Saturday, May 25, 2024

A NEW gag order? In the FL DOCUMENTS case???

First, on the second anniversary of the mass murder at #Uvalde, sincere condolences to everyone close to Uvalde, Charleston, Marjory Stoneman Douglas, and all the other mass shootings not to mention police "shoot first and ask questions after" practices around unarmed civilians. These forms of gun violence get ZERO Congressional attention while #MAGA Congress creatures are losing their minds about armed people following usual practice while executing search warrants.

On WHAT planet does anyone thing people would leave their service weapons home just because a warrant is being executed at Mar a Lago instead of at, say, a meth lab?

Next, #DonSnoreLeone, #GrandpaSleepyhead, #DonTheCon has a RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT. He should STFU about ANYTHING to do with his cases and in particular about authorities DOING THEIR JOBS. I am not a lawyer, but if #DonTheCon lies endanger anyone in any jurisdiction, can he be charged with obstruction of justice or conspiracy to attack law enforcement? It's not like he needs new charges although new courts could be helpful. Otherwise, if he cannot aid in his own defense, is it time to order him to a secure facility for a very extended mental health evaluation?

Judge Cannon is already embarrassing herself so badly that who knows what to expect.

Also consider:

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