually credited with bringing us to UFM. The 20 people / night who came through SHARE to sleep in the worship room have been replaced by 50 people / night for whom space is rented by Operation Nightwatch. 50 people should definitely be better lunch than 20, but Operation Nightwatch rents space vacated by the exit of the American Friends Service Committee, space without carpet. In other words, space not guaranteed to help us thrive, no matter how many warm bodies there are around. But we are resilient and we survive if not in as large numbers as with the carpet.

Bedbugs in Greater Seattle

Life is rough not only around UFM. On one hand, suddenly there is construction everywhere and lots of places are unexpectedly getting quite tall. We keep pleading with RantWoman to see about entry, but RantWoman and Ambassador Thwack the white cane are usually so busy dodging construction mess that they are no help.

The other venue for expansion locally is all the tent camps and unsanctioned homeless encampments EVERYWHERE. At first these places SOUND like they might be hospitable, but there is this thing called the Navigation Team that goes around driving people away and hauling all of everyone's belongings away. RantWoman says the Nav team is supposed to connect people with shelter and case management. But contract incentives reward cleanup of trash and obstructions, not actual housing placement. Plus there is a chronic shortage of housing and case management resources. What this means for bedbugs is nobody gets to stay anywhere long enough to get established. Plus we do not like the taste of stress hormones and we would much rather our hosts be warmer and closer to acceptable health standards even if that also means greater risk of lethal encounters.

The Bedbug grapevine is a little thin about our sister and brother bedbugs at local hotels. We assume there are many present but probably trying to lay low and stay out of social media. As for the jail, we note that the new Youth and Family services center has opened. Frankly, if less money were spent on spiffy sounding prisions there would be more money to bring people in and provide services. We bedbugs prefer variety in our diets and more people sound more digestible than more buildings. But typically no one asks bedbugs about such things. Local jailhouse dining options currently also include a flock of nice climate activists who got themselves invited to jail by overstaying a visit to a local bank. We guess we are glad to see them, but we would rather hang around the bank where the hosts are probably tastier. Oh, and we should not forget the nice clump of white supremacists also recently arrested. Bedbugs are declining to comment further.

Speaking of habitats, the cloud?.

No, as far as we know, bedbugs have not literally taken up residence in the cloud, but since some of us LOVE to nest in electronics, RantWoman is making us talk about technology. Continuing revelation seems to have gone interesting directions: many, excuse us, technologically uninterested elders are slowly wading in to the wonders of technology. We support that. There is more diversity of views in general about getting things done by email. People seem able to work in groups with some preferring email, some preferring voice or phone, and people managing give and take to work things out. All this keeps the gizmos circuits warmer which we appreciate if we are going to nest there.

If we are around sometimes we have to tell RantWoman that people's eyes have glazed over. RantWoman actually sometimes appreciates this, but talking about accessibility and alternate formats and some other specific vocabulary is pretty much a necessity around RantWoman and we have no idea how to make that easier to tolerate for other people.

We know we are not the only ones trying to talk to RantWoman about the Still Didn't Get the Memo committee on Email Immoderation. Some of the time we know she can re-read and go oh, OW and a big I'm sorry thought bubble arises but we are not sure whether the thought bubbles reach their needed people. We try to make her sleep before clicking send. We let her make new subject lines whenever she needs to,. We try to make her write clear THANK YOU's when someone asks a question or offers even modest commentary.; we know she means it and appreciates it when someone goes from "I don't like it so please don't send it" to "Oh, I understood that one much better." We try to make her and her therapists calendars line up (not to be taken for granted) so less of what foams out of RantWoman's head gets splattered all over email.

RantWoman keeps saying and keeps saying and keeps saying that if she sends you email, it is because she values thinking of you in connection with whatever she is trying to communicate. RantWoman these days says all over email, please just hold in the Light and do not feel obligated to read further. Okay, in a few cases, the hold in the Light and skip has gone overboard and important communications have been badly missed. RantWoman also has "what could possibly go wrong?" twitches about gaps in some communications channels but that is all WAY too much for this dispatch.

RantWoman sighs when we make her tell us about people who have moved away to places with lower cost of living or moved away with more senior care and harder transportation paths to getting together. The Meeting has noted both deaths and growing children of different ages. We the bedbugs are glad for the people around tending to native plants and general garden and groundskeeping amenities. As for the rest of Meeting life, check in with God.

Until next leap day.

In Light and Faithfulness.

(bdbdbdbgbgbg) (the bedbugs)

I certify that I have interpreted this document accurately and completely to the best of my ability

signed RantWoman

This string of gratitudes brought to you by Reply/all

RantWoman keeps trying to reflect waves of gratitude for the influences of Quaker Honorary Auntie out into the universe. Quaker Honorary Auntie had the gift of seeing many things. Seeing mattered even if fixing was not necessarily the point.

If the Quaker Honorary Auntie reflection seems a tinge astigmatic, bear in mind the passage from I Corinthians about "through a glass darkly" and the ever-peculiar machinations of RantWoman's wonky eyeballs. And please forgive RantWoman if the language of Corinthians is something novel and weird: RantWoman herself is not a giant student of the Apostle Paul, but the other day in one of RantWoman's "I lift up my eyes to the mountains, oops no, to Twitter" moments, one of the younger that RantWoman Quaker theology tweeters seen fairly regularly in RantWoman's feed was wondering what the heck was going on in Corinth that Paul needed to start like 5 letters with some variant of  "How about you all work at being nice to each other?"

Anyway, as far as enumerating gratitudes, and partly in the spirit of fostering discussion about what has worked and what has spectacularly not worked about matters of disability at RantWoman's Meeting, RantWoman will use headings so if one section seems indigestible, consider moving on to another.

Crocodile Orthodontist / Scorch Marks

RantWoman looked to the heavens, or the cloud, or at least Twitter for counsel with respect to others, with respect to how to use and take care of weird gifts. Here is part of the long thread that came back: 

Gail Simone: Long Twitter thread of pithy things about writing
Most people don’t choose to be a writer because it’s safe, it’s not safe, it has less job security than the career of a crocodile orthodontist. Write what leaves the best scorch mark and understand that some people who love you might tell you to turn it down a notch.

Reply/all with a side of eldering. Scorch marks?

RantWoman should probably post the minute creating the Ad-Hoc Committee on Disability. RantWoman could also post earlier versions of the minute so that readers can appreciate all the vocabulary and concepts that have gotten scrubbed out of the current minute. RantWoman COULD do that, but at the moment RantWoman wants to grab hold of  the charge to talk about what works and has not worked and riff on a theme of Reply/all

What works: really awesome improvements in electronic accessibility #a11y for Friends Journal compared to when RantWoman first took up with screen readers. RantWoman tries to forgive everyone whose eyes glaze over when RantWoman has to talk about this. Mostly it's that Biblical forgive 70 x 7 times. RantWoman is absurdly grateful when someone, anyone gets it. In celebration both of people getting it and publishers of truth publishing in many media of the day, from the latest email article emanation A Quaker Response to Gun Violence

And how does this relate to the matter of reply/all? Once upon a time three insistent members of a pastoral care committee demanded to come elder RantWoman RIGHT NOW about her objections to restrictions on reply./all on the Meeting's experiment in listserve. Bear in mind, all of whom have worked hard or not but still earned frank but less than flattering noms de blog. These Insistent Friends have over varying intervals proven themselves to be considerably less than responsive to RantWoman about multiple matters with some direct connection to disability and accessibility, whether meeting process, use of sound system at a retreat, and other matters.

We will not even discuss civilized timeline like maybe during daylight hours or sometime before the Saturday before Meeting for Business. With this eldering effort already on fabulous footing before it even got off the ground, perhaps readers will be unsurprised that efforts to read RantWoman from a Friends Journal article which RantWoman managed to hear as "Shut up RantWoman/ Worship OF Silence" also did not go so well. RantWoman absolutely GETS that in times of woe and distress and generalized dyspepsia in the zeitgeist, settle and breathe is unquestionably on point. It's just that RantWoman can only worship silently for so long before she becomes filled with energy to Get Up and DO Something. When that happens, RantWoman is really, really, really happy that improvements in website accessibility allow RantWoman to go read Friends' Journal online all by herself and find things that better speak to her and that she would be happy to discuss with whoever is interested.


But back to Reply/all. RantWoman regularly points out that on another Meeting's listserve, Reply/All plays a quite lovely community nurturing role of gathering voices when someone is ill or has a death in the family.. RantWoman owes the blogosphere some explorations of one topic that would not survive reply/all on the list.  In contrast to all the Friends quailing at the possibility of recognizing some shadow of themselves in RantWoman's blog RantWoman even has full permission from the topic's poster to go at it on her blog. RantWoman has not gotten around to tackling the topic yet but may yet start things off as part of her Black History Month Binge Blog effort.

In further witness of the usefulness of Reply/all, recently a most interesting sequence of conversations about pronouns has arisen on the Meeting Listserve, among people who until now have been mostly reticent so score one for new voices. And score one for job / presence in the rest of the world ripples on Planet RantWoman as well: Cilantro, Soap, Broccoli, Pronouns

And then score one for conversations at annual session with Friends from places less steeped in awareness about how much they learned from a Diversity and Inclusion type effort through work about a transgender person who spoke of having more energy and focus at work because the person was free to be open about themselves at work. And then cue a Seattle cousin who visited some high school friends of RantWoman's in MT and oh boy the conversations that happened about pronouns. Think of it as ripples and why would one want to contain that????

Up next: ANXIETY

RantWoman's maniacal language nerd health care bean counter fussiness about sloppy use of mental health terminology should be well known by now to anyone who has been reading RantWoman's blog. RantWoman is clear to use the precise term but in the interest of continued dialogue about the balance between privacy and the community value of sharing experiences RantWoman will say as little as possible that might allow the general reader to identify the who, besides Friend # 3, RantWoman or the circumstances of a conversation.

One Friend specifically used the term "anxiety disorder."

Another Friend spoke of recognizing how debilitating the problem can be because of observing a relative struggle with the same thing.

Still another Friend (RantWoman, for everyone who might have wished RantWoman would get it) spoke of realizing the term might also apply to her. RantWoman has come to this realization in fits and starts.RantWoman can speak of her own family, detailed conversations with one family member and RantWoman's snarky comments about another. RantWoman recognizes elements of the condition that show up in some standard mental health assessment questionnaires but that have not come out clearly in RantWoman's answers. RantWoman has heard the word used around her but has not really been able to interact for a number of different reasons: "You're darn right I am anxious. Here are lots of reasons why. Oh wait, I am not even going to speak of reasons to be anxious because they will just scare you. And no I will not just go take meds for your convenience and comfort." What has finally helped the idea stick in RantWoman's head: people around her who are stunningly open about their realities under different circumstances. Also social media where again people are quite frank HOPEFULLY all this will get RantWoman past other stumbling points. RantWoman thanks the first Friend for speaking up. RantWoman apologizes for an initial eye roll. And RantWoman offers the comments in general hope that Friends can work out our various needs for accommodations.

Conference Calls

Alert readers who have not already read the posts RantWoman is thinking of can put Zoom into the search bar and read hopefully decently seasoned thoughts about conference calls. This note is partly conference call prep, partly the next iteration of what goes in minutes / notes. RantWoman has a set of notes where these thoughts belong, but RantWoman thinks the thoughts are educational enough to blog for Friends who might not see notes.

The point: a suggestion came up on a recent call about using the famous (INFAMOUS) guidelines RantWoman cannot even agree to without a reasonable accommodations request AND USED THE TERM REASONABLE ACCOMMODATIONS. RantWoman made the request, stated what would help and voila, all but two points were off the table. The two points were a suggestion from RantWoman that people ask to be recognized and have the clerk of the call do so and second a request from others about "be kind." RantWoman needs to review the notes and the automatic transcript available in Google hangouts: RantWoman said and would have liked to have recorded that she has guidelines from several meetings she goes to that she is clear to share with the group on the call, in a spirit of continuing revelation and making a to-do list. RantWoman also wants to have recorded a sense from multiple Friends that we were not at unity about "kind," including moments when blunt is actually kind.

But enough for tonight.

In Light and faithfulness


Friday, February 28, 2020

Safety Security Newsletter Nonviolence

RantWoman is reformatting and reprinting an article about a recent safety and security audit from the Meeting Newsletter.  Then RantWoman will weigh in further.

With that as an intro, the newsletter article with further comments interspersed [in square brackets]
Mackenzie Barton-Rowledge
I am deeply disturbed by the “Security Assessment Report” and related plans brought to January’s business meeting.

[RantWoman: Speaking as someone who does resource development for many nonprofit activities, sometimes one receives such gifts as are offered. RantWoman agrees: members of other committees might have had things to contribute to the process of doing the report if Facilities committee had sought such input while the assessment was occurring, but the report is not a terrible place to start. The document is quite off-putting and includes some hypotheticals that seem beside the point to RantWoman.  As an aside, re emergency plans, RantWoman would be interested to hear where Facilities committee has interacted at all with previous disaster preparedness conversations and ARE sessions around Meeting, many of which are written up in one or another of RantWoman’s blogs.

[RantWoman would start from a different perspective about how to use UFM’s space in the changing neighborhood. But Meeting has been muddling around about some of these questions since 2010 and the end of the Year of Discernment; perhaps they fall under the purview of what RantWoman sees as ongoing work about campus discernment but RantWoman’s input is clearly not wanted right now and RantWoman  is not as patient as might be desired when people who do not get around on and experience the community of people flows on the bus just pronounce conversations about transportation changes “unnecessary detail.” ]

The author continues: I think they contribute to a culture of fear and control, instead of a culture of community care, agency, and safety. We have internalized this (American, colonial, white supremacist) reliance on fear and control to the point where our UFM leadership didn’t think that these security recommendations needed input from the Meeting.

[To be honest, RantWoman thinks you are discounting community members’ real experience and frustrations related to many changes outside of UFM.  The changes outside of UFM are too massive and consequential to more than nip at in this post. But reality can be encapsulated as follows from a recent RantWoman tweet. “The Nav Team Sucks. Lack of affordable housing and case management sucks. But please do not discount the experience of a blind accessibility lead at a major downtown employer who is tired of tripping over people’s tents, many inhabited by other people with disabilities, every day on his way to work.]

[The recommendations come from a report which I believe Meeting received FOR FREE. If Meeting paid for the report, RantWoman would like to hear that someone shopped around but if the report was done for free, RantWoman would recommend showing the value of it as an in-kind donation on our records just so Friends have some idea about the dollar value of such services. Meeting is free to accept or reject all the recommendations. I believe the POINT of a threshing session is to hear Friends’ feedback and priorities. RantWoman offers further commentaries below in addition to previous offerings ]

The author continues: Police and prison abolitionist Mariame Kaba explains: “The prison and the police are in our heads and hearts, therefore this system is naturalized in a way that makes it almost impossible for folks to step back and think that it wasn’t always like this. How did people manage before?  [Before? There were a LOT of really shitty awful prisons “before.” Some early Quakers spent a lot of time in some of them. That is part of how Quakers became associated with prison reform though today Quakers hold a range of views, something that might have become apparent in Meeting’s discussion of the new youth jail.]

How might we look into the future and imagine something different? […] I think we can’t underestimate the fact that we think these institutions keep us secure.

“Security and safety aren’t the same thing. Security is a function of the weaponized state that is using guns, weapons, fear and other things to ‘make us secure,’ right? All the horrible things are supposed to be kept at bay by these tools, even though we know that horrible things continue to happen all the time with these things in place—and that these very tools and the corresponding institutions are reproducing the violence and horror they are supposed to contain.”

To me, safety means that each person’s divine humanity is respected, cherished, and nurtured. As Quakers, we uphold a testimony of nonviolence that challenges us to not react out of fear, nor try to use force to control someone else, but instead to build skills, healthy relationships, and practices of caring for one another because we know that these are the things that will decrease the amount of harm in the world.

[So, um, if RantWoman would describe  lots of turn down RantWoman’s offers of help and never ever try to work with RantWoman and get up and start to walk out of the room when RantWoman needs to speak of something to do with disability as, say, isolate and marginalize” could Friends MAYBE think of a large number of options to reduce harm and support community learning for everyone?]

Nonviolence is one path to safety. Of course, there is nothing that can be done to guarantee everyone’s safety and security 100% of the time. Many things are out of our control. However, we can build a community where we have the skills to take care of one another when threats or harm happen. That means investing in us, not in threatening signs or panic buttons to call gun-toting, racist and classist cops.

[Do UFM staff get a voice in this pronouncement? RantWoman agrees it might be possible to brainstorm some other responses besides calling the cops but as a believer in labor rights and treating our staff well, we need not to discount their concerns. PS. RantWoman rides the bus. RantWoman FULLY supports bus drivers having panic buttons; RantWoman also tries to document both appropriate and crap behavior by all involved when incidents occur.]

We know how to do this.

We have already been doing it! We had a solid relationship with Stanley before he passed that made UFM safer. We responded beautifully to angry Holocaust-deniers, keeping our people and our building from being harmed. We collectively manage (RantWoman’s) physical intrusions without threatening her with violence.

[Really?  Manage? Do you notice ANYTHING in minutes reflecting awareness of reasonable accommodations issues or specific accommodations that have been tried and not worked?  What kind of standards of ministry or mental health awareness do YOU observe in the entire community ganging up blaming all its problems on one especially vulnerable member? Perhaps you have not noticed language in the weekly bulletin or the cops driving by when RantWoman comes to pray nearby. RantWoman has noticed! RantWoman has multiple emails and comment from a Meeting leader asserting she has no right to speak in Business Meeting about a Friend who has been physically and verbally abusive to her.  Can anyone imagine how all these circumstances might NOT add up to safety and security? I mean it’s awesome to think about the larger community too, and RantWoman is thinking back to her own vehement young adulthood, thinking about how to season the fire of new quakers and hold Friends accountable  to living up to our testimonies with regard to long-seasoned advocates. Please someone explain how threatening to call the cops on RantWoman for, please excuse RantWoman’s fixation on the point, daring to speak up about disability gives anyone any credibility when asking Meeting to think about scenarios other than the approaches outlined in the security report]
We paint over racist graffiti. We could also do better. We could educate ourselves (more) about de-escalation. We could decide to give anyone in the community a place to pee without having to make a purchase or risk arrest. We could provide a safe option for needle disposal, so that nobody needs to choose between putting their used needles on the ground in plain sight or endangering city workers by putting it in a trash can. We could spend time building relationships with our housed and unhoused neighbors—for example, we could invite them to our potlucks! And instead of threatening to call the cops on trespassers, a sign could ask passersby to help keep our children safe and our property (Duwamish land? red-lined property?) clean, and offer whatever we can in return. There are nearly infinite options that don’t look like cages and cops
and threats and the exclusion of vulnerable people.

This doesn’t mean there is never room for locks or motion- activated lights.[RantWoman notes with appreciation conversation about research noting the existence of solar-powered motion-detector lights. RantWoman has no further info about motion-detector lights.]  But we need to act with integrity, from love instead of fear.

Editors’ Note: On February 9, from 9:30AM to 10:30AM in the Social Hall, ARE will host a threshing session on issues raised in the UFM meetinghouse security assessment report. We encourage interested readers to attend, ask questions and share their thoughts. We also welcome additional contributions on this topic.
[RantWoman: this threshing session did not occur and RantWoman will be interested to hear what comes of it. RantWoman continues to promise to be true to her Light about many matters but is completely unable to predict what being tru to her Light will look like in any given situation. RantWoman has enough experience with a sense of having contributed something important that others built on in some moments that RantWoman has to trust her Light.]

RantWoman apologizes but she is going to frame safety and security in considerably broader terms than either the safety and security report or the newsletter article. RantWoman is NOT going to apologize if this evening’s offerings read more like a tantrum than a security report, but RantWoman hopes readers can extract points to work on.

RantWoman herself has been having a dialogue with God. RantWoman has many times just relied on God in moments where, as many people with disabilities can attest, one is called to be places where one is either explicitly or implicitly not wanted. As a reminder, God keeps sending people with disabilities to live among us and recommending we all try to get along. Query for the “how can we achieve greater safety through love?” thoughts below: how might thinking about disability help inform actions to make our campus both safer and  more welcoming?

Cue Dial-a-Tirade: does anyone remember a great moment in Meeting for Business when RantWoman had the temerity to ask about wheelchair accessibility for a new tenant’s services. RantWoman’s sense of safety while asking honest questions and security would be greatly enhanced by Friends willing to have further conversation about that issue and different thoughts that rise. Oh, but we MUST go to lunch and then do everything we can to prevent RantWoman from sharing her thoughts and questions in community fora!  Silencing anyone? Gatekeeping?

How might it matter for UFM security if more members of the community were informed about what social services there are or are not around the U district. What might Friends be led to do to expand the availability of public toilets after business hours in our part of the U District?

In the next decades, Seattle is set to grow dramatically. Is it really necessary to shuffle longtime  Friends away to make room for nebulous newcomers? What wisdom and seasoning might there be among the dynamic interactions?

God notwithstanding, RantWoman would find it frighteningly easy to label her offerings “A culture of silencing, gatekeeping, and gaslighting,” not a situation RantWoman really wants to try to draw people into.  RantWoman is also clear to insert a number of comments and to ask readers to hold many things in the Light. In particular RantWoman has NO CALL to go away but is sincerely seeking paths both to deal with impinging realities and for MANY people to do better than massive screwups.

What can go better?
When screw-ups, massive colossal large-scale screw-ups occur, what are options to do better?

Hint: despite the zillions of “Shut UP” messages RantWoman hears about her blog, RantWoman HOPES she is conveying very clearly both things that DO NOT WORK and people should be embarrassed about as well as MANY things RantWoman is deeply grateful for. RantWoman would VERY MUCH appreciate hearing feedback about this. RantWoman realizes her blog is a TOUGH read a lot of the time and maybe RantWoman can go pull threads, but….

If Meeting for Business makes a BAD decision or maybe two or three or several or seventeen, what paths are there to change decisions?

RantWoman at this point is choosing to interpret every single NO she hears as “no, we are not serious about reasonable accommodations. We are NOT serious about dealing with disability or we want to talk about it in reference to everyone except RantWoman. We will find procedural way after procedural way to keep kicking the problem down the road.

RantWoman is hearing: We will assign a “Care and Accountability Committee” that had to be reminded MULTIPLE times not to schedule meetings they wanted RantWoman at without consulting RantWoman. They had to be firmly told that RantWoman will not meet in places that are physically inaccessible to people she might choose to have present.  Blindness means a LOT of new terminology in RantWoman’s life. RantWoman came away from meeting after meeting of the Care and Accountability committee with the sense that committee members’ eyes just completely glazed over. RantWoman found this frustrating for one thing because other members of the community understand the issues just fine The committee somehow thinks care and accountability can happen without dealing with disability—or, if they themselves cannot for whatever reason do what is needed to seek help from the wider community.

RantWoman is hearing We are not serious about a committee to work on this until we throw RantWoman out of Meeting first and tell her in multiple voices that she has no right even to object.  We are so busy doing other Quaker stuff that we get to send a message that would be entirely unacceptable in work life: Oh we want to postpone dealing with reasonable accommodations requests for a whole year.

RantWoman hears we don’t care whether RantWoman cares about people she might prefer to see and walk alongside while they are alive, but oh isn’t it a giant humanitarian gesture to let RantWoman come to memorials?  Then we will expect RantWoman to be grateful for separate and unequal worship opportunities.

RantWoman hears We are so afraid of RantWoman that we cannot even list her name on the committee roster for the Ad Hoc Committee on disabilities. We are not serious about dealing with ableism as a community so we are going to ask someone who already fights a lot of ableism to fight round after round of ableism on the committee. At the moment RantWoman has in mind the Worship and Ministry guidelines which RantWoman can only, testimony on integrity here, sign onto if there can be conversations about reasonable accommodations and issues that come up all the time due to blindness.   Also, “well, I am only available…”News Flash: everyone has time limitations and RantWoman is blind all the time so what can Friends learn to make RantWoman feel safe and listened to more of the time?

RantWoman is hearing from the current clerk “You are not welcome here” in a voice that does not sound to RantWoman like spirit-led discernment. Sorry, to reiterate: why do you think you are in control of God?

Then we will discount RantWoman’s experience as a blind person in multiple kinds of meetings, suggest a different blind person who has different experiences of blindness should be the authority about what works for RantWoman, pronounce upon observations without talking through the elements of business Meeting and what works or does not work. And then our clerk trainers will send a message that looks to RantWoman like continuing to discriminate is entirely acceptable and we will train 50 new clerks around NPYM in the thought that dealing with blind person in Meetings issues is optional.

RantWoman is presently in dialogue with the article’s author about many matters related to ableism and disability. If one is going to wave around words like ableism and classism, is one prepared to examine one’s own behaviors and attitudes? If the words gaslighting and gatekeeping come up, is it reasonable to ask how to share the burden, whether someone else in the community can better help do what is needed?

Please bear with RantWoman’s need to try to create mental space for new light or not even necessarily NEW Light but also Light that has been blazing for a long time. Long ago in a Meeting not very far away, RantWoman needed FOR ACCESSIBILITY REASONS to have a ministry of doing Sudoku in Meeting for worship. RantWoman survived two detached retinas and came away with a brain that wanted to see better than the eyes could see. This gave RantWoman headaches, headaches from focus issues that RantWoman was able to manage by doing Sudoku up close during Meeting for Worship.

RantWoman knows from a much esteemed car ride conversation, some Friends were not bothered in the least. This behavior drove other Friends AROUND THE BEND. One Friend in particular voiced the thought “I don’t like it (and therefore it should disappear.) SORRY, not sorry. RantWoman did not have at the time and does not to this day have a God as personal butler model of Divine presence. None of us is required to LIKE everything that comes our way. RantWoman has a versatile God who gets things done all kinds of ways and generally gives us all many different paths to learn to COPE.  Is there anything about these reflections that suggests things Friends might let go of and still feel safe and cared for in our changing neighborhood?

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Sustainability. Conference calls. Well-done eldering and interpretation.

RantWoman affirms upfront: she has a versatile God who gets things done all kinds of ways. RantWoman forgot to send out any last-minute reminder about Fourth Saturday Worship. Maybe because of that, the two people who got up and walked out of the room last month when a Time to Pray moment came up were absent this month. Instead RantWoman and someone else who uses bus travel time sometimes for time to pray moments to offer prayers on behalf of others worshipped well among the white noise of library HVAC mixed with exterior traffic. And RantWoman got to hear about the FWCC webinar about sustainability.

Things like that webinar are a very big reason RantWoman has not run away screaming from Quakerdom and instead wants to encourage others: Keep things in perspective but this is something COOL and worth spending time on.

RantWoman enthusiastically commends and recommends use of the many resources on Quakers and Sustainability found at FWCC Sustainability Conference 2020

RantWoman received the sign-up link for the recent Sustanability webinar but did not get around to signing up until after sign-ups were closed. RantWoman would be interested in participating in the call but going to the location where a group gathered was unfeasible due to the rest of RantWoman's schedule.

RantWoman particularly wants to commend:

--Meeting by conference call!!!!!!

    RantWoman understands there were 93 people or clumps of people represented on the call. Think of the carbon footprint involved in getting that many people together in person. Think how much fossil fuel one webinar saves!

   RantWoman understands that Zoom, the app used has video options. RantWoman has used other tools with video and can take or leave video. RantWoman feels blessed to be listened to about how she finds conference calls lovely because everyone is on the same footing visually.

    RantWoman also honors a voice saying "I am not entirely comfortable yet with this medium."

    Please hold RantWoman and those around her in the Light because RantWoman is still far too frequently called to pop off over one younger car driving Friend who insisted FOR A WHOLE YEAR that a needed meeting MUST occur in person and that it was just not possible to just try to do the best one can by conference call--or maybe more than one call in the same time spent dithering over scheduling and location and who was to be present. There is that part about forgiving 70 x 7 times but forgetting is a different problem.

   RantWoman is even going to indulge in carbon footprint crankiness regarding local travel: traffic congestion is so bad that in Seattle at some times of the day, adding even one more car to the roads ups greenhouse gas emissions for everyone travelling in the same corridor. RantWoman acknowledges that this point of view is a little bit fanatical and does not necessarily take into account travel necessities for some families.

   Right, and RantWoman gets to trust God about when it will be appropriate to blurt out data about RantFamily vehicles and times when in RantWoman's youth when everyone just walked, to the grocery store and the swimming pool, to church...

--The clerking and the process of sequential interpreting received VERY high marks.

--RantWoman appreciates that Friends on the call voiced sentiments RantWoman would have expressed, for instance about privilege, sustainability, and people who live well on MUCH less than most Friends in N America--INCLUDING RantWoman--take for granted.

--Friend who was on the call also remarked on a message about Genesis: RantWoman heard the comment as the Garden of Eden as perfection and humans, not just Eve, messed it up.

--RantWoman does not know what came up on the call about sharing thespecific experiences of different Friends' communities related to climate change and sustainability. The wildfires in Australia are one example. A minute RantWoman's Meeting wrote linking the starving orcas in the Puget Sound  to the need to adapt to all the different changes in transportation around our Meeting is another example. Most of all, RantWoman supposes, as a need not to be paralyzed by thoughts of "oh, it's too late" and instead to remain faithful, to trust that each of us, each of our communities have something to offer to support sustainability for all of us.

Gratitudes: Mozart and otherwise. Clarinet Concerto in A major, K.622 (Arngunnur ...

RantWoman is practicing Gratitudes.

1. The performance in the video below is wonderful. RantWoman does not necessarily pay attention to visuals when the video is classical music. RantWoman is usually happy enough to lose herself in the layers of melody, harmony, different sonic timbres. But the guy conducting this Iclandic Symphony performance is REALLY fun to watch.

2 Recently the bookmobile came to RantWoman's building. RantWoman was helping a neighbor who was recovering from a broken hip. Along the way it occurred to RantWoman that she herself can look through the large print offerings. RantWoman checked out 3 thriller-ish volumes. Will the large print prove large enough and will RantWoman get them read? Will the mere presence of actual physical library books, as opposed to the various electronic and audio formats RantWoman dabbles in, finally motivate RantWoman to oust a very tired couch and get something actually comfortable to read in? Will RantWoman remember to look through the online catalog and ask to have things she specifically wants to read brought to her next time instead of grazing in the shelves of maybe titles?

3. RantWoman has been worrying about G, an African American youth who likes to come play video games at the friendly Neighborhood Center for Extreme Computing. RantWoman has various opinions about G's family situation and other characters in Friendly Neighborhood Center's soap operas. G has had rough spots in the past but was doing pretty well for awhile. Then staff turnover occurred and stiff nervous white people problems flared. And RantWoman found herself repeatedly wondering "what is up at home?" For one thing, turns out G's mother just had a baby.  RantWoman also learned from G's mother that even she has to interrupt him only when his character dies n the video game. Who knew. RantWoman definitely feels out of it about such modern newfangled realities but will keep G and family on her Time to Pray list along with....

4. The Braille Challenge. Think of it like spelling bee for kids learning Braille, but with visits by puppies in training to be guide dogs and a martial arts demonstration meant to help cope with  Grab the Blind Person and Bless them moments. This is an annual event held at the talking Book and Braille library. RantWoman went this year with a committee role hat on. RantWoman went mainly to listen. RantWoman keeps being surprised, though. about what all feelings about the RantFamily experience well up, about a concern to encourage, nurture. RantWoman is also chewing on a candid conversation that may yet help with clearness about...

5. Worship after the sustainability conference call, about which RantWoman wrote a whole separate post.

6.  Bach and Mozart on Youtube. Two Bach cello suites and a Mozart concerto (see above) is a lot like eating a lot of cake. As in it's glorious and if we are lucky RantWoman will sleep well after bathing in sound.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Communication from 2016: Leap Day Comes round again

Hello World, it’s us, the bedbugs of UFM. Yeah, we know. Leap day 2016 has already passed ages ago and we are WAY overdue for our periodic survey of matters at this fine vortex of spiritual seeking. We made RantWoman wave her search bar through her email archives to find the rough draft that never got published in 2016. It’s pretty drafty and may fry the brains of people who want everything linear or who are otherwise literature major challenged. We are publishing it anyway.

We, the bedbugs, are doing the best we can, no thanks to RantWoman, who is the only scribe we have found but who keeps mumbling about technical difficulties.  Anyway, we demand she publish it as is because it reflects a snapshot of a moment in history and we are mightily miffed trying to prepare something for 2020. We wish we had access to some good translator / interpreter / Language services QA though because we are a little worried, just based on RantWoman’s current state of mind that she is either going to forget important stuff or editorialize all over the old stuff based on the current situation. [Note to selves: what will we do if RantWoman insists on digressing  about Grab The Blind Person and bless them issues stuck in the same part of the brain with one moment of language services QA? Also remember to mention vocabulary management for 2020]

As of 2016, we ourselves are having a bit of a refugee crisis. It’s not as bad as that mess in Europe or the unaccompanied minors on the US Southern border, or the pileup that will occur on the Canadian border if Donald Trump shows any signs of getting elected. But it’s pretty terrible: UFM has taken the sound panels that muffle EVERYTHING in the worship room off the walls.

RantWoman keeps exclaiming about the nice wood and about how the more live acoustics should make it easier to hear the whisper of God. Some of us want to shake her: what part of refugee crisis do you not understand? Others of us have heard that RantWoman awhile ago had visitation at her apartment from some bedbug renegades. We would be too happy to come over and teach them a thing or two, but RantWoman keeps saying no and mumbling “hasta en las mejores familias,” which we think refers both to the jail and to some prestigious hotels downtown.

Quoting from the official 2016 State of Society
We are a large, urban meeting, diverse in our personal theologies, length of Quaker experience, and expectations of community. Our size means we can take on many ministries and activities. It also brings challenges: our many visitors and new attenders are not always fully welcomed. We struggle with issues of privilege, class, and race. (DISABILITY ANYONE? ANYONE??? Dare we say Ableism???) We often find ourselves overextended.

…diverse in our personal theologies =

What does God require of us?

Is God Required?

[Speaking of God, as of 2020 RantWoman keeps mumbling about how God keeps sending people with disabilities to earth and expecting everyone to figure out how to get along. We the bedbugs are really upset: we are perfectly fine with the fact that RantWoman is pretty blind and cannot see us. That makes it SO much easier to go find that of lunch in everyone. Plus we can kind of relate to RantWoman’s quip about people with disabilities being not infrequently called to be places where either implicitly or explicitly not wanted. Hello. That’s definitely part of the bedbug gig too!]

The Buddhist principle of sitting with the question of what a problem is trying to teach

Voices whose practice of Quaker confession including acknowledging that too much Buddhism makes them want to punch someone.

[We the bedbugs of 2020 understand that our scribe RantWoman’s badly behaved white cane and anger management consultant Ambassador Thwack now has his own Twitter feed and RantWoman has allowed him to branch out in the direction of simple percussive pedagogy. We think thwacking inanimate objects such as poorly parked bikeshare bikes and cars camped in crosswalks is probably more responsible than even contemplating punching people. Also we are sorry to hear that She who has Dominion over RantWoman’s Domain, aka the Queen of Spades still has not figured out she should just stay out of Thwack’s way. And we will TRY to corral RantWoman’s capacity to digress along many different threads at once. We will TRY but RantWoman keeps muttering about Bach-style counterpoint and the bits of German stuck in her head: “Der Mann kann (go to the moon and back) aber keine katze Machen (but can’t make a cat) . Der Mann? What about die Frau?!? RantWoman, stay with us, please.]

What one Friend calls the Quaker seamless garment, healing inwardly as we seek to transform our world.

From 2016, even worse in 2020
Our regions roads and infrastructure are groaning partly because of our state’s habit of giving large employers tax breaks when we could really stand to invest more in transportation; yet some among us are able to give generously to the meeting because of jobs with exactly those employers.

But RantWoman, where are the sex offenders?

As of 2020, the officially adjudicated sex offenders are just fine. The cost of living in Seattle has sent one household to points south and to a situation RantWoman is holding in the Light / trying not to singe with inner Blowtorch.

Be patterns, Be Examples...

Not necessarily GOOD examples

The Ben Pink Dandelion rule that sometimes it is okay to have someone really unsuited for a role so that everyone better appreciates it when things are done right.

We the 2020 bedbugs do not quite understand this ramble from RantWoman but we are leaving it in here in a spirit of data collection:
   When I am feeling REALLY diplomatic, I also can point out that responses like (Friend RantWoman detects patterns about) from someone who manages personnel are a REALLY good argument for things like crisis lines and Employee Assistance programs and a bunch of other things like that. But they are also reasons RantWoman is allergic to State of Society reports that are all Happy talk.     
      Hold that point in the Light because it's a leap year and the bedbugs may yet hack up another missive. They are having a bit of a refugee crisis because of us taking out the sound panels in the worship room. And RantWoman is falling down in my role as clerk of the still didn't get the memo committee on email immoderation for her own technological reasons which also get in the way of being scribe for the bedbugs.

  But since the norm in minutes has been just to DELETE everything that comes out of RantWoman’s mouth, y'all have also missed a NUMBER of expressions of gratitude. [From the 2020 bedbugs: Yikes! Holy crap. Sounds like RantWoman might need  another round of apologizing for not losing her temper sooner or in more colorful terms! Except even we bedbugs need clear concise transmissions. We are not sure bedbugs holding things in the Light will help, but we think it would be highly on point for everyone!]

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Black History Month Binge Blog: Miriasiem Barnes

RantWoman will include a link about how she met Miriasiem Barnes. Miriasiem probably did not mean to be one of the figures RantWoman learned a lot from. But she has been. So for #BlackHistoryMonth2020 #MakingHistoryNow here are a few links
Today on LinkedIn
Miriasiem Barnes on LinkedIn

From the PBS Series The Congregation
Miriasiem Barnes City of Refuge SanFrancisco
Alas the Play Video links don't work but the link for City of Refuge does

Peace CampHerstory Miriasiem Barnes
the videos do play. can there be a revolution without lentils and millet?

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Black History Month Binge Blog: Learning About “Charming Racism” - Trevor Noah

content warning: various ways to be upset about language. Readers worried about the possibility of being upset are invited to click away or to put your own #BlackHistoryMonth202 name into the search engine of their choice.

This video speaks to the same corner of RantWoman's brain that has been known to ask "Would you like more unQuakerly content or less unQuakerly content?

RantWoman esteems Trevor Noah for many ways he captures speech and language.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Ministry of observing and Prayer

It was 37 degrees outside according to the radio when RantWoman left home praying about where to go. God suggested that if RantWoman was already in danger of being late for the locking of doors at one Meeting, it would also be okay to skip the underwhelming chairs and just do ministry of presence at her regular Meeting. RantWoman was well-rewarded with sun, warmth, and conversations and meditations about among other things growing up in the land of NPYM even if not a Quaker growing up in general and wishes for families of today.

Sun light clouds blue sky tall trees a street that turns left in front of Meeting.
9th Avenue NE
and lane off Roosevelt NE
One of RantWoman's many twitches related to traffic and climate change is maybe possibly to go a little overboard about the phrase "Walk Cheerfully on the earth answering that of God in everyone." Okay, RantWoman has a lot of near-misses about the "Cheerfully" part. Oh, and the "answering that of God..." part might go better both if some Friends were at least slightly conversant in God language and if God were better about huge non-subtle signs instead of stuff that shows up all covered in muck that RantWoman has to wipe through first.

But the walking and the tracking of pedestrian flows and walking paths to and fro, for instance between bus stops and destinations, are kind of second nature, not even second, just hard-wired in. Hard-wired in as in, RantWoman's particular flavor of transportation nerdery grabbed hold both of the dramatic increase in pedestrian flows expected when the Brooklyn Ave. light rail station opens and the 90,000 new people expected in a neighborhood just over the University Bridge in another neighborhood where there is much conversation about bike and ped infrastructure.

By infrastructure, we also mean car vs bike / ped accident hotspots at several intersections to the N of us along the much prized Protected Bike Lane many Friends use to get to Meeting from the North. RantWoman has NO expectation that solving the accident hot spots is Meeting's job; RantWoman DOES think Friends with leadings to pay attention to the actions by responsible public officials reflects good stewardship and responsible participation in the wider community.

Plus there are two 25-story buildings going in across another street. Will all those new people need places to worship and pray and even just gather?

RantWoman has NO illusions that her perspective and awareness will necessarily be central to decisions down the line; RantWoman IS clear that talking about the changes occurring can help build community among people experiencing the changes now. But what opportunities for connection is the community missing if the paths people get to Meeting by get brushed off as "unnecessary detail. What if "be patterns, be examples..." inspires someone who meets a Friend at another meeting? What if someone going to the UW wants some kind of easy time commitment to help them manage stress or a way to share something they are already learning about?

RantWoman will sometime answer a call to explain about youth spent walking to school in the snow, uphill, both ways, but mercifully not barefoot. Today though RantWoman is just collecting traffic safety related observations. RantWoman actually was surprised how long she was called to stay put. In that time, some traffic highlights.

The left side of the picture is a hill with sidewalks, public right of way, on both sides of the street. While RantWoman was present, there was only one really bad episodeof peds coming up hill not on sidewalk and at high risk of getting hit by cars coming around the corner. The episode was worse than average. The person not only walked at a diagonal on the upper part of the walk where cars sometimes come around the corner too fast to see random pedestrians, the person also walked a diagonal on the lower part of the road before the turn. Bad Friend sentiment: "Okay, go ahead! Delete yourself from the gene pool if you must, but please try not to do it when RantWoman is around." Worse Friend sentiment: the "I pray for you" list is NOT where you want to be!"

Not everyone can walk and shamelessly, frighteningly jaywalk. Some people need to load into cars. This works as well as RantWoman expects when the vehicle being loaded is facing S so that the passenger side of the car is toward the Meetinghouse. But RantWoman observed more than one car parked facing NB will trying to load passengers with the passenger side out in the street, not along the curb. This makes RantWoman nervous about risk of the passenger, frequently someone with a cane or walker, getting hit by something coming up the hill or around the corner behind the vantage point of this photo. RantWoman supposes since she observed this exact concern for a yellow cab ride a couple weeks ago, that RantWoman could at least call the cab company and suggest that their drivers not do that anymore.

One large ladder fire truck was barely able to turn R to go NB on 9th. RantWoman is simply noting the observation without further comment for now.

Ministry of staying put: it was a GORGEOUS day. RantWoman sat out so long she is a little afraid of a sunburn. RantWoman finds herself probably inappropriately capable of coming up with REALLY BAD IDEAS to address some sentiments on her mind. Today though when RantWoman prayed about whether to stay put or move, (RantWoman is not specifying where in case the thought of visibility becomes more urgent another time.) the message came back: stay put. The sunbathing is better here and there is more to muddle out of the praying.

Enough for now.

In Light and Faithfulness.


Thursday, February 13, 2020

Black History Month Binge Blog: Dr Thema: Anxiety

RantWoman has kind of been trusting the universe to send enough #BlackHistoryMonth2020 content that RantWoman will not have to dig too far on her own. This item about anxiety  comes on the heels of a discussion in a meeting and then by email about anxiety, different people's experiences, full representation in minutes.

Aside from holding onto the term "rumination," RantWoman will do the best she can to keep this item focused on Black History Month and leave white people twitterpations for a separate post.

Main Black History month point: Dr. Thema's social media channels include many connections with other Africans #MakingHistoryNow. Emjouy.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

FOURTH SATURDAY WORSHIP February 22, 3:30 - 5:00 Montlake Library


(RantWoman is for once going all First Person on this post. I am  wondering aloud whether I should let quoting Bobby Seale suffice for my Black History Month daily Binge Blog and inviting people to worship and consider queries about prayer.

I really miss seeing many people at UFM and I hope Friends will join the group for  the next Fourth Saturday Worship, Saturday February 22, 2020, 3:30-5:00 pm  at the Montlake Library, 2401 24th Ave E.

It would be a great blessing if someone were led to announce this at Meeting for Business and during announcements after worship.

Both previous months have brought centering worship and thoughtful worship-sharing. I consider the sharing in January holy even though difficult: two friends got up and started to walk out of the room when a Time to pray moment occurred about a difficult topic. So we all need to hold our space and time together in the Light.

Thoughts and queries:
The prayer warriors (one of the things they call themselves) are a bunch of blind people and a couple others who pray together by conference call once a week. When this was announced I decided I must pray with these people  What is Friends' experience about praying with people who think differently than they do?

The ARE from last week featured a video about the difference between meditation and worship. Do Friends have thoughts about the relationship between meditation and prayer?

Rhythms of prayer: I have a number of Muslim neighbors who pray 5 times a day and sometimes just walk around the building with their phones playing a call to prayer. This got me thinking about different traditions and how they order their time or their days. What is Friends' experience with cycles of prayer?

Do Friends favor any resources to help guide their prayer practices. I for instance am signed up with Sojourners Verse and Voice for daily emails on weekdays. Here is part of the email from last Tuesday.

Voice of the day
Revolution is about the need to re-evolve political, economic andsocial justice and power back into the hands of the people, preferably through legislation and policies that make human sense. That's what
revolution is about. Revolution is not about shootouts.
- Bobby Seale

Prayer of the day

God, show us how we can be a part of the revolution that brings forth freedom, restores power, and makes human sense. Amen.

What rises for Friends from these quotes?

This list is already too long and I trust we will be lead to some kind
of focus but is there any other query related to prayer that Friends
might want to add to this list?

Looking forward to worship together in two weeks.

In Light and faithfulness.


PS There is a memorial I want to attend on our March date. If Friends
want to worship at that time without me, I am happy to leave the space

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Black History Month Binge Blog: Rev. Ernie Butler, Second Baptist Church Bloomington IN

Search engines are great and glorious pathways to remembering. RantWoman today feels called to speak of Black History up close from her experience. Tonight's inspiration, Rev Ernest Bulter of Bloomington IN  is vaguely related to various voting themes swirling in RantWoman's head and in the zeitgeist. South Bend IN Mayor Pete Buttagieg is somewhere near the top of the balloting, assuming IA democrats get the ballots sorted out in time to send delegates to the Democratic national Convention. RantWoman is both listening to RantMom's piquant opinions about the latest #DemDebate and ignoring the debate herself. RantWoman is in make sure everyone has a full chance to get counted mood about purges of voter rolls in many states and RantWoman is seasoning how to be concise about the latest in accessibility screwups about the King Conservation District all online election. Look for this on RantWoman's other blog.

RantWoman is remembering Jesse Jackson's 1988 presidential campaign: RantWoman was an alternate delegate to the IN state Democratic convention; RantWoman got to go because the official delegate could not. RantWoman remembers a behind-the-scenes tussle about two competeing delegations from Gary, presumably one African American and one white. RantWoman also remembers the car ride to Indianapolis with Rev. Ernie Butler, pastor of the Second Baptist Church in Bloomington.

RantWoman is thrilled to find a number of really intersting remembrances of Rev. Ernie Butler, pastor of the Second Baptist Church in Bloomington IN. RantWoman moved to the Bloomingon area for a not great job but RantWoman's employer had been spending a lot of time around the sort of political activists who think "Oh, gee, we really want people of color to come to our events." RantWoman and her employer both concurred: if we wanted to work with people of color, we needed to show up. So we showed up at the local chapter of the NAACP. That is how RantWoman met Rev. Butler.

Here are some vivid remembrances.

A towering presence and man of God

American Folk LifeCenter Autobiography record

Bloomingpedia Entry

Blurb from facebook about a documentary shown at the Bloomington Unitarian universalist Church in November 2018

Reverend Ernest Butler: Rebel With a Cause (28 minutes): This powerful short documentary, produced by David Guadaitis, Larry Laswell, and Alan Backler, tells the story of Reverend Ernest Butler, Bloomington’s dynamic civil rights activist and leader for decades in the late 20th Century. The documentary traces Butler’s childhood and formative years as a pastor in Connersville to his efforts to integrate public and private facilities in Noblesville, before moving to Bloomington as pastor of the Second Baptist Church. It describes the conditions Butler confronted on arrival in Bloomington in 1959, and examines his efforts to open up employment and housing opportunities for African Americans in Bloomington. His daily struggle to improve the lives of the members of his church and the wider community comes to life in the film. Rev. Butler’s transformation from fiery rebel to respected elder leader was hard fought, and decades in the making.

RantWoman would say the web record is a little sparse though clearly there is some material if a historian wanted to dig past the confines of the internet. And here RantWoman offers humility about a moment of center the conversation around the white person: RantWoman remembers the car ride passing through Martinsville IN serious Klan country. RantWoman had a brief flicker of fretting: Oh noes. Here I am riding through Klan country with a completely respectable African American minister. Then Rev. Butler piped up about one of his many roles: Rev. Butler was the first African American to serve on the IN federal grand jury.
Okay then. RantWoman will Get Over Herself.

Rest in Power, Rev. Butler, for years already.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Poop: Well-housed dogs and other sources

This post concerns deposits of poop, actual compost-worthy poop, poop from renters holding meetings who all need to pee at once during breaks or when attending massive memorials. There is also metaphorical poop in honor of a text RantWoman started her day with which used the term BS several times. RantWoman has yet to figure out how to say BS in acceptable Quakerese. RantWoman hopes her readers will hold that problem in the Light as they read and season the weekend's activities. RantWoman deeply values shared discernment and really is interested in hearing what others say, well most of the time except...

Disability and People RantWoman is Fond Of

RantWoman has been clear to visit people she is fond of, as well as possible when people from many directions are gathered in one place so that RantWoman does not have to travel all over town making visits just because an entire Meeting for Business which declared RantWoman unwelcome in advance thinks the only thing RantWoman will care about is memorials, talking about people after they are DEAD.  Can anyone tell RantWoman is deeply amused NOT?

Let's just say, RantWoman is clear she has not been released from moral obligation to speak and that RantWoman is, believe it or not, also speaking from great tenderness and concern.

RantWoman is also "appreciating" being released from membership BEFORE the creation of an ad-hoc committee on disability AFTER RantWoman had been helping get that going for months, years. RantWoman deeply appreciates the efforts of those interested in serving but RantWoman is also detecting a little too much stand up and walk out of the room energy when the work hits difficult edges.

The Ad-hoc committee is not even clear about enough Quaker process to clearly request that previous decisions be slightly revised so that RantWoman's name can specifically be listed on the Committee Roster. Instead, yet ANOTHER clearness committee is being suggested.  Key terminology has been eliminated from the minute creating the committee and working age adults are being allowed to indulge in the fantasy that it is acceptable to wait around for a year to address the words "reasonable accommodations" But hark, we have dog poop and foot traffic from a rapidly evolving neighborhood, and RantWoman's inner blowtorch.

RantWoman has still a bunch of "holy crap!" material lurking uncomposted in email and RantWoman is not necessarily opposed to help from a Clearness Committee but RantWoman is clear not to wait around for such a thing to come together.

RantWoman also finds herself meditating with bemusement about a moment from the muddlings of the Care and Accountability Committee. RantWoman is not sure whether the conversation was about RantWoman's 47 millionth comment asking for help about blind people in meetings or some other moment of people missing a point.

One Friend brought up a long-time member who was into tearing down the Berlin Wall long before that was actually fashionable and even sanctioned by the guardians of the wall. This leading so distressed others in Meeting that this Friend was finally pressured to resign his membership after which he attended faithfully the rest of his life. RantWoman is unclear how this light was supposed to relate to Blind Person in Meeting issues; RantWoman finds an implicit suggestion that RantWoman just resign over something she cannot help and that is not going to go away distinctly unhelpful. RantWoman also tartly observes that historical geopolitics about something far away and definitely fallen from its former greatness is kind of beside the point as far as poop on Meeting's property and growing streams of traffic in several directions and climate change and a city that needs to find a soul and a center as the next decades bring much growth.

Dog Poop Witness

RantWoman has been faithful to her Light, holding Meeting for Worship with attention to presence and observation lately. RantWoman has many observations. In particular, RantWoman observes many well-housed dogs with their humans out on Sunday strolls. The humans mostly seem to live in the apartment building which as arisen across the street from Meeting. They are generally quite conscientious about depositing their bags of dog poop in the small green container in the foreground.

In the foreground a wastebag dispenser and disposal container. In the background the chariot that brings Service Python Friend to worship
For well-housed neighbors
taking care of their dog poop.
See sign in foreground
Considering the number of dogs RantWoman observes, RantWoman has to wonder whether the volume  of the green container is adequate for say a weekend of dog poop pickups. However, word has also reached RantWoman that, unsurprisingly for an area with much foot traffic and ZERO public toilets after dark for many blocks in many directions, there is evidence on Meeting grounds of less well-housed humans depositing poop without so much as a plastic bag to contain it.

RantWoman has been meditating about the ZERO public toilets after dark issue as well as times during the day when there are not necessarily many eyes on Meeting's property.

Visions of a trash can equipped with human waste sized plastic bags come to mind, but no. RantWoman is NOT nostalgic for an era when Meeting funded a portable toilet across a street from the back of the Meeting. RantWoman is NOT nostalgic because of all the things that tend to happen around untended public toilets. RantWoman is also not nostalgic because meeting has attracted a succession of homelessness-themed long-term renters.


However since the question of signage is in the air and the supply of poop presumably from poorly housed humans persists, RantWoman suggests seeking light in the following terms.

--A report suggests signage with what to RantWoman is very ungodly off-putting language. RantWoman thinks signage might be reasonable but strongly suggests seeing what kind of signage other faith communities use.

--RantWoman also suggests asking regular renters whether signage about their presence and schedule might be appropriate. RantWoman thinks some effective but not overly obtrusive signage would be possible

--RantWoman recommends research about public toilet options after dark within say 5 blocks of Meeting.and perhaps some signage as to location. RantWoman would be surprised but not distressed if the number of such toilets were greater than zero.

--RantWoman recommends asking the U District Partnership about possibilities to support some kind of public toilet somewhere in Meeting's part of the U District. This may be a long shot, but RantWoman suggests meeting needs to invest someone's time in listening in certain regular meetings, for want of a better term, to gather intel.

Image of car and roadway
stuck in here as a prompt for
another post about car and pedestrian flows

--RantWoman fondly remembers many faithful years of labor by Nasturtiums in Salad Friend to establish the first composting toilet at a Seattle P-Patch. A Composting toilet at the nearby P-Patch? RantWoman wonders whether anyone in Meeting might be led to explore the idea for the P-patch (community garden) near Meeting.

As an aside, RantWoman also speaks as someone who books space for events, including events for people with budgets. RantWoman thinks it would be helpful to explore the meaning of the term "activating the space," that is planning ways for people to be present or for eyes on the property. RantWoman can think of several things that could mean but wants not to fill space here yet.

In terms of "activating the space," drawing in more renters, RantWoman thinks some thought about site topography and issues related to nearby bus stops would be on point. RantWoman considers this partly a disability / accessibility issue.

In terms of building management, RantWoman also recommends attention as to the restrrom needs of renters. RantWoman would err more on the side of having all existing restrooms available during large events even if there is some risk that people who need restrooms but are not explicitly connected to events happen in occasionally. That said, RantWoman also recognizes the need sometimes for various reasons to call 911.

Digressing slightly from matters of poo, Friends also complain about finding needles on the property. What would happen if Meeting just installed a sharps disposal container either near the trash area or closer to the street edge of the property? RantWoman thinks but has not checked that there is a safe-injection location somewhere in the U district. Would  Facilities committee be willing to check about this location and consider just installing a sharps disposal option with signage about relevant resources in the U district.

Enough for now.

In Light and Faithfulness
