Thursday, May 30, 2024

I DISSENT: Alito. Flags. Independent-minded women?

Please enjoy the video and the RantWoman comment rant which follows

Actually, as a somewhat disloyal Princeton Alumna, I do not think there should be three graduates from any undergrad institution INCLUDING Princeton on the Supreme Court. Justice Alito has been on the court the longest, so by that criteria, I think it would be LOVELY if he were to retire.

As for the flags: Gee I dunno why any member of the public would QUESTION the capacity of a justice to be impartial if someone in their household is flying flags directly associated with an attempt to interrupt the peaceful transfer of power via the single biggest one day violent crime wave in the US since 9/11.

That said, just because the Dobbs opinion suggests that Justice Alito has antediluvian views about women's rights to bodily autonomy, that does not mean that he INTENDS to control women. Oh look. his wife has a mind of her own and we can leave women's bodily autonomy issues to ghouls in state legislators.

Finally, the pine tree flag to me looks just like those car air fresheners people hang from their rear view mirrors. HOWEVER, as a person of faith, I can live with supplications to the deity of one's choice even if I take vigorous exception to "God made me do it" as justification for violence and refuse to be forced to adopt someone else's faith.

In short, I DO question Justice Alito's ability to be impartial and I also believe in religious pluralism so I am not sure what to extract for all the commentators frothing at the mouth.

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