Saturday, September 12, 2015

Finance Committee Facepalm

Next time it would be fine: Just send email

Dear Madame Clerk of Finance Committee,

Next time could you maybe save the cost of a stamp and just send email?

Actual Popcorn kernels
RantWoman is touched to get a typed letter thanking her for her modest financial contribution to Meeting. RantWoman wants to appreciate the effort. RantWoman wants to appreciate the effort but she is so busy being SEVERELY ANNOYED that she is having trouble appreciating the effort.

RantWoman Severely Annoyed? Is water wet?

The germ of RantWoman's annoyance is something like "we are sending out nice cards but I think you would not see well enough to appreciate it so instead I am telling you something RantWoman does not remember about it and sending you this not overly accessible typed letter instead."


Thank you so much for deciding this on my behalf.

Perhaps I would leave the card lying around and someone would see it and admire it.

Perhaps I would rather spend my limited eyeball capacity on something more esthetic than just a typed note.

Perhaps, I really mean it, probably you could just have sent email, not mentioned the nice card, and RantWoman would have felt appreciated and thought nothing more about it.


RantWoman, as usual far surpassing Holding in the Light and tipping over into Inner Blowtorch.

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