Saturday, August 30, 2014

Tim Hawkins: "Free Bird" Climate Change; Chilling Out. Self Care.

Readers who just want to hear comedian Tim Hawkins do "Free Bird," feel free to scroll to the video start.

RantWoman guarantees, though, local groupies and people for whom RantWoman's name causes consternation will get a little more out of "Free Bird" if they first muster a teeny tiny bit of time for another visit to Planet RantWoman and reasons Tim Hawkins makes RantWoman smile:

"If my wife ever leaves, I am going with her."

admiring how his wife multitasks, "Honey, could you watch the kids for an hour? I'm trying to make toast!"

And while RantWoman is seasoning how to deal with further needed discernment about climate change and Quakers, something RantWoman remembers basically as "God gave us a beautiful planet and all, but some of y'all need to chill out."

God, make up your mind, which is it: "chill out" or go on some more about Climate Change and RantWoman having to put her Recording Clerk foot down on a conference call and say "Friends we are not at unity," write thorough minutes of exercise, and now see where things go from there. For now, RantWoman has decided that listening to this version of Free Bird, even listening into absurdly wee hours constitutes self care.

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