Saturday, October 1, 2022

Happy (?) Suicide Prevention Month Oops Now it's the October Yucky Topics Festival

It's a new month and time for another exciting #NDEAM national Disabilities Employment Awareness Month Binge blog. Yes, the subject line mentions #SuicidePreventionMonth. RantWoman started this post in mid-September, but #SUicidePreventionMonth is another one of those observances that lasts all year and pops up in pastoral care moments such as "everyone I know who is queer or trans has considered suicide."

Before we go further

1.  Anyone who is feeling queasy about the suicide of a loved one, please know that there are people holding you in the Light. The rest of this post will be delivered in full RantWoman not know when to quit mode.

2. Anyone who is feeling suicidal or in crisis is encouraged to try calling the new 988 resource OR to grab a connection from any of the resources listed here. RantWoman would not in the least have minded being wrong about the fact that 988 is still way understaffed. Guess what. There is all labor shortage all over the behavioral health ecosystem.

The JASON Foundation resource list

Suicide Prevention Resource Center

3. RantWoman could just rerun a post from awhile ago. RantWoman did a search to see what she has said previously about suicide. The post mentioned below popped up with a comparatively large number of hits. Look, RantWoman is very glad to know her efforts are getting read. RantWoman is not necessarily the most approachable conversationalist and then there is the matter of the daily Yucky Topics Festival of modern life. The point: RantWoman would appreciate attempts at actual dialogue--even if RantWoman winds up wanting to duck the conversation.

Recycled Post: Electronic Hairballs--Email in times of crisis

4. RantWoman is aware that one should probably not joke about the line between suicidal and many occasions to want to mumble "it's a good thing I don't do firearms." Either way, RantWoman has lots of paths for self-care. Unfortunately, even with a good therapist, plenty of self-recognition / self-help videos on Youtube, assorted spiritual practices, and basics like to take a walk, sometimes one of them is giving up on sleeplessness and just tending to what hits the keyboard.


5. Expanding on a content warning because RantWoman's head was about to explode

RantWoman, why you gotta put all this all over your blog?

Because "Oops, ouch Whoa" doesn't quite do it around some "head about to explode" moments.

Because RantWoman is really bleeping tired of hearing either "I don wanna.." or "it won't do any good..." EVERY single time RantWoman asks anyone for a clearness committee. No one WANTS to need to deal with mid-life vision loss. Tough! Guess what! Of COURSE it won't do any good if no one tries!

Because RantWoman basically cares for everyone in the soap opera and keeps wanting to try the fogive / not forget how about we talk about how to DO BETTER NEXT TIME. Exquisitely piquant further detail available upon request.

PS. RantWoman has caved to a demand from Ambassador Thwack the Badly Behaved White Cane and Anger Management Consultant to include the following additional admonition.

If you ever, ever, ever are tempted to say around RantWoman "If I were blind I would commit suicide, please [ERROR: total failure of the Excessively Plain English to Quakerese filter ]{ALERT: filter restored } get a handle on your own ableism and do not assume that any one person's emotional pooper scooper will be operational. RantWoman will also do the best she can not deliberately to oppress you on account of sight-dependence.

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