Saturday, August 16, 2014

Faith who insisted she had no faith

Faith who said she had no faith:
Memorial for Faith Adams, this afternoon

Faith is the second of the 12 people on RantWoman's mental list of seriously blind people in Meeting to kick the bucket, a MT phrase that Faith would probably enjoy.

Faith, as it happens, lived with her family for many years on a ranch near one of the small towns outside the "large" (70,000) city where RantWoman graduated from high school. RantWoman imagines the ranch as dry and dusty, rough in many ways, VERY down-to-earth.. This also described Faith, and RantWoman does not at all mean this in a negative way. RantWoman is very glad to hear from neighbors that, although Faith lost much vision and hearing, her frank directness and lovable gruffness never faded.

RantWoman is unclear how long Faith suffered from macular degeneration but remembers the last time Faith brought a display of her wonderful fabric art pieces to our Meeting's monthly art show. By that time, Faith still talked some of colors but between her vision and arthritis or other problems with her hands, she was doing less and less to create new works.

RantWoman got to know Faith mainly in connection with the Monroe Worship Group. This blog post is a decent history with notes about Faith citing her work with the Department of Corrections.

RantWoman is unclear how long Faith worked for the WA Department of Corrections but remembers her being blunt both about the inertia of bureaucracy and the realities of different inmates' personalities and situations, including public perception in some cases.

What makes RantWoman smile most, though: Faith as she aged grew more outspoken about lack of faith, atheism, and her certainty that people who felt otherwise were just deluded. It would be very easy to be completely appalled about this certainty except that, in RantWoman's experience it takes considerable faithfulness even to maintain a facade of total unbelief. RantWoman would NEVER want to insult Faith by pointing this out though.

A webpage of Faith's fiber art

From Faith's artist statement
I have an esthetic that I believe quite passionately: art is human experience cast into the discipline of for, thus acquiring meaning.

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