Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Kazoos. Please, someone, Kazoos!

 #GAAD, #GAAD2024

In the interest of preparing for a presentation on #GlobalAccessibilityAwarenessDay RantWoman has been taking a bit of a break from popping off about warzones, opining about student protests, and chronicling .various encounters with new technology and new transportation options.

The imperfect and still ripening fruits of RantWoman's labor

mean to add:

--Another Alt text item about a certain intersections.

--the links to the screen reader demos

--reflection on RantWoman work process.

All of that said, RantWoman is wading back into trials of what the Daily Show calls "America's Most Tremendously Wanted." RantWoman still does not regret not going to law school but is absolutely fascinated by all the legal commentators and the many soap opera rabbit holes to discover.


MSNBC on the Speaker and the VP wannabes and Sen. Tubby at the EX president's trial

I think it would be just fine for Judge Merchan to firmly chastise the defendant for the statements made on his behalf. Fine #DonTheCon $1000 for every person that repeats one of his lies, or even better $1000 per lie per person. Don't bother about jail. I know it's pocket change but just send a signal. MAYBE people will figure out they shouldn't be costing their "Friend $1K every time they open their mouths. A true friend can show up as a friend and make clear they don't endorse "oh good grief decisionmaking."

On another clip, Speaker Johnson gets an A+ in hyperbole for using the word "atrocity" about ordinary functioning of the US judicial system. Save the word atrocity for #Gaza.

I hope the judge's daughter doubles down and uses some of this idiocy in ads. Every time someone complains about the judge's daughter, people should come back HARD about all the #TrumpCrimeFamily grifts, all the billions Ivank and Jared raked in. Merrick Garland already has his hands full, but ordinary people are allowed to be outraged about nepobaby behavior.! And I still want a kazoo flash mob playing "Hail to the Thief" anytime someone gets near a microphone outside court..

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