Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Quaker Process for Friends on the Benches

Rats! RantWoman has little excuse NOT to read a book!

At NPYM Annual Session, "everyone" was raving about a chapter on email in a book called Quaker Process for Friends on the Benches by Mathilda Navias.

RantWoman and the Still Didn't Get the Memo Committee on Email Immoderation are trying AGAIN to get a better handle on various communications matters. RantWoman registered that the chapter on email in this book would probably be useful and was all set to rant and whine and howl and yowl and generally throw a snit fit about the book not being available in electronic format.

Today...RantWoman put the author and title into the search engine of her choice and discovered ...ta-da!...that the book is indeed available on Amazon.

It's $22.50!

But it's available on Amazon and RantWoman is probably going to have to put her money where her mouth is about authors earning fair compensation for their work.RantWoman is just going to have to fork over some money out of her funky Blind-o-nomics will work very intermittently for gift cards gift card balance. RantWoman means to read the book.

RantWoman means to see about assimilating its contents. RantWoman wants to know whether anyone else from her Meeting is interested in reading it with her. But RantWoman DOES NOT PROMISE anything except vigorous engagement with the contents!

Hold sundry problems in the Light.

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