Sunday, October 30, 2022

Scary things

Readers, on top of everything else, find the #NDEAM content.

Black cat, moon stars and animated jack-o-lanterns
Please enjoy all this glorious
and according to some
ungodly pagan symbolism


God has a weird sense of humor.

WA Council of the Blind convention.

RantWoman successfully traveled back and forth on public transit, across enormous boulevards, and through poorly lit parking lots 3 days in a row for something called Convention. Oh boy did we hit some "Thank God I do not feel alone" moments. One was about gender inclusive language from someone whose former state agency employer does an amazing job about such. This was counterposed by someone saying basically "I don't see any problem," that utterance of course being the first problem, never mind whether anyone who is metaphor-challenged gets upset about the wording.

Mention of Jesus is controversial when the desire was for a non-denominational inclusive invocation that might speak to Jews, muslims, and atheists as well as whoever else might be present. RantWoman is going to need to try again with one of the blind prayer warriors about all those times in the Gospels where Jesus does the same ministry on one page among Jews and on another page among people who are not Jews. 

Jehovah's Witnesses DO NOT do Halloween.

RantWoman was asked and cajoled MS Word and the printer into delivering a printout from a website about such. RantWoman was not persuaded but considered it appropriate and doable to accomplish the request.

Viral--and blunt--candidate endorsement

The Denver Post endorses Lauren Boebert

Takeaways: does the reading public need a more specific enumeration of some of  Rep. Boebert's more outrageous escapades? Is the understated version more than sufficient? 

What will be the task of speaking about climate change and resource management after the election? 

This race is one of several this year where RantWoman desperately hopes voters will save us all from having to invoke the 14th amendment against representatives who had unmistakable roles when a certain flock of "tourists" visited the nation's capital on January 6, 2021.

WA Senate race is allegedly a tossup or at least one pollster wants it to be so

RantWoman made it through the Entire Town Hall conversation between Sen. Patty Murray and soft MAGA Republican challenger Tiffany Smiley. By soft-MAGA, RantWoman means quite a bit of the most outspoken MAGA content was scrubbed from Mrs. Smiley's campaign website between the primary and the fall campaign season. 

The town hall was still a bit of a trial. The two candidates were each asked a series of questions generated when KRO TV solicited suggestions from viewers and from a really interesting set of community groups. Questions hit: who won the 2020 election, climate change, inflation and gas prices,  saving Medicare, funding for the war in Ukraine, abortion. RantWoman in general found Mrs. Smiley's answers vague; RantWoman is not even inspired to go look them up on Mrs. Mrs. Smiley's website. Sen. Murray presented 30 years of accomplishments to counter Smiley's claims that Sen. Murray has not fixed all the problems there are to fix over 30 years in office.

Mrs. Smiley is trained as a pediatric nurse. One of RantWoman's neighbors said "There's a nursing shortage. Why doesn't she go back to what she is trained to do.?" Curiously, despite Mrs. Smiley's 100% prolife position and promises of maternal support no other Republican ever mentions for mothers of infants and child care, nothing came up about working conditions and why nurses are fleeing the profession. 

Instead, at EVERY campaign event Mrs. Smiley must tell her story about her husband being blinded by a car bomb while serving in Iraq and all her fights with the VA to get him real rehab so that he even returned to Active duty teaching at the Army War College. At the campaign's sole debate, this got mentioned in response to at least half the questions. In tonight's town hall, it got mentioned only twice, once at the beginning and once at the end. RantWoman is happy to acknowledge she is not necessarily doing well about sounding respectful: car bombs suck. Heroism is heroism.  Rehabilitation is a tough road. And somehow the need to repeat the story rings to RantWoman a little like playing on the general public's fear of blindness.

Ironically, RantWoman knows a longtime nurse who also had to fight her organization to find a position after she experienced sudden vision loss. RantWoman also, this very weekend heard 3 speakers who experienced sudden traumatic vision loss. They all have spouses; none of their spouses felt any need to run for Senate because of the experience.

RantWoman is most able to say anything coherent about two exchanges, one about funding for the war in Ukraine, and one about student debt cancellation. Both candidates agree that funding for the war should not be cut. Sen. Murray spoke about wanting to review funding requests carefully and about working with allies. Mrs. Smiley had some very muddled comment about how things should never have been allowed to get as bad as they are. She repeated Trumpish talking points about alleged military weakness and the disastrous pullout from Afghanistan. She also said the US should stand with the women of Iran and get rid of the "nucular" deal. two minutes per side of course is not long enough to do anything but have one's head explode about military action and whether or not it defends women's rights. Also even though the prospects and achievable goals for diplomacy look pretty hopeless right now, the only thing that sticks in RantWoman's mind is maintenance of current funding levels for military aid.

Divergence of opinion about student debt cancellation was sort of predictable. Sen. Murry is all for it and wants Congress to work on ways to incentivize states to change funding and tuition practices to reduce the financial burden on students. Mrs. Smiley griped about plumbers and farmers and tradespeople having to help pay the costs of people going to college, which is not of course what the debt cancellation does. In particular while Mrs. Smile yammers about components of inflation that are global and that cannot be easily or quickly solved, student debt cancellation immediately push money in the hands of young people who are going to use it for all kinds of beneficial economic activity.

RantWoman does agree with Mrs. Smiley that people should also have lower barriers to getting non-college training in trades. 

RantWoman does NOT, however, buy Mrs. Smiley's suggestion that military service is a great way to finance education. First there's that part about risk of getting blinded in  a car bomb, poisoned by burn pit smoke,  crippled by physical injury, or disabled by TBI and PTSD. Next there is the part about people with disabilities not getting to enlist even if they want to. RantWoman would STRONGLY prefer a wide range of inclusive and accessible safe work opportunities that do not rely on a poverty draft. In other words, Mrs. Smiley has not earned RantWoman's vote but RantWoman also has beefs with the whole situation no matter who is Senator.

And finally, a dare

The algorithmic gods of Twitter served up this Get out and VOTE sermon delivered by one of the founders of The Pursuit Church lately unfolding and famous for, among other things, Continuing to hold church in spite of COVID restrictions

But never mind all that. RantWoman challenges readers to listen to the WHOLE sermon. Can you find at least 5 things that resemble Quakers? Understand, there is also MUCH content that may make readers' heads explode. But just try it.

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Quaker ChangerMaker event: Russia, Ukraine, and the Peace Testimony

RantWoman really needed today's FCNL Quaker Changemaker Event about the war in Ukraine and the Peace testimony.

Readers are going to have to wait for a link to the whole video but here is the closing paragraph.

Posted in chat by Timothy Gee, General Secretary, FWCC to Everyone 10:43 AM

"We call on the governments of Ukraine, Russia, neighboring countries, the United States, NATO, and the European Union, to explore all avenues—whether public or private—for a renewed conversation to address the human security needs of all the peoples and countries in the region, to help provide the basis for long term peace."

Entire statement from multiple Quaker organizations

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Fascinating Interview: Why Michael Fanone Didn't Shoot Capitol Rioters

Really honest interview that challenges MANY assumptions.

RantWoman wonders whether Michael Fanone is ever going to get tired of telling his story; RantWoman also appreciates many details not previously brought to light.

Hopefully updated with a correct link to The Young Turks page about Michael Fanone

Ulan-Ude Buryatia

Because in time of war and outrageous drafting practices, Youtube sends a nice tourist video.

Maybe RantWoman will get around to at least a minimal summary. Maybe.

Monday, October 24, 2022

Patty Murray Debates Tiffany Smiley for WA Senate campaign.

#WASenateDebate #NDEAM

RantWoman is posting the whole WA Senate Debate and promises to return and digest many points. Please see comments below.

Having a blind husband is hardly a reason to vote for Tiffany Smiley. Her husband has a remarkable vocational rehabilitation story and Tiffany had a lot to do with it. RantWoman will go through the video again to elaborate on why she found Ms. Smiley less than insightful about many points to do with international relations and foreign affairs.

RantWoman's recent Still not going to vote for her post with links for, ugh, an appearance on a podcast hosted by Sen. Marsha Blackburn R TN as well as a sampling of stories the Google delivered about Mrs. Smiley's husband, who gets to remain unnamed due mainly to the hour.

RantWoman wrote the following Snarky post about a blinded veteran becoming a military recruiter in 2012. RantWoman archives almost all her email and cannot find the original email the post is reporting on. The only point besides the snark is a #FactCheck about who was the first blinded veteran to return to active duty in any capacity.

As an aside, RantWoman is relinking this old post mostly as a reminder to herself that she means to pen a reflection on the matter of electing lots of people with military experience and when if ever past military engagements ever get re-examined

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Compline and today's Russia content

RantWoman presents part of today's media diet. First some beautiful music. Then curated Russia invades Ukraine war, this time social media and hard-liners in Russian media


Sometimes between tech and musical selections, Compline soothes RantWoman's soul better than other weeks. This week is worth going back to.

Now is not the time for peace at any price!

Some of the time, to me, war coverage looks like one big international arms ad. Air defense YES. Intelligence sharing: pretty much.

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Blasphemy Watch: Apocalypse on the campaign trail

Just watch the video. Try not to fly into a lather about every mischaracterization. There are funny moments.

then join RantWoman in a chorus of "Not all people of faith are batshit lunatics."

Then get in line to schedule some round the clock holding in the Light for a bunch of people who probably really need it even if they might be allergic. TFG. The Dude in the Kremlin, a certain CO Congresswoman out on the campaign trail being terrified about drag queens in Ouray and Telluride, eating pancakes in Gunnison, popping into Saguache (it's pronounced "SaWATCH" in case anyone cares)....

and a bonus

Friday, October 21, 2022

Vote or Die: To tie or not to tie

Do not waste time griping that there are too many swear words in this video. If you are afraid of swear words, DON'T WATCH THE VIDEO. Scroll down to RantWoman opinions and the other links.

On the other hand, if you are game for the kind of strong argument a certain party should be clapping back hard every time they can, enjoy.

RantWoman likes people with definite opinions, especially fact-based opinions stated with as much provocative oomph as possible. 

RantWoman also likes sartorial variety and YouTubers who get that clothes make the man as far as who presenters reach. Sartorial matters for women are a problem for another blog post.

RantWoman is NOT crazy about name-calling and a level of needing to pound the point home, even worse than RantWoman sometimes achieves. RantWoman somehow thinks, er, HOPES there should be ways to appeal to people's better natures.

But RantWoman is way too tired from an afternoon out IN THE really badly needed RAIN being a Transit Oriented Development gadfly to try to comb out more nuance tonight. Permit one #NDEAM digression about the tools one needs whether the venue is faith-based or workplace and read RantWoman's other blog with different reflections on VOTING.

But while we're at it

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Happy Birthday RantBrother



Happy 60th anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis, a topic most emphatically NOT occupying RantMom's mind immediately before or after RantBrother's birth.

RantWoman  is not even going to try to think very hard about why this Wes Daniels piece The Red Sea and becoming a people is what prompted her to get on the ball and make sure there is a binge blog entry for RantBrother's birthday; RantWoman is simply going to accept the nudge. RantWoman may or may not elaborate about why the themes of this post have almost nothing to do with anything RantWoman understands about RantBrother and his current situation.

Also, RantWoman is holding in the Light a number of people she knows whose brothers have died recently.

As far as reaching out to loved ones, that is difficult specifically with RantBrother. Instead:

--RantWoman is HOT, Hot, hot about making sure kids with visual impairment get help early. This is as much meeting people all the time on the bus who talk about visual impairment issues in ways that make it clear that their lives would have been better if care about the topic had not been neglected when they were younger.

--RantWoman celebrates the ways Irrepressible Nephew's school experiences included lots of messages about anti-bullying and also about the okayness of awkward realities.

RantWoman honors RantBrother's creativity in the past about many home management and landscaping questions and tries not to grieve too hard about RantBrother no longer being about to hold together thoughts to organize such efforts. That is part of RantWoman's #NDEAM meditations.

Enough for now!

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Buryats and the WAR

July Kyivpost 150 Buryat soldiers resign RantWoman started to write a blog post about air war and anti-aircraft systems and cake.

No matter how much better air defenses could cut down on ground war slaughter, that post will have to wait while RantWoman provides background about all the dimensions of racism among different parties of this senseless morally bankrupt war.. 

RantWoman is digesting various items about the Buryats, a buddhist indigenous community native to eastern Siberia near Lake Baikal.


RantWoman apologizes but she is not going to try to figure out which Youtube channel has the report about Buryats drafted into the Russian military during the current Russian mobilization being just slaughtered in one of their first battlefield encounters with Ukrainian forces, either in Crimea or near Kherson..

Media Diversity on how war crimes in Bucha came, erroneously, to be attributed to the Buryats

Reuters: Russian mobilization hits hard in poor rural Buryatia

July Kyivpost 1550 Buryat soldiers resign

Full disclosure: the main reason RantWoman knew anything at all about the Buryats prior to their appearance in Russian invaders casualty accounts is thanks to a grad school colleague, Dr. Robert Montgomery, now a history professor at Baldwin Wallace University. RantWoman is permitting herself to wonder whether Dr. Montgomery has been besieged by media figures wanting him to comment on racism in the Russian military and public opinion. RantWoman could perfectly well look up an email and ask, but that may or may not happen. In the meantime, some links about Dr. Montgomery's scholarship:

NYPL Visiting Scholar Robert Montgomery

Baldwin Wallace University CV

Book: Late Tsarist and Early Soviet Nationality and Cultural Policy

Only 2 left on Amazon, in print, $440.00

As an aside, RantWoman has posted multiple times on Twitter about #NDEAM but here RantWoman will acknowledge both the importance of baseline accessibility, even of catalogs, and the linguistic chasms to be crossed with ione mixes screen readers with some kinds of scholarship. RantWoman has a blind graduate school colleague who has management experience just working with readers and research assistants. RantWoman just knows enough about software sometimes to suggest things to fiddle around with.

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

So many disabilities that impact people's lives and mostly don't impact ability to climb stairs.


RantWoman, why you gotta put this stuff all over your blog?

Because sometimes, little by little, someone does something right! Please cue THUNDEROUS applause and energy to toddle forward.

Because accessibility problems do not only happen AT Quarterly Meeting, because the SAME accessibility problems occur in LOTS of different situations, and because RantWoman has exactly ZERO F***s to give about a chorus of "I don' wanna" from far too many quarters.

Because RantWoman managed to channel Breme Brown and "The story I am telling myself is..." and read one line in an email as invitation to ADDITIONAL Meetings as well as the main event.

Because RantWoman, in the moment, passed up an occasion to blurt out something like "You don't have to tear down a VERY inaccessible house to be working on MANY other ways to improve accessibility. By inaccessible residence or inaccessible meeting place, or inaccessible to banish RantWoman to if RantWoman wants a wheelchair user to be the one sitting with her, RantWoman means, among other things, one cannot get into either the meeting space or the living area by either front or back door without being able to climb stairs. 

RantWoman wants to express DEEP appreciation for:

--Getting the Powerpoints to be screenshared in advance of an event.

Efforts, imperfectly realized, to address RantWoman's comments about steps that help support Zoom meeting accessibility for everyone involved.

RantWoman unquestionably has more to say about a certain discernment process, but many who participated in an initial session felt energized SO ONE THING AT A TIME. 

Monday, October 17, 2022

The whole point of being "woke" is so they don't catch you when you're sleeping.

RantWoman is pretty much not taking **** from anyone about what is or is not appropriate "Quaker" media consumption in the face of Russia's war on Ukraine. Military doctrine? Performance of weapons systems? Troops levels and unit cohesion? The geopolitics of who is helping which sides and how? You wanna hassle RantWoman? Get in line, and be prepared to be schooled.

(RantWoman is also APPALLED by some "peace at any price" voices. That is a different matter and that absolutley does not mean RantWoman supports continued carnage. But RantWoman digresses.)

RantWoman is also TRYING not to fly into pedantic rage every time mispronunciation of some key word occurs.

RantWoman thinks what is meant here is Tahjik, not TAYjik. But the word also is another indication that the short term mobilization is going badly: troops are being imported / dragooned / "recruited" from what some of the post-Soviet world calls the "near abroad." RantWoman is also not super up on Islam in Tadjikistan, except for the point that RantWoman assumes whatever Divine Presence people are venerating would prefer that people not kill each other over what is the proper form of veneration.

With that rantWoman will save #NDEAM meditations about wounded veterans and work after warfare for another post. Meanwhile, please enjoy this video 

Friday, October 14, 2022

Politics and #NDEAM with a splash of Quakers

It's late enough at night that RantWoman should not be overdoing things in her own words. Also RantWoman has already had one spectacular moment pointed #NDEAM commentary in email, seasoned with reality check in the form of "Is that REALLY what that person meant?" Yes, MAYBE but in the fullness of time.


Direct link to article referenced via Twitter and blog post below

Phila. Inquirer: Fetterman needs closed captioning So what

Note what the article says about Quakers

Also note what it says about women's right to vote, only because RantWoman can easily digress to a fit about all the western states where women had the right to vote long before the final ratification of the 19th amendment.

Fetterman related Tweets curated on the other blog

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Southern Ute Disability Awareness Day


So far, RantWoman, for a number of reasons has just been letting RantMom bring up topics from the news. RantWoman is unclear from family conversations and internet links how many white settler family connections there may be with the first peoples of SW Colorado.

RantWoman posts this calendar item without commentary about a number of accessibility issues with the image.

The calendar link this graphic comes from

Southern Ute Disability Awareness Day Oct 12 9-11 am
Graphic linked to calendar item.

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

"Work" on indigenous people's day.

For #NDEAM #NDEAM2022 RantWoman has one thing to say to all vocational rehab professionals who might look askance at RantWoman's meditations on chores and the home office, bleeping wildfire smoke because what does any of that have to do with finding a (paid) job. 

People need motivation to practice skills. Let people do what they are passionate about. And extra emphasis if the goal is self-employment anyway. All this is part of RantWoman's rationale for work adjacent activity that involves researching family connections to Indigenous Boarding Schools. These connections include one family member who worked as a janitor, another relative who did unspecified work at "the Ute Agency" and a family surname that probably considering small town realities is someone from the other side of the family. 

RantWoman WILL work in some expressions of profound gratitude for the combination of tech, tech skills, connectivity, and available content that makes this search a relatively easy late even mostly screen reader accessible excursion instead of an expedition taking days and many visits to a dusty library, probably with a sighted research assistant. 

Things RantWoman found with idiosyncratic RantWoman comments.

Library of Congress image of the Boys Dormitory at the Southern Ute Boarding School

striking for the amount of valuable information in the cataloguing data.

Thankfully Google wanted to use "Ignacio Indian School" when RantWoman mistyped Ignacio

Wikipedia has all kinds of interesting stuff but nothing specific about the Southern Ute Boarding School.

Colorado Indian Boarding Schools linked to Department of Interior Report

The latest edition of The Southern Ute Drum

wonderful colorful pictures, a few of which have captions, most of which just read in the screen reader as "unlabelled graphic." Luckily the text reads very nicely even though the layout moves all over the place.

This has to be enough for now.

Monday, October 10, 2022

Young Quaker Voices Application Season: Apply by October 30 for the 2023 Legislative session

One of RantWoman's favorite #NDEAM activities is connecting interested young people with some of her advocacy passions. This post is an invitation to apply for the Young Quaker Voices program!

Shamelessly reprinting the announcement from

This program of Quaker Voice brings young adults into contact with issues in the state legislature. It encourages their active engagement in the legislative process in ways that reflect Quaker values. The model for the program is the Advocacy Corps of the Friends Committee on National Legislation.

Quaker Voice recruits the Voices among young adults ages 16-30 and trains them on the legislative process. Each Voice joins a working group, develops background materials, and tracks legislation on an issue. Quaker Voice provides training for the participants, along with Quaker Voice citizen advocates, on the state legislative process and lobbying visits. The YQVs extend the capacity of the working groups to follow issues but they do not engage in lobbying as part of the program.

The application process for the 2023 legislative session is open now with a deadline of October 30. See this page for expectations and the application form.

You can watch the final reports of the Young Quaker Voices from the last two session here:  

2022 Presentation and discussion with the Young Quaker Voices — April 2022 Pacific Northwest Quarterly Meeting

2021 Presentation and discussion with young activists with Quaker Voice for Washington Public Policy, describing their work in the Washington legislative process. ~ Spring 2021 Pacific Northwest Quarterly Meeting


Shamelessly Recycling pithy comments from last year

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Tactical nukes, ways to stay out of the war, and the worst nuclea saber-rattling than TFG and Kim Jung Un


Sometimes RantWoman would like to pretend she has all the optimal tools and tech savvy to function in some or another workplace / career function without ever letting on all of her hassles. 

Some of the time at this point in life RantWoman realizes that she is not going to be able to do it all, hwatever "it" is, all by herself and that she is going to have to impress the world with paths to the future where maybe someone follows in her footsteps. 

And since RantWoman has acute oldest child complex, RantWoman figures that she owes it to future generations to keep pushing open doors, keep tending to circumstances that help others like her thrive.

Rather than meditate in more detail, RantWoman is going to practice being as cryptic as another blogger in her blog roll and shift to some piquant comments to accompany this video.

Random comments:

RantWoman's current video diet includes several different strands of information and disinformation, perspectives from several countries, and topics that might or might not make for fun and easy casual conversation.

How come all the people commenting from the US are white and more so white men? Are there no sources with strategic insights who are people of color?

Bless your heart, President Biden. Maybe RantWoman will find the link where President Biden is talking about nuclear threat. Somehow he forgets about TFG and Kim Jung Un attempting to commit diplomacy by Twitter. But yeah, ANXIETY

Everything that is old is new again. One of the generation markers of many conversations is "Where were you when...?" RantWoman's answer about the Cuban Missile Crisis is the same as for the JFK assassination: in diapers. The Cuban missile crisis comes with an extra dollop of Family Experience. RantWoman one time asked RantMom for her reflections about the Cuban Missile Crisis. RantMom said she wasn't really thinking about it because she was too busy giving birth to RantBrother. RantBrother what a coincidence will turn 60 this month. Eat rocks all you medical people who thought he might not live past his 20's. But RantWoman digresses or maybe not if the point is somehow Keep Things in Perspective.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Atonement Forgiveness and Anxiety Certification Course

#NDEAM #NDEAM2022 #DVAM2022 added for good measure because #PWD are at so much greater risk for many kinds of abuse.

By accident today's romp through #DEI, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion--and Accessibility falls on Yom Kippur. If today's offerings look like half-done homework, basically they are. Hold that problem in the Light.

RantWoman wishes her Jewish readers a belated meaningful fast.

RantWoman thanks Witness Wednesday for the following prayer and thoughts

Prayer for World Peace, shared from a rabbi at an interfaith conference

Divine Spirit, thank You for all creation. In the spirit of all teachers of peace who inspire the many faith traditions, help me, and all the people of the world, learn how to replace hate, war, oppression and division with love, peace, forgiveness, freedom and reconciliation. Help me to embody your Love in my relationships with my family and friends, strangers - even my enemies. I commit myself to these sacred tasks throughout my life.

Sounbytes that stuck with RantWoman from messages:

see less as struggle to struggle and more as achievement to achievement

from chat

From Suzanne Gregg to Everyone 02:34 PM

I notice the 4 major afflictive emotions mentioned have multiple minor undercurrents, such as greed, bigotry, disregard, and injustice etc, etc. Perhaps we begin by quieting our micro-aggressions. Which requires attention in the moment. And grace.

ask god to remove shortcomings

[Message that did not make it out of RantWoman's mouth but that comes from trolling a certain CO Congresswoman: Read all of the bible!]

Peace is very fluid. It never stays. But love can.

And because RantWoman needed to dig up some previously provided service dog material but not only,

Service Dogs Reprise

Forgiveness and / or


As for the Anxiety Certification course, RantWoman has been processing everything, even things not hers, that gets delivered to a mailbox she is in charge of. The phrase "Anxiety Certification Course" was in large enough letters for RantWoman to chuckle. Anxiety plentiful. Who is supposed to certify it? RantWoman assumes that chuckling is not necessarily the intended result of the flyer.

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Tuesday Tuuesday

This #NDEAM #NDEAM2022 brought to by

--Mention of Breme Brown to someone considering graduate work who interestingly took RantWoman's advice based on listening to her goals.

The conversation did not wander into RantWoman's experience every time she reads Breme Brown of wondering "and disability?" And disability as in people with a variety of disabilities working things out together.

Part way there, MAYBE, reference to a project called Daring sisters 

RantWoman promises to try to comb this tangle of references into some suggestions, RantWoman is likely to season the conversation with comments about "oops, ouch, whoa,: what about "Oh, Snap," and maybe references to how every single issue identified in Ibram Kendi's "How to be an Anti-racist" can also be framed in terms of disability. But tonight, the outline only.

Monday, October 3, 2022

Representation and Artifacts

RantWoman's #NDEAM points about this post:

The same software practices and accessibility tools are needed whether RantWoman is consuming this content for a work-related reason or as a full equal and of course cantankerous participant in a faith community. RantWoman has more to say along these lines but that is sufficient.

Now please appreciate the content!

In Light and Faithfulness.

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Happy (?) Suicide Prevention Month Oops Now it's the October Yucky Topics Festival

It's a new month and time for another exciting #NDEAM national Disabilities Employment Awareness Month Binge blog. Yes, the subject line mentions #SuicidePreventionMonth. RantWoman started this post in mid-September, but #SUicidePreventionMonth is another one of those observances that lasts all year and pops up in pastoral care moments such as "everyone I know who is queer or trans has considered suicide."

Before we go further

1.  Anyone who is feeling queasy about the suicide of a loved one, please know that there are people holding you in the Light. The rest of this post will be delivered in full RantWoman not know when to quit mode.

2. Anyone who is feeling suicidal or in crisis is encouraged to try calling the new 988 resource OR to grab a connection from any of the resources listed here. RantWoman would not in the least have minded being wrong about the fact that 988 is still way understaffed. Guess what. There is all labor shortage all over the behavioral health ecosystem.

The JASON Foundation resource list

Suicide Prevention Resource Center

3. RantWoman could just rerun a post from awhile ago. RantWoman did a search to see what she has said previously about suicide. The post mentioned below popped up with a comparatively large number of hits. Look, RantWoman is very glad to know her efforts are getting read. RantWoman is not necessarily the most approachable conversationalist and then there is the matter of the daily Yucky Topics Festival of modern life. The point: RantWoman would appreciate attempts at actual dialogue--even if RantWoman winds up wanting to duck the conversation.

Recycled Post: Electronic Hairballs--Email in times of crisis

4. RantWoman is aware that one should probably not joke about the line between suicidal and many occasions to want to mumble "it's a good thing I don't do firearms." Either way, RantWoman has lots of paths for self-care. Unfortunately, even with a good therapist, plenty of self-recognition / self-help videos on Youtube, assorted spiritual practices, and basics like to take a walk, sometimes one of them is giving up on sleeplessness and just tending to what hits the keyboard.


5. Expanding on a content warning because RantWoman's head was about to explode

RantWoman, why you gotta put all this all over your blog?

Because "Oops, ouch Whoa" doesn't quite do it around some "head about to explode" moments.

Because RantWoman is really bleeping tired of hearing either "I don wanna.." or "it won't do any good..." EVERY single time RantWoman asks anyone for a clearness committee. No one WANTS to need to deal with mid-life vision loss. Tough! Guess what! Of COURSE it won't do any good if no one tries!

Because RantWoman basically cares for everyone in the soap opera and keeps wanting to try the fogive / not forget how about we talk about how to DO BETTER NEXT TIME. Exquisitely piquant further detail available upon request.

PS. RantWoman has caved to a demand from Ambassador Thwack the Badly Behaved White Cane and Anger Management Consultant to include the following additional admonition.

If you ever, ever, ever are tempted to say around RantWoman "If I were blind I would commit suicide, please [ERROR: total failure of the Excessively Plain English to Quakerese filter ]{ALERT: filter restored } get a handle on your own ableism and do not assume that any one person's emotional pooper scooper will be operational. RantWoman will also do the best she can not deliberately to oppress you on account of sight-dependence.