Monday, October 10, 2011

October 10 Disabilities Awareness Item

Dear Friends,

One version of the Disabilities Awareness Harangue of the day, about the joys of life on the bus, got eaten by mysterious electronic gremlins. It’s not like I will be unable to reconstruct it, but other obligations are ahead of it in queue. Another version of the Harangue of the Day, about sports and assistive technology in the form of a mask to enable a legally blind kid to play baseball, is still seasoning. Still another about various annoying behaviors and ISSUES is simmering until the Irate Bitch to Quakerese filter goes somewhere vaguely productive. So here are more items about Famous Blind People:

First, former NY governor and Famous Legally Blind Person David Paterson, lately I think headed for a career as a sportscaster.

There is a "is it only blindness or....?" thread running through these items. Word.

Next, a bond trader. Bond trader is not really a career path that ever exactly crossed my mind, which in some respects makes this story even more interesting:

Next, former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, who technically is not “blind” but takes heat for the topic anyway:

Finally, if one is going to adhere to the principle of asking precisely for help and expecting that one will be offered the help one asks for instead of various digressions and opportunities to revisit the trainloads of annoyances arriving here is a problem where it MIGHT be reasonable to articulate some sort of request for help with reliable signals.

In the Light


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