Monday, October 24, 2022

Patty Murray Debates Tiffany Smiley for WA Senate campaign.

#WASenateDebate #NDEAM

RantWoman is posting the whole WA Senate Debate and promises to return and digest many points. Please see comments below.

Having a blind husband is hardly a reason to vote for Tiffany Smiley. Her husband has a remarkable vocational rehabilitation story and Tiffany had a lot to do with it. RantWoman will go through the video again to elaborate on why she found Ms. Smiley less than insightful about many points to do with international relations and foreign affairs.

RantWoman's recent Still not going to vote for her post with links for, ugh, an appearance on a podcast hosted by Sen. Marsha Blackburn R TN as well as a sampling of stories the Google delivered about Mrs. Smiley's husband, who gets to remain unnamed due mainly to the hour.

RantWoman wrote the following Snarky post about a blinded veteran becoming a military recruiter in 2012. RantWoman archives almost all her email and cannot find the original email the post is reporting on. The only point besides the snark is a #FactCheck about who was the first blinded veteran to return to active duty in any capacity.

As an aside, RantWoman is relinking this old post mostly as a reminder to herself that she means to pen a reflection on the matter of electing lots of people with military experience and when if ever past military engagements ever get re-examined

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