Tuesday, October 11, 2022

"Work" on indigenous people's day.

For #NDEAM #NDEAM2022 RantWoman has one thing to say to all vocational rehab professionals who might look askance at RantWoman's meditations on chores and the home office, bleeping wildfire smoke because what does any of that have to do with finding a (paid) job. 

People need motivation to practice skills. Let people do what they are passionate about. And extra emphasis if the goal is self-employment anyway. All this is part of RantWoman's rationale for work adjacent activity that involves researching family connections to Indigenous Boarding Schools. These connections include one family member who worked as a janitor, another relative who did unspecified work at "the Ute Agency" and a family surname that probably considering small town realities is someone from the other side of the family. 

RantWoman WILL work in some expressions of profound gratitude for the combination of tech, tech skills, connectivity, and available content that makes this search a relatively easy late even mostly screen reader accessible excursion instead of an expedition taking days and many visits to a dusty library, probably with a sighted research assistant. 

Things RantWoman found with idiosyncratic RantWoman comments.

Library of Congress image of the Boys Dormitory at the Southern Ute Boarding School

striking for the amount of valuable information in the cataloguing data.

Thankfully Google wanted to use "Ignacio Indian School" when RantWoman mistyped Ignacio

Wikipedia has all kinds of interesting stuff but nothing specific about the Southern Ute Boarding School.

Colorado Indian Boarding Schools linked to Department of Interior Report

The latest edition of The Southern Ute Drum

wonderful colorful pictures, a few of which have captions, most of which just read in the screen reader as "unlabelled graphic." Luckily the text reads very nicely even though the layout moves all over the place.

This has to be enough for now.

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