Saturday, October 8, 2022

Tactical nukes, ways to stay out of the war, and the worst nuclea saber-rattling than TFG and Kim Jung Un


Sometimes RantWoman would like to pretend she has all the optimal tools and tech savvy to function in some or another workplace / career function without ever letting on all of her hassles. 

Some of the time at this point in life RantWoman realizes that she is not going to be able to do it all, hwatever "it" is, all by herself and that she is going to have to impress the world with paths to the future where maybe someone follows in her footsteps. 

And since RantWoman has acute oldest child complex, RantWoman figures that she owes it to future generations to keep pushing open doors, keep tending to circumstances that help others like her thrive.

Rather than meditate in more detail, RantWoman is going to practice being as cryptic as another blogger in her blog roll and shift to some piquant comments to accompany this video.

Random comments:

RantWoman's current video diet includes several different strands of information and disinformation, perspectives from several countries, and topics that might or might not make for fun and easy casual conversation.

How come all the people commenting from the US are white and more so white men? Are there no sources with strategic insights who are people of color?

Bless your heart, President Biden. Maybe RantWoman will find the link where President Biden is talking about nuclear threat. Somehow he forgets about TFG and Kim Jung Un attempting to commit diplomacy by Twitter. But yeah, ANXIETY

Everything that is old is new again. One of the generation markers of many conversations is "Where were you when...?" RantWoman's answer about the Cuban Missile Crisis is the same as for the JFK assassination: in diapers. The Cuban missile crisis comes with an extra dollop of Family Experience. RantWoman one time asked RantMom for her reflections about the Cuban Missile Crisis. RantMom said she wasn't really thinking about it because she was too busy giving birth to RantBrother. RantBrother what a coincidence will turn 60 this month. Eat rocks all you medical people who thought he might not live past his 20's. But RantWoman digresses or maybe not if the point is somehow Keep Things in Perspective.

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