Monday, December 31, 2012

Family? Bolero!

Today's item in the RantWoman 2012 Holiday Festival of Music and Dance

RantWoman salutes and offer ardent prayers and grace for every family anywhere who is getting to have some kind of Holiday Difficult Conversation, whether it's a brand new topic or the same old drill, even if it's verging on the zone of Family Fight

Hip Hop drummers, dedicated to every family holiday where someone introduces something NEW and DIFFERENT
(RantWoman sometimes likes Hip-Hop; RantWoman is WAY too old to admit that, but it sometimes confers a certain cred when RantWoman finds herself among the right impressionable youth.)

The US Army Band Brass Quintet, downloads in several formats, lots of ceremonial options

This item dedicated to Youngest Cousin because as long as one is going to have pretty stark disagreements, at least see if some good music can be attached. Youngest Cousin is currently on active duty in the army and filling the pages of a certain social network with views RantWoman finds it easy to feel combative about. Okay, RantWoman makes a point of sharing faith-themed items that even faintly speak to her. Some of Youngest Cousin's postings also wind up as pastoral care and bad quaker practice suggestions at the Association of Bad Friends. RantWoman does NOT need ALL that temptation to make Bad Friend suggestions. Pray for Cousin--and for RantWoman, gently laboring with.

The USMC SIlent Drill Platoon. RantWoman is pretty sure this is not some mass outbreak of Quakerism in the ranks.

This item is dedicated to the New Mayan Millenium / Same Old NRA / Guns are the cure for all our problems crowd. This includes the RantBrother. RantBrother keeps asserting that some or another employer is going to have him carry a gun; RantBrother also generously demonstrates that he has more than enough screws loose to, HOPEFULLY, deter anyone from anything to do with him and firearms.

Try to Remember the Kind of September

See, one of the reasons no one should even think of RantBrother and firearms is that he has a long list of people supposedly trying to kill him. The good news, RantWoman supposes: they ain't succeeded yet. The bad news: RantWoman does not necessarily pick up very quickly when she might have something to offer about different points on the "trying to kill me" timeline. RantWoman has no way of evaluating some of the timeline items but RantWoman can identify several points that involve medical care, one of those domains where even if people are NOT trying, there can be trauma and heartache involved. In RantBrother's case, this includes some circumstances from when RantBrother was quite small. RantWoman finally collided hard with the realization that things RantMom has said probably mean things were quite awful for RantBrother. He must think so too because the geography is on the "trying to kill me" timeline. But RantWoman asked recently by email and RantBrother seems not necessarily to remember or not to have words if he does.

In the realm of Can You Top this
The Wheels on the Bus go Round and Round

RantWoman may be downright patronizing in her offers to pray for numerous chronological elders in her Meeting for whom the bus might as well be another universe. RantWoman does not care that this other universe is probably one filled with terror and dread even before RantWoman speaks of RantMom at 75 hanging in there with this unique form of international travel in chauffeur-driven vehicles.

Rotten Truth 1: RantMom is NOT shy about feeling entitled to gritch. "Time to pray" is not so automatic.

Rotten Truth 2: RantWoman can be terrified on RantMom's behalf too.

Rotten Truth 3: RantWoman is also darned proud of RantMom., grateful for pluck and comparative health and the ambiguous blessings of proximity as far as living situation.

Truth 4: RantWoman recently was at another meeting where someone was going on about how his 90-year-old mother still rides the bus, God bless her!

The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center 2012 entry into the 2012 Pink Glove Dance Video competition.

RantWoman is holding in the Light some ones recovering from breast cancer. The RantFamily is all dancing around LIttle Sister's recent diagnosis. RantWoman is SUPPOSED to be deeply grateful that Little Sister has officially put obsessing about the issue on hold for the holidays. Silly RantWoman went ahead and attempted a couple "what are you worried about?" conversations. Silly RantWoman; hold the those with the need for more such conversations in the Light. In the meantime, RantWoman could also use thoughts about whether she should mention the double mastectomy library of prosthetic bosoms option around the gushy souls well into recovery.

Finally, a couple more moments of song and dance.
Pink Martini Bolero

Pink Martini La Soledad

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