Friday, May 24, 2024

Someone needs remedial flag display lessons from the Boy Scouts.

Please watch the whole video before wading into the rant below.

I LOVE the idea of the Justice Department opening investigations. Would they do it???? We can WISH Congress would intervene, but they are too busy sounding like 7th graders in the Oversight committee and trying to outlaw a bunch of things tied up in academic freedom, when they are not spinning like tops lying about #DonTheCon court cases, crowd sizes, economic and foreign policy. It sounds like Justice Alito and his neighbors are even less adept at dignified conversation than the House #GOP. Hard to imagine and if there's a Homeowners' Association, meetings might almost write their own comedy lines. Next, I think it's GROSS that any jurist would want to be associated in any way with the single biggest one day violent crime wave in the US since 9 / 11. Here, though, that view collides with my total reluctance to tell spouses how to manage their relationship. Maybe some of the Boy Scouts Justice Roberts mentors could offer all the justices tutorials on proper display of the flag. Clearly Justice Alito and his wife need a remedial course. The Appeal to Heaven flag, to me, honestly, looks like the average pine-scented car air freshener. I generally find such air fresheners obnoxious but somehow the image is helpful if one is trying to walk a line about respect for others' beliefs without endorsing every terrible idea that someone claims God has blessed. But the deeper Alito and #MAGA go down the rabbit hole of theocracy, the more firmly I want to jump up and down: we all enjoy freedom of religion AND the first amendment should also bring the expectation that the country MUST remain religiously diverse. So bye-bye theocracy and the civil authorities still have ample grounds to set limits. And one more thing on the religious diversity front: people from different faith traditions have different views of when life begins. Given Justice Alito's antediiluvian and theocratic reasoning in he Dobbs decision, I think he should just retire. He is out of touch even with many people of deep faith.

The YouTube post does not identify the author but references several news articles, FWIW

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