Friday, May 10, 2024

On the U of WA encampment, negotiations with administrators, an overabundance of riot gear, the immediate crisis in #Gaza, and what must grow.

A video and a comment on the video

RantWoman has more to say but does not have bandwidth to say it constructively tonight. Stay tuned

Divestment is probably not an immediate time horizon decision. I also find it depressing and anti-democratic that college administrators and police seem to need to get out the riot gear, like it's spring and needs to be aired out or something.

October 7 was an outrage. Unfortunately, it isn't the first and is not likely to be the last. It's time for people of good will on all sides to break the cycles of death and dismantle what I have no problem calling apartheid. I can't argue with Jewish experiences. From my perspective, I do not see how it can be antisemitic to expect better of everyone.

The humanitarian situation in #Gaza right now is horrific and I gag every time some Israeli official is on camera congratulating themselves for their "humanitarian" measures turning Gaza to rubble. #Israel is both invading Rafah and attacking the UN and every form of humanitarian assistance. The US can and should #StopSendingArms NOW. Universities can and should create fora to talk about both immediate and long-term resolutions. And I am all for people's creative expression at events like commencement though from a hearts and minds perspective, I would lean toward gestures that honor the solemnity of such passages. I myself graduated from college on disciplinary probation because of an anti-apartheid protest. Many people carried black balloons and wore armbands at commencement, and it was several more years before apartheid collapsed.

I have no opinion about tent encampments on campuses. I have enough concerns about homeless people's tent encampments getting cleared.

This statement on Radical Discipleship speaks clearly and deeply to RantWoman's condition.

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