Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Atonement Forgiveness and Anxiety Certification Course

#NDEAM #NDEAM2022 #DVAM2022 added for good measure because #PWD are at so much greater risk for many kinds of abuse.

By accident today's romp through #DEI, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion--and Accessibility falls on Yom Kippur. If today's offerings look like half-done homework, basically they are. Hold that problem in the Light.

RantWoman wishes her Jewish readers a belated meaningful fast.

RantWoman thanks Witness Wednesday for the following prayer and thoughts

Prayer for World Peace, shared from a rabbi at an interfaith conference

Divine Spirit, thank You for all creation. In the spirit of all teachers of peace who inspire the many faith traditions, help me, and all the people of the world, learn how to replace hate, war, oppression and division with love, peace, forgiveness, freedom and reconciliation. Help me to embody your Love in my relationships with my family and friends, strangers - even my enemies. I commit myself to these sacred tasks throughout my life.

Sounbytes that stuck with RantWoman from messages:

see less as struggle to struggle and more as achievement to achievement

from chat

From Suzanne Gregg to Everyone 02:34 PM

I notice the 4 major afflictive emotions mentioned have multiple minor undercurrents, such as greed, bigotry, disregard, and injustice etc, etc. Perhaps we begin by quieting our micro-aggressions. Which requires attention in the moment. And grace.

ask god to remove shortcomings

[Message that did not make it out of RantWoman's mouth but that comes from trolling a certain CO Congresswoman: Read all of the bible!]

Peace is very fluid. It never stays. But love can.

And because RantWoman needed to dig up some previously provided service dog material but not only,

Service Dogs Reprise

Forgiveness and / or


As for the Anxiety Certification course, RantWoman has been processing everything, even things not hers, that gets delivered to a mailbox she is in charge of. The phrase "Anxiety Certification Course" was in large enough letters for RantWoman to chuckle. Anxiety plentiful. Who is supposed to certify it? RantWoman assumes that chuckling is not necessarily the intended result of the flyer.

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