Sunday, August 3, 2014

Adore this!

From this week’s bulletin filler used when there is space, for example because there are not enough announcements either about Meeting activities or about change / peacemaking in our community or even exhortations to SPEAK UP and directions about how to find the footstools.


Worship is the adoring response of the heart and mind to the influence of the Spirit of God. It stands in neither forms nor in the formal disuse of forms; it may be with or without words, but it must be in spirit and in truth (John 4:24). We recognize the value of silence, not as an end in itself, but as a means toward attainment of the end, which is communication with God and fellowship with one another.
Faith and Practice of NPYM

 Dear World,

Channeling Miss. Piggy: Adore THIS! RantWoman is NOT doing well about adoring, adorable, adoration this week.

 As another Friend says on Facebook, I do not enjoy daily barrages of simulated aerial attack. Thank you ever so much Blue Angels.

Rantwoman IS physics geek enough to think that flying IN one of those planes might be really, really fun—if all the extra G forces and dynamics did mot clobber what is left of RantWoman’s vision. But Adoring has NOTHING to do with what RantWoman is likely to be doing abut this during Meeting for Worship or Meeting for Worship for Business. Trying to transform fury. Trying to draw the poser of God into some kind of topical thunderbolts. Tryingto cover everyone in RantWoman’s vicinity with centering Light and insulated sanity. Sure. All of those. Adoing, not so much!

 Then there would be the usual churning of RantWoman’s spiritual compost heap in the Light of God and these our Friends, inventorying and attempting to purge the newest additions to the endless list of candidates for RantWoman’s multilingual multiconfessional flogging bureau. Still not a lot of just adoring though?

 How about adoring the opportunity to grumble about repetitive Faith and Practice excerpts and exhortations  and wishing someone would MAYBE possibly see whether there might be other inspiring passages to mix in.


Just sayin



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