Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Take The Disability Committee Survey

RantWoman generally does the best she can to post information about surveys as cleanly as possible. Readers should assume RantWoman has LOTS more to say about this survey.

and Ministry Committee
Take the Disability Committee Survey! How accessible and welcoming are the spaces at
University Friends Meeting? Your Ad Hoc Disability Committee would like to know your feelings
about our virtual spaces, physical spaces, social spaces, and worship. Please fill out the survey
whether or not you identify yourself as disabled -- we are hoping for feedback from everyone!
At the end of the survey we share a few resources and some of our reflections about our
committee’s work. Thank you. Take the survey online:
https://tinyurl.com/UFMDisabilitySurvey For a paper copy of the survey, contact Nancy Helm
at 206-228-9140 or nancy.helm@outlook.com. To answer the survey by phone, call Patricia

Boiko: 206-227-6327.

Please take the survey. If none of the options listed for responses, speak to you, please leave a comment and RantWoman will be glad to follow up.

In Light and Faithfulness

Saturday, June 27, 2020

God, the Devil, and masks: U.S. Hits All-Time High in Coronavirus Cases

RantWoman highly recommends some comments mid-clip of the form "Could you possibly muddle the message any more, with reference first to God and then to the devil?

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Happy Fathers' Day

Happy Fathers Day World.

A treasure excavated from the Internet: 

RantDad's thesis "presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Music Education,
(Timeline note: RantDad was in graduate school for approximately the first 18 months of RantWoman's life. The RantFamily moved from Missoula MT to Gunnison CO in fall 1962; degree conferred in 1963)
Ten arrangements and transcriptions of music for small wind ensem.pdf University of Montana
ScholarWorks at University of Montana Graduate Student Theses, Dissertations, &

Professional Papers

Graduate School

Ten arrangements and transcriptions of music for small wind  ensembles for use in training instrumentalists in the music programs of the public schools
Forest Earl Cornwell The University of Montana
Follow this and additional works at:  U of MT ScholarWorks link
Let us know how access to this document benefits you: finding this treasure is a great way to remember my father on Father's Day.

Recommended Citation
Cornwell, Forest Earl, "Ten arrangements and transcriptions of music for small wind ensembles for use in
training instrumentalists in the music programs of the public schools" (1963).
Graduate Student Theses, Dissertations, & Professional Papers
. 9375.
RantDad thesis
This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate School at ScholarWorks at University of Montana. It has been accepted for inclusion in Graduate Student Theses, Dissertations, & Professional Papers by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks at University of Montana. For more information, please contact scholarworks@mso.umt.edu.
(Accessibility note: the front cover page is easily readable with a screen reader; the rest of the text is scanned image that will need an OCR option to be read by screen readers. RantWoman has OCR options but has not felt compelled to skim the entire document.)

Maybe it is sufficient to say there is a whole lot of the Grace of God in the unfolding of this story.

Happy Father's day, after Zoom moments of reflection on FLGBTQC  also lifting up:

Close friends RantWoman knows with various cares

A Friend who spoke in worship of, at age 9, losing his father to lung cancer and being motivated to write his congressman about banning tobacco advertising

3 pairs RantWoman knows of gay fathers raising children

A famous entertainer and his gay father who RantWoman knows from her academic life and the comments RantWoman has heard from both sides about the experience.

A couple pairs of honorary uncles

Saturday, June 20, 2020

From Sara B with a side of World Refugee Day

Recently, lots of comments and conversations have occurred about Sara Bridgesong. NO! RantWoman and Sarah Bridgesong are NOT the same person. Anyone who thinks they are is certainly invited to get in touch with RantWoman and ask. RantWoman receives incoming conversations by phone or email. Maybe though try to ease into the conversation and try to elicit a little socially lubricating chat from RantWoman, not just fill the space with yours… On the off chance that there might be a long-standing pattern or that Sarah could communicate independently and would be willing to try again despite past experience of exhaustion to reach out directly, offering contact info would not hurt.
Trees street a distant fugly telecomm box
From a Twitter request: your sexuality is
the seventh most recent photo...?
 Sarah Bridgesong is another of RantWoman’s literary personae, kind of like Sensible Auntie, Bad Auntie, Worse Auntie, and lately Horrible Judgmental Auntie ruthlessly holding in Light Irrepressible Nephew’s transition to adulthood and progress about successful interaction with traffic laws. Let us also not forget the Service Python and the flock of emotional support chickens.

Sara Bridgesong is also a technological persona who helps RantWoman test a whole bunch of things about different platforms, screen reader and browser issues. RantWoman will spare readers further details except for one comment: it is MUCH nicer when comments about screen readers invite and draw out others with vision issues than a lot of mockery from one Friend, about whom RantWoman may go off later.

RantWoman has hoped to better comb out tangles from these many conversations  and post something easily digestible, but that has not occurred. So RantWoman will just be doing short digests with suggestions for further conversations. RantWoman is also seeding the post with terms that MIGHT help find previous blog entries to explain some of what is on RantWoman’s mind. RantWoman just did a word count with still more words to add: RantWoman will be posting a link to this post in the chat for one online worship. RantWoman invites comments. RantWoman moderates comments so please indicate whether you want your comment posted for the  sake of public conversation.

Last week Sarah went to FLGBTQC worship. But RantWoman did not explain to the person making breakout groups that Sarah has to borrow RantWoman’s fingers because she only communicates in the chat.  So RantWoman got sent off to one breakout group and Sarah got sent to another. RantWoman noticed this and helped Sarah get to her assigned breakout group but did not explain anything to the breakout group. RantWoman apologizes for this because at the end when the breakout groups were going poof, RantWoman realized she needed to listen to the end of Sarah’s group but she was not able to say anything helpful before the breakout group ended.

RantWoman appreciates comments shared by one of the FLGBTQC group’s convenors  indicating that people noticed and are concerned about Sarah. RantWoman does not always immediately pick up things Sarah is concerned about so if anything occurred that might have upset Sarah besides the getting left alone without being able much to communicate, RantWoman  would be glad to listen. This kind of experience is not unusual for Sarah and she has a variety of ways to cope. RantWoman also does the best she can to keep such problems to a minimum but they happen more than RantWoman would prefer.

This week, Sarah has been reading over RantWoman’s shoulder in email and on Twitter. Sarah’s heart is full of one conversation about space and disability and who needs to be heard in a conversation and what makes for good conversation. That whole topic is TOO MUCH for this post and likely will get its own.  Sarah’s heart is also full of news that about 10 people across the country have lost an eye as a result of being shot in the face at protests by supposedly non-lethal rubber bullets. Oh, and then there is the intersection of braille transcription and prison labor. And Sarah and RantWoman are wrestling with ideas about bubbles and people who will not come visit their disabled relatives or think about how to do it safely outside with social distancing.

One week, Sarah went to Quaker Bible Study with Joe Snyder. Aside: the book of Mark offers fascinating opportunities to meditate about disability. RantWoman blesses others in the group for also going places RantWoman’s mind goes. Anyway, Sarah attended the group but was happy enough just letting RantWoman introduce her out loud. Alas, at least one Friend was not listening to what RantWoman said. RantWoman thanks others for helping cope with that problem.

Sarah also went to RantWoman’s worship group, but she just let RantWoman speak for her. One friend asked RantWoman about events in Seattle. RantWoma demurred. RantWoman has many opinions but suggested we see what came out of worship. What came out of worship was a whole line of thought about people who think they MUST know the identity of everyone they are in worship with! RantWoman finds this view SEVERELY metaphor-challenged!  RantWoman pointed out that she often comes to worship with both memories of people who have passed on and cares about very much alive people.  All of this is certainly in the space when RantWoman worships. RantWoman is pretty sure though, if some people cannot even handle RantWoman, they probably will also find it more than they can bear even to think about all of this.

Then Sarah expressed concern about whether the term “metaphor challenged” might be the least bit ableist. U,mmm what if the term is just better Quakerese than what first comes to mind for RantWoman. Sarah also reminded RantWoman of an ongoing social media thread about the president and all his manifestations of infirmity and the call to TRY to avoid ableist language while naming obvious truth.

Other than that, Sarah collected another NO and will be called to elder the source of the No, not only on Meeting terms but also on #PWD (person with a disability) in faith communities terms.

RantWoman and Sarah would very much like to get to some yes’es and RantWoman oddly sees some paths.

Sarah has not explained to RantWoman why she does not talk; RantWoman just knows she does not talk. Likewise, come on. RantWoman has, um crappy vision and a lot of the time Sarah is just peering over her shoulder. So, beyond the thought that everyone is beautiful, RantWoman has no capacity to opine about Sara and being camera-shy

RantWoman and Sarah argue all the time. For one thing, Sara is not unaware that her presence sometimes causes consternation. She would not mind trying to address that, but right now she relies on RantWoman’s fingers and RantWoman’s fingers are still stuck at #OFFS, and literally stuck as in “You thought ‘Idiot’ was a bad way to underestimate a room’s capacity for linguistic nuance. Wait until they have to unpack that acronym!”

Now RantWoman will go prepare for worship.

In Light and Faithfulness

RantWoman (and Sarah)

PS, just now from RantWoman’s email, 

in appreciation for #Juneteenth, #Coronapalooza, and World Refugee day:


A little less than seven years ago, I came to this country as a 17-year-old gay, blind, Syrian refugee  male, not speaking a word of English!
Six years later, I graduated from high school, worked for an international language school for two years as an International Admissions Representative, founded a nonprofit organization in San Francisco to provide housing to homeless youth influenced by my own personal experience with homelessness, And now, I work on Capitol Hill as a Research  Assistant.

In that spirit, let’s honour the Resilience and courage of more than 65 million people who have been forced to flee war, persecution and violence. But it’s also a moment to recognise those communities and people around the world who receive refugees and the internally displaced in their midst, offering them a safe place, and welcoming them in their schools, their workplaces and their societies.

Today we live in a world in which uncertainty often abounds; economic instability, political upheaval and violence close to home can make us want to shut our eyes or close our doors. But fear and exclusion will not lead us to a better place - they can only lead to barriers, alienation and despair. It’s time to change this trajectory. And for the better.

So on World Refugee Day, when we pause to contemplate the fate of the millions of people who cannot return to their homes tonight because of war or persecution – it’s also a moment to ask ourselves what each of us can do to overcome indifference or fear and embrace the idea of inclusion, to welcome refugees to our own communities, and to counter narratives that would seek to exclude and marginalize refugees and other uprooted people. Because, when we stand together #WithRefugees, we also stand for respect and diversity for all.


Monday, June 15, 2020

Pickles has Captions and some of his friends have glasses. Meeting For Worship Online

RantWoman has been being her usual RantWoman self. RantWoman will spare readers the details except that they involve lots of "try this, try that" with Zoom and other Zoom shepherding Quakers who have all offered to do various things for NPYM Virtual Annual Session.

RantWoman was trying to look up something about her own Interest Groups or Registration but she is delighted along the way to discover this video with Pickles. Take it away Pickles!

Oops. First, does anyone need captions? Sometimes people who watch videos can't hear very well or like to read print to help their brains listen better or want to learn English by reading words as well as hearing them. They might want to use captions, by clicking on the CC in the lower right of the YouTube window.

Shh. Some people will want to show videos during Zoom sessions. Two tricks about captions with Zoom: The person who wants to show videos can use the share screen option in Zoom. If they want to turn the captions on for the whole group, they can turn them on anytime during the screen share.

Sometimes people who do not rely on captions find them distracting. In that case, if only one person wants the captions and they have a link for the video they could watch the video on their own device and turn on the captions there.

RantWoman did not expect to see captions on this video but Voila, RantWoman clicked the CC and captions appeared. The type is kind of small, but RantWoman's ears work much better than her eyes and she will not herself worry about the captions. But sometimes RantWoman has friends who either need the captions or want to make captions on their videos. RantWoman started to write more here but then stopped. Look it up your own selves or ask and see who you find out is worshipping among us.

Shh. Zoom makes it possible for RantWoman to see that some of Pickles' friends also have glasses. Maybe RantWoman will write more sometime about noticing people who have glasses.

Zoom has made it possible previously to worship with Pickles the gorilla and with another stuffed furry thing who got introduced at close of worship. Since fantastical creatures were being introduced, RantWoman briefly introduced her service python, findable via the search bar on this blog. Many grownups laughed. now telling the story, RantWoman also remembers a story she read in a book about blind children in India. The children were out with a teacher in some kind of a field. Somehow a big scary snake appeared rearing up very tall, about to strike. The teacher had to lead the children away very carefully; RantWoman thinks the snake in the story was a cobra, not a python  RantWoman does not think Pickles needed to worry about the service python that day, but the cobra is why worship some days is different from others.. RantWoman also apologizes: she is not any better at remembering the names of stuffed furry things than she is at remembering people's names.

Oh, and one more thing: here is a cool video about grownups and Meeting for worship. RantWoman loves to pass along Quaker Speak videos partly because they are produced with captions by default.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

End of Survey?

RantWoman needs readers to hold the content of this post in the Light. There is MUCH more to say but holding in the Light the points here is enough to start.

Speaking of surveys

In the rest of RantWoman's life, RantWoman is going around telling everyone who is building COVID related datasets and either talking to humans or doing surveys to please include the six questions used in the American Community Survey about does the responded identify as a person with disability x. The point is to build some ability to analyze disability-related info into the datasets organically. RantWoman recognizes that merging data might sometimes create overwrite issues. Tough. Ask the questions. Collect the data.

Other than that, RantWoman is also monitoring followup with results of a survey called Flattening Inaccessibility related to people who are blind or visually impaired. RantWoman darn sure thinks many problems surfaced int that survey also apply to people with other disabilities.

RantWoman is telling readers here about these points in faithfulness to a single standard of RantWoman. RantWoman also admits to being severely charm-challenged about a survey coming together at HER meeting. One point: books on discernment tend in RantWoman's experience not to interact with the subject of surveys. Somehow, RantWoman would also throw in the concept of continuing revelation. Furthermore, RantWoman is trying to choose carefully among a whole basket of reasons her head might explode.

With that as an intro, a survey coming soon from the AdHoc Committee on Disability.

For Once RantWoman goes for Less is More

Arguably, RantWoman should just leave the following meditations well enough alone. When has RantWoman ever been known to leave well enough alone. A survey will shortly occur. RantWoman thinks the survey is a fine place to start. Never mind what is meant by start. The task is create opening and closing statements. Today RantWoman was called to work on the closing statement, in terms of spiritual life and lived experience. Thank you in advance for sharing the journey including side excursions to Planet RantWoman.

PS RantWoman knows perfectly well that RantWoman's "help" is not great committee process. RantWoman begs pardon for the Grab the Blind Person and Bless them moment and will refrain from even mentioning yet another opportunity to go off about silencing.

Here is what RantWoman the closing statement said:

Thank you for sharing your experience!

The Ad Hoc Committee on  Disability believes our community is stronger when people with different bodies and minds are able to be fully present and safe. We strive to create space so that our community can
grow and learn together, can speak openly of needs and discomforts, and can learn how better to live together. We hope this provides people who worship with us better access to University Friends Meeting’s physical spaces, social spaces, worship and spiritual life.The project will provide Meeting opportunities to learn about legal requirements and other important concepts related to accessibility, inclusion, allyship, spiritual accompaniment, disability justice and words describing the shared experience of spiritual journeys together.

If there are resources you find especially valuable, the Ad-hoc committee invites you to share them. We look forward to working together towards accessibility, disability justice and a stronger community.

[URK: RantWoman's substantial edits omit any reference to specific Quaker testimonies. And RantWoman is sharing the current editorial bramble bush out of her own sense of integrity. Ummm]

Please hold tenderly RantWoman's urge just to go off! Please also bear with the editorial markings mess

The part RantWoman suggests just eliminating [with comments in square brackets] Where things started, after RantWoman suggested moving the text from the beginning to the end of the survey.

Thank you for sharing your experience!

Read on for more about what disability means to our committee...

The basic work of the committee is access.
[Um, no, that is not how RantWoman remembers the minute creating the committee]

 The Ad Hoc Committee on Disability "Legally, the Americans with Disabilities Act applies.

[um,FINALLY! on one hand, after 15 years that RantWoman can remember, with almost NO mention that RantWoman can remember of any legal standards! On the other hand, this is WAY too simplistic. Understanding which laws apply to different situations needs to be part of the community's work.]  

believes our community is stronger when people with different bodies and minds are able to be fully present and safe. We strive to understand what needs you have, and what could be done to allow you more access to University Friends Meeting’s physical spaces, social spaces, worship and spiritual life.The project will provide Meeting opportunities to learn about legal requirements and other important concepts related to accessibility and inclusion.

[RantWoman appreciates that this earlier version of her wording made it this far. RantWoman also appreciates the updates]

This stuff will make RantWoman's eyes glaze over--and RantWoman has a pretty high tolerance for such writing. RantWoman also thinks it will severely turn off people who approach problems differently.

[RantWoman is VERY relieved: an even earlier draft included something about capitalism. RantWoman has multiple opinions about capitalism but tartly notes that some kinds of disabilities pose the same challenges for employers deeply steeped in capitalism as for employers wanting to abolish capitalism. RantWoman recognizes that this point, like all of the verbiage below is WAY too much for a dabble one's foot in survey.]

Look. RantWoman is not just about disability justice. RantWoman is about praying and worshipping together across difference. RantWoman is about spiritual accompaniment, allyship. RantWoman needs to start there and might or might not get to the verbiage below, for one thing if she has to spend too much time being gaslighted about lived experience.]

Eyes Glaze over save for next steps
But access isn’t the end of the conversation. Disability justice[12]
includes ending internalized, institutional, and systemic discrimination
against disabled people; upsetting all the interconnected systems of
oppression; and bringing disability analysis of bodies, minds, and
interdependence to all social justice work.[23] As a spiritual community
that intends to uphold “that of God in every one,” both accessibility and
disability justice resonate with our testimonies of integrity and equality.

Our society consistently devalues physical or mental deviance from
“normality.” The shame of failing to live up to social standards means that
talking about disability is somewhat taboo,[31] despite significantly
shaping our morality, our relationships, and our own conceptions of

There is incredible diversity within the disabled community, e.g.:
ADD/ADHD, addiction, anxiety, autism, bipolar, blindness, deafness,
dementia, depression, developmental and/or intellectual disabilities,
dyslexia, epilepsy, eating disorders, hearing loss, learning disabilities,
mobility impairments, personality disorders, PTSD, traumatic brain injury,
vision loss – not to mention physical or mental issues due to acute or
chronic illness, injury, or even pregnancy. Many (perhaps most!) in the UFM
community have one or more of these, though we probably don’t all consider
ourselves ‘disabled.’ This committee conceives of ‘disability’ broadly,
erring on the side of inclusion, though we affirm your right to identify
yourself however you wish.
End of eyes glaze over part

Looking forward to working together towards accessibility and disability

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Land and Other Acknowledgments

All Sacred

From beloved Friend Starshine of Great Falls, MT, picture and comments from a #BlackLivesMatter protest in Great Falls. Shared with permission and with heartfelt appreciation for the gift of Zoom making it possible for Starshine to participate in NPYM activities without long travel:

Montana is 99+% white but a dozen African Americans showed up at this rally and spoke individually about what it is like to live here. Their messages were beautiful especially the one on "Patience, they just need time to absorb what we are saying." Then in an amazing display of respect without a
minister or an official but just a speaker said we will now be silent which held our crowd of 100+ TOTALLY SILENT for 8" 46'. My buddy is a Native American and has received harsh words even this week, "I'm not going to serve an Indian" even tho the speaker had a black skin! Blessings...

Two people in masks holding signs: one darker skinned and taller,the other white and a little stooped
Protest Signs Say
All Lives Matter
All Sacred

Land Acknowledgment

RantWoman appreciates the practice common in the NW of acknowledging which native nations one's lives touch. RantWoman is around plenty of people who usually acknowledge unceded territory of the Duwamish and Coast Salish peoples. That is only one reason RantWoman sometimes instead acknowledges the peoples of the places her family came from, the Ute and the Dine and others from SW CO, the Crow, Dakota Sioux, Flathead, Blackfeet from MT and probably others members of the Rant Family have at least passed by frequently.

In that spirit, in the spirit of lifting up the voices of BIPOC themselves, two resources hard to find in any medium:

A Documentary called Idaho's Forgotten War. Use your search engines. In 1973, the Kootenai Nation of Northern ID briefly declared war on the US. There were no weapons involved beyond pens and time in officies and negotiations for tribal recognition. But the story is something different in the middle of #Pandemic

An item RantWoman hopes is available other ways than through the National Library of the blind and Physically Handicapped

BARD books containing keyword: custer

Displaying items 1 through 78 of 78


69 records will be displayed: 17 in the Title4 in the Author, 0 in the Subject, 48 in the Annotation, 0 in the Book Number, and 0 in the Narrator

In the Title (17 Audiobooks)

"Boots and saddles" :: or, Life in Dakota with General Custer DB10652

Custer, Elizabeth Bacon. Reading time: 9 hours, 57 minutes.
Read by Shirley Reynolds. National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Library of Congress

Thank you Oprah

RantMom now reports:

--reflecting on the sobering reality of having family documents relating to one's ancestors' history as slaves

--reflecting on how difficult it must be to live the Black experience every day.

--What it must be like to be parents needing to have "the talk" with their children.

RantWoman will now hold in Light and hope thoughts of these points translating into some everyday interactions. Shhh. No. Don't Shhhh. HOLD IN THE LIGHT.

One more aside: RantMom celebrates the fact that all three public high schools in Billings were able to hold full graduation ceremonies.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

From South Seattle Friends Uprooting Racism Committee

Excerpt from email sent by the South Seattle Friends Meeting Uprooting Racism Committee

We’re writing you so we can bear the weight of this historic and transformative moment together. Our community spirit holds us together even though we have been physically apart for months. We hope that this message finds you well and safe despite all the current challenges we face as acountry and world. We choose to meet these challenges together.

We are grieving and angry over the recent and ongoing violence against Black people in our country. The violent police response to peaceful protestors is disturbing. We encourage our SSFM community members to use this moment of increased exposure and awareness to heal deeply from scars of systemic racism and to take action as led. Here are some steps to consider:

1. *Learn. * We all exist within a racist system. As NPYM’s Uprooting Racism Minute acknowledges, this system “rewards white people with unearned advantages while often punishing people of color with pervasive disadvantages.” It's a life journey to understand and change our role in a
racist system. Here are some suggested books and resources, geared toward white people, to help guide us in that journey:


2. *Give.* If you have the financial resources, consider supporting Black
organizations on the front lines, addressing racism and supporting protestors. Some of the groups our Uprooting Racism committee members support are Movement for Black Lives, Social Justice Fund NW, Race Forward, NAACP, National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America, National Bail Out, Black Lives Matter, and Color of Change. This is a beginning list, not an exhaustive one.

3*. Act.* Do what you can to voice your mind, to each other, family and friends, or through protests or letters to elected officials. Consider supporting changes such as police demilitarization and defunding, as well
as other measures to protect lives and reduce systemic racism.

In closing, our thoughts are with each of you in this vibrant community as we face the challenges in this unprecedented time. Please reach out to us and one another in support and love as we find a path toward collective freedom together.

In solidarity, love, and for justice,

SSFM Uprooting Racism committee

*NPYM’s Approved Uprooting Racism Minute (2019)*

North Pacific Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends, an organization of unprogrammed Quaker meetings and worship groups in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana affirm our commitment to live the
intertwined testimonies of Integrity, Equality, and Community as we look to the transformative power of love to guide us in uprooting racism.

Friends recognize the detrimental impact of racism on all people and the injustice of substantial racial disparities. Under Divine guidance, we are led to dismantle the system of white supremacy which rewards white people with unearned advantages while often punishing people of color with
pervasive disadvantages. We seek a deepening awareness of how these privileges and barriers have manifested in each of our lives. We endeavor to use this awareness to act against racial injustice.

We acknowledge that white Friends have erected barriers to Friends of color and continue to perpetuate systemic racism in Quaker systems. We commit to examining Friends’ traditions and actions for barriers that exclude people of color and altering them accordingly. We seek guidance in how to remedy
continued injustices perpetuated by systemic racism and in the creation ofimproved alternatives. Important roles for white Friends include listening directly to and supporting Friends of color, educating other white Friends about racism, and holding each other accountable.

We commit individually and as meetings to take action that dismantles oppressive societal attitudes and institutions, creates equity, and constructs multiracial movements to solve the pressing problems of our times. We accept the challenge to co-create Beloved Community with equality of opportunity, respect, and spiritual and economic well-being for all people everywhere.

We will create a team of Friends who outreach to quarterly meetings, monthly meetings, and worship groups to assess what assistance they would like in uprooting racism, offer resources and/or provide experiential
workshops that allow for deep listening and work toward removing barriers.

Resources supporting these actions can be found at

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Amber Ruffin Shares a Lifetime of Traumatic Run-Ins with Police

Amber Ruffin is a writer for A Closer Look with Seth Myers. Part of what is depressing about the clips here is that they are so ordinary, so banal. RantWoman also finds it depressing that even calling BS on the problem in the moment is completely unsafe.!

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Oh Brother Let's Go Down O Brother

RantWoman, do you REALLY need the gophers?

Leave the gophers. They are an artifact. Leave them here. Be glad you don't have to shoot your own protein. Be glad your diet probably does not include gophers. Can you pray alongside the people who do subsist on gophers?

RantWoman, the imagery? The lyrics? Isn't there enough trouble roiling your spiritual waters without dredging up last weekend's hydroxycloroquin chatter?

(RantWoman, how the $&#* did you get from gophers to  presidential press conferences...?)

Tart note:weekend before last or so, the Orange Occupant of the White House was going on about how he was taking hydroxychloroquin prophylactically to ward off the #CoronaVirus. RantWoman was afflicted by a couple thoughts:

1. Sure, Sir, go ahead and poison yourself with unproven medical treatments if you really must. Just go ahead.

2. But if you insist on doing that, please get in line behind all the people who need steady supplies to treat conditions the drug is known to be therapeutic for!

3. And by the way, RantWoman hopes someone tells the Brazillians buying that drug both that its effectiveness is unproven and that your family has some kind of financial interest in the company that makes the drug.

4. And sure, while you are at it, go ahead and try to order churches around about re-opening. Sure, the ones who want to ignore guidelines, if some of the participants get sick and even die, well they will just get to heaven faster and how about we leave it between them and God to figure out whether that is a good thing.

5. Bless the Lord oh my soul. Let us rejoice and be glad that churches are cracking open the door to back to normal, the vast majority are NOT taking the President's advice.And may the Lord bless and keep...

Ahh, but, a few African Americans murdered by police later, the President's faith journey has now moved on. Try dumping pepper spray and flash bang grenades all over people nonviolently protesting murder by cop in order to clear out the park across from the White House. Do this so the President can walk across the street, stand in front of a church he has never been inside, hold up a Bible--upside down, and threaten to send the military after people exercising their first amendment rights to criticize the government.
Yes, Bless his heart.

RantWoman, this blog doesn't really have any tags for forgiveness or redemption. What up with that?

Umm, yeah, confession, sort of, but um, yeah...