Thursday, August 28, 2014

Correlation does not equal causation: the office computer

Bless you oh God for the discussion of confidentiality that crawled out of efforts to review minutes at our most recent Meeting for Business. Friends were trying to review minutes and a whole set of new minutes of exercise emerged. RantWoman notes that the new minutes of exercise emerging during review of minutes situation has occurred several times over the last coule years and will file that observation for further action. What is not happening about how business is conducted? What is not happening about how minutes get recorded?

 RantWoman is writing here of topics which MIGHT merit confidentiality. They Might, but RantWoman in a spirit of complete Love and Truth is clear that pieces belong in public! The specific RantWoman sticking with an issue and not just getting out of the way situation discussed here has in fact come up very obliquely in Meeting for business. But since recent Meeting for Business norms have not included a lot of people feeling able to ask questions about even more basic assumptions, the fact that oblique reference to RantWoman’s help went winging by at the time simply gets noted and RantWoman gets to continue to be true to her Light. And RantWoman does not apologize: if the flow of RantWoman’s Light is not clear to others, all RantWoman can do is invite Friends to ask RantWoman to expand which ever thread rises ….

 RantWoman has only been standing aside from every Worship andMinistry Roster since she got thrown off the committee. This year, RantWoman was clear also to stand aside from the Care and Counsel roster. Can you say overachieving about interpersonal conflict????

 RantWoman has only been screaming Owwwwwww more by email than otherwise for a really long time. Owwwww for specific issues. Owwww because RantWoman is surrounded by people who expect people to always be able to say Owwww in polite easily digestible nibbles. Owww because of wonky eyeballs and life twitches RantWoman really would not mind not needing space for in the first place. Owwww just because. So now Care and Counsel committee has tasked a committee to talk to RantWoman about …Meeting for Business. Separate tirade available about other layers of Meeting life, but start where we are!

 The committee tasked with talking to RantWoman about Meeting for Business asked questions about trust, about whether RantWoman will live with business meeting’s decisions. Ummm, dissertation in progress. Another Friend asked a question that caused RantWoman’s mind to wander near the point that correlation does not equal causation. Then RantWoman began to shake again.

During this year’s nomination season, RantWoman collided again with memories of one Friend whining that “it’s not good for the community” when something goes on in public and RantWoman had not been clear to try to communicate with that Friend about matters less visible. RantWoman can specify from information referenced in this blog post but encourages readers just to stick with the current item for now.

 Is the shaking a panic attack? Is it Quakerly quaking about needing to speak Truth? Is it just sleep deprivation?


 Correlation does not equal causation.


 Consider an episode involving Conflict is a Gift of God Friend, use of the computer in the Meeting office, and comments out of the mouth of said Friend indicating that he was probably driving the office manager CRAZY and could not fathom that possibility. RantWoman listened to a long spell of these comments and found occasion to speak to the office manager” would it help if…?”

Office Manager Friend sighed deeply in relief: the entire confirming conversation took less than a minute.. RantWoman THINKS but does not remember that this got reported either to the Clerk or to another topical committee and shortly Friends found ways to detach Conflict is a Gift of God Friend from the office computer, change some system administration practices, and possibly take other measures RantWoman never felt any need to know about in detail.

 RantWoman thinks the measures were effective. For one thing, she fielded whining about them from Conflict is a Gift of God Friend. For another, the office manager was GREATLY relieved. For a third, Conflict is a Gift of God Friend has over time SLOWLY, SLOWLY worked out more appropriate ways to ensure that he has the tools he needs without relying on the office computer. Hold that progression and the support and accountability committee for his ministry in the Light!

 The further  correlation does not equal causation part? This was all shortly before the entire saga of Conflict is a Gift of God Friend and RantWoman and Worship and Ministry. Please hold all of this in the Light, for one thing because RantWoman has further dissertation to pen.

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