Thursday, January 28, 2021

Today in People of Faith Speaking Up

Today in RantWoman's Screens

Webinar: Democracy and Faith under Siege: Responding to Christian Nationalism. 

The opening statement about the Baptist Joint Commission is, to RantWoman's ear, very Baptist. Extra credit: How is it similar to or different from "Quaker Values?"

Related Resources

Baptist Joint Commission on Religious Liberty

Christians Against Christian Nationalism



Small accessibility whines: transcript? Are anyone's Twitter handles listed in one of the webpages?

FCNL Witness Wednesday Silent Reflection

Quote for Reflection

"Can we stay this fading? No, nor should we try, for we must learn the disciplines of His will, and pass beyond this first lesson of His Grace. But the Eternal Inward Light does not die when ecstasy dies, nor exist only intermittently, with the flickering of our psychic states. Continuously renewed immediacy, not receding memory of the Divine Touch, lies at the base of religious living. Let us explore together the secret of a deeper devotion, a more subterranean sanctuary of the soul, where the Light Within never fades, but burns, a perpetual Flame, where the wells of living water of divine revelation rise up continuously, day by day and hour by hour, steady and transfiguring." --Thomas Kelly on Inward Light, from a Testament of Devotion, p. 31

Brief comment after a message: Welp, it ain't exactly complete and total spiritual transformation and world peace, but it's a Really Good Thing Russia and the New US Administration are both willing to agree to an automatic 5-year extension of the START treaty.

God on TikTok?

RantWoman does not go looking for squabbles among KellyAnne Conway @KellyAnnePolls, George Conway, and their now 16-year-old daughter. These squabbles make RantWoman glad she had only the RantParents to deal with. 

Today's squabbles involved verbal abuse in religious terms, plenty of reality TV style videos and another even more outrageous one. When these squabbles show up in RantWoman's social media streams, RantWoman has to do the social media equivalent of saying a pray on the highway when one passes a bad traffic disaster: just pray!

In the realm of what to pray for, RantWoman would not mind a little less emotional wreckage splattered all over the internet. RantWoman would love to see instead regular social media posts of the form "(Member(s) of the Conway family are clients of our mental health practice. They have authorized us to say they had one of their regular visits today." Another appealing vision: social media posts of the form "Thank you so much for speaking up Claudia. You helped me get my family into..."

Friends of Truth: "Constitutionally Protected ..." or "Participation in an Attempted Coup."

The most cogent article RantWoman has seen about Seattle Police officers, events in Washington DC on January 6, and related workplace issues.

 South Seattle Emerald about SPD officers at January 6 events

And closing out with Garth Brooks

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Who said the criminal justice system is fair.

 RantWoman, WHY do you need to go off about this story? And WHY do you need to do it now while you are also aiming to sound sane and centered about climate change, cap and trade, the transportation budget, and measures to cut back on pollution in the places it historically gets concentrated?

Furthermore, just because the story is punching about 17 of your hot buttons, why do you think other people will necessarily be able to identify all the hot buttons that might be getting pushed? 

And how many conversations about responsible organizational behavior need you to filter the hot buttons to make constructive contributions???

The story linked below came up on RantWoman's smart blind people Zoom call. Discussion on the call was minimal or had mostly happened before RantWoman joined the call. Also, RantWoman is a grownup. She did not HAVE to look. But it's the 20th anniversary month of one of RantWoman's great moments in coffee hour pastoral care. And RantWoman needs either distraction or reaffirmation, she is not sure which. There are a couple deeply disturbing moments in the article. Some readers will probably get enough out of what comes up for RantWoman without reading the article if that seems prudent.

OK rapist avoids prison due to legal blindness

The case involved a legally blind cook at a church camp, a 13-yearold girl.. The perpetrator was sentenced to two years of home monitoring and treatment and he was required to register as a registered sex offender. The perpetrator did not get sent to prison because of his blindness.

RantWoman wants to know:

--On the church camp side, does the church camp screen all employees? Since the incident described here is nominally the perpetrator's first offense. would screening matter?

--Do children who come to camp get information about resisting unwanted sexual demands?

--Did the church camp get sued and if so, the outcome.

For the child:

--Does the child also have any kind of disability or other personal factor that makes them more vulnerable to sexual assault? 

As to the legally blind rapist:

--Is this his only offense or the only one he has been caught for?

--Does his lawyer know how to make sure his client gets any training materials in a format accessible for him?

RantWoman would be interested to know a whole bunch of other  things about this case but is probably not even going to try to chase down everything she is curious about.

And how is your #pandemic going?

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Amanda Gorman recites stunning poem at Biden inauguration

Inauguration Day One more time

The White Forgiveness Countdown Clock | The Amber Ruffin Show

Hail to the Chief Sendoff | Parody | Don Caron

RantWoman has been putting herself through the spiritual exercise of composing a Thank You for Your Service offering in appreciation of the now thankfully former occupant of the White House, lately decamped to locations well away from the White House. RantWoman will let this offering from the YouTube suffice for now.

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Quaker Witness: LISTEN to RantWoman


Wearing too many hats? Glare out. Brain Cells in. Take your pick
Hats, cat
Because this post
needed a visual

As readers might guess, RantWoman would find it frightenly easy to go all Dial-a-Tirade on many topics. 

Today though, RantWoman is going to stick to two items which behind the scenes make RantWoman feel listened to and involve Dealing With many things to do with midlife Vision loss.

RantWoman sincerely hopes these items are sufficient, along with ardent prayer to sustain hope at least through the upcoming inauguration and also beyond.

The American Council of the Blind Statement on Events of January 6 

(Succinctly: RantWoman was part of a focus group. This statement incorporates many elements mentioned in the focus group; probably RantWoman was not the only person saying them.)

Reminder: Young Quaker Voices Apply before January 20

1. YES, a statewide Quaker Lobby! Yes, people younger than RantWoman! Yes to there being money for this. Yes to evolution since RantWoman stopped being Recording Clerk.

2. Yes to taking minutes, learning what screen readers will and won't do and landing a role outside Quakers that ...

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Концерт группы ДДТ с симфоническим оркестром в Эрмитаже (август 2006)

RantWoman, What is the 2006 DDT performance with the Hermitage State Symphony doing here? How many layers of free association are readers going to have to plow through to figure out what if anything this has to do with Quakers?

DDT is a rock band that has been around since at least the late 1980's. Some of their songs are satirical streams of dissent. For instance, one of the songs here is called "I went drinking with a general from the FSB." Some are about other themes: love, the weather, life in Russia. They are not nearly as outrageous as either TaTu or Pussy Riot, other bands briefly mentioned somewhere in this blog, RantWoman has not gone looking on their own site to see why people are remastering and posting old shows on Youtube. RantWoman is simply going to meander around some topics that need more attention than this short intro.

This concert takes place on the grounds of the Hermitage,, formerly the Winter Palace. RantWoman has never immersed herself deeply in minute geographical details of the Russian revolutions, but RantWoman is pretty sure there were some days where the plaza where the concert takes place was a lot bloodier than this symphony performance. Please bear with RantWoman's whirlwind tour through the history of the Russian empire, the revolution, the Soviet period(s), the cold war, the times when some voices thought if we all sit around talking about what's in our purses the world will get more peaceful. Then came the Gorbachev era...Putin. One time RantWoman naively asked Ferrener Husband about a gap in his work history. He just said "the country fell apart. And in came lots of advisors from Harvard, some efforts to "help" develop civil society, and other topics RantWoman will froth at the keyboard about in other contexts.

Anyway, there's all of that but here is a nice symphony concert while RantWoman muddles around other threads on her mind.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Woodbrooke Event: Eucharistic Bodies. Quaker Disabled Theology in Secular Times

 Eucharistic Bodies: Quaker Disabled Theology in Secular Times

February 2, 2021 7:00-8:30 pm London Time.

Look. Just click on the link. More design nuance than that is beyond RantWoman's Light The event is pay as led. The signup explicitly invites people to make access needs known. 

Monday, January 11, 2021

Tonight in Unsung Heroines

 RantWoman needs to take a break from heartbreak and outrage related to a bunch of #Trumpanzees treating the US Capitol as if it were Fallujah or somewhere to celebrate unsung women.

Go Flight Attendants

The Twitter hashtag #NoFlyList contains lots of videos of people getting kicked off airline flights for various stupid behaviors. Most satisfying though: the largest flight attendants' union in the US, probably a majority of whose members are women, told their employers to put anyone involved in the Capitol insurrection on the No Fly List or the flight attendants would not work on the planes. It's on Twitter so it has to be true, right? RantWoman thought she saved a link to a New Yorker article but RantWoman assumes readers who want to know more can use their own dang search engines. 

RantWoman also imagines for better or worse that between digitized databases of state ID / driver's licenses databases, overabundant social media posts, and facial recognition software, there is a decent chance it is possible not only to put the people who invaded the Capitol on no-fly lists, but also to arrest and charge every single one of them with every charge that can be proved in the individual case, fine them heavily, put them on very strict home monitoring they have to pay for themselves, and severely restrict their internet access. For an extra fillip of crime solving, maybe all the generous deposits of human waste can be DNA tested and images matched into electronic perp walks!

And in COVID-related righteous fury

Rep Jayapal tests positive after superspreader siege

Now let's remember Elizeabeth Smith Friedman

A friend alerted RantWoman to a broadcast from the PBS American Experience series called The Codebreaker: Wife, Mother Secret American Hero."

The Codebreaker web page

Elezabeth Smith Friedman Wikipedia page

This is a wonderful story of love, mathematics, Shakespeare, multiple strands of heroism. 300+ years after Margaret Fell began preaching one would hope a woman who made huge contributions to modern codebreaking would not have had to put up with the professional SHIT Friedman put up with.

And why is this post in RantWoman's Quaker blog instead of her other one: Elizebeth Smith (Friedman) was raised Quaker in Indiana. RantWoman will watch the full video another time to see what if any role that played in the power of her life, but it's a very cool fact.

Quaker Voice on WA Public Policy announces Young Quaker Voices Program


New Program for Young People
Young Quaker Voices
  • Learn about the legislative process
  • Work on issues important to Quakers
    • Criminal Justice
    • Environmental Stewardship
    • Economic Justice
  • Earn a small stipend
 The Young Quaker Voices program will bring young adults into contact with issues in the state legislature and encourage their active engagement in the legislative process in ways that reflect Quaker values. Young adults aged 16-30 are eligible for the program. They will be trained by Quaker Voice on the legislative process and participate in a QV working group, developing background materials and tracking legislation on an issue within the Quaker Voice scope. All work will be done remotely. Time commitment will be about 25-30 hours over the legislative session.

To apply for the Young Quaker Voices program:
  • Contact us at and request an application and further information on the program
  • Applications are due by January 20, 2021
  • The program begins on February 8, 2021
Download, print, and share the flyer for this announcement 
here. (PDF format)
Bringing the Quaker voice, guided by testimonies and spiritual devotion, to the formation of public policy in Washington state. 

View/download the Quaker Voice on Washington-Public Policy brochure. (PDF format)

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Accept? Accept with Gratitude?

RantWoman begs readers' indulgence in advance. RantWoman has torn herself away from #insurrection twitter. RantWoman is trying to calm the regular pandemic mental rattles. RantWoman is trying to manage the outrage and grief of the January 6 insurrection at the White House. Sundry other seasonal cyclical concerns are rattling  through RantWoman's brain. And RantWoman is sitting with a conversation about Business Meeting's reactions to the AdHoc Disabilities committee report.  

To wit, one Friend, in fact the Recording Clerk, among other hats pointed out that in recent months Business Meeting has accepted several reports with gratitude. So the question became should it be recorded that the report was accepted or accepted with gratitude.

Gorgeous red Amaryllis, green foliage, a window
An amaryllis
because everyone needs
more hope and joy

Ding, ding, ding. RantWoman could kiss the Friend out of gratitude for even raising the question. RantWoman, RantWoman is a Show your work recording clerk who, if the question had come from anyone other than the recording clerk, would certainly have recorded the question. Since the present norm is to proclaim loudly how much everyone is concerned about disability but not to show minutes to a person who keeps raising issues of disability, RantWoman is not sure what was decided in the first place. 

In the second place, when RantWoman is recording clerk / notetaker, she often has trouble recording her own contributions to conversation. So RantWoman will be faithful to her light about where the question leads her.

Did the Friend mean she is not grateful for the report? 

Did the Friend mean she is grateful for the work but she is wondering what the next steps should be? 

 RantWoman could go on making up positive or negative interpretations of the question, but instead RantWoman is going to grab it as an opening to talk about a previous round of the Oversight / Oops Well / now Care and Counsel committee writing a report about disability. RantWoman thinks she has said before that she is grateful one member of the committee now realizes how incomplete the previous effort was. RantWoman's point here: RantWoman is pretty sure that report was accepted with gratitude and everyone but RantWoman went clap clap clap and did not think about next steps. 

RantWoman has heard a "that's just not fair" complaint from someone involved in that work. RantWoman is aware that there were some disability related matters handled confidentially, but RantWoman is also clearer and clearer about ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT!

Back to the most recent Meeting For Business. One informant's interpretation of the proceedings was that recommendations in the report were approved. Did no one ask any questions? RantWoman emphatically would prefer to adjust the wording of one recommendation and is trying not to say the words "ableist BS" about no one thinking to include RantWoman in drafting the report or to ask RantWoman about recommendations. RantWoman is also vexed: the need ALWAYS to talk about access needs and new software does not appear to have taken root in one Friend's head despite now multiple encounters with the topic. 

For instance a question about Zoom was added to the survey after RantWoman last saw it, but the person who added the question did not think to include anything about software accessibility issues and Zoom. For one example: there is currently only one video conferencing / screen reader combination on the planet where the contents of screen share is accessible to screen reader users. RantWoman is familiar with the phrase "use alternative methods." RantWoman is also familiar with several different measures that help people with hearing issues. The recommendations contained in the disabilities committee report say nothing about any of these topics even though RantWoman now has considerable experience talking about them in several different contexts.

RantWoman is also peeved because part of the work on the survey so far also included a proposed list of projects the Ad-Hoc Disabilities committee might work on. RantWoman has so far seen NO mention of this list in Meeting for Business and addressing that point would seem like a logical next step to RantWoman.. 

RantWoman is also peeved because she had hoped that each committee might be invited to consider the survey results and how they might apply to that committee's work. RantWoman is clear that she would be glad to assist each committee one committee at a time with particular measures to work out access needs for each conversation. RantWoman is also clear that these conversations need to include vocabulary RantWoman keeps trying to insert into the discussion and that keep getting written out of steps so far. Think of the vocabulary lessons as an unsolicited donation of technical assistance.

Doing the same thing over and over is a recipe for insanity: on one hand, RantWoman can still find plenty to gripe about in terms of key figures being impossible to reach by phone, people contacting RantWoman on a Saturday midafternoon before business meeting. On the other hand, this post is RantWoman doing exactly that, trying to get important lines of thought into the conversation but at the last possible second. Guess what, if people think they don't have to talk to RantWoman anyway and RantWoman is clear about several layers of leading, perhaps Friends can do the best they can with what's here.

in Light and Faithfulness.


What are our values? The next round of property discernment

 RantWoman is again called to be faithful to her Light.

1. RantWoman why do you gotta write about this stuff all over your blog? RantWoman appreciates the Friend willing to have a conversation about the entire topic, but RantWoman needs more of a sense of shared discernment than any friend carrying the whole load. RantWoman has long experience with this Friend defining problems more narrowly than RantWoman can work with and RantWoman is really seeking paths to conversations with others. The basic conversation that sparked this reflection was something like "first we have to agree what our values are." RantWoman begs to differ. values are important and some degree of shared outlook also matters, but RantWoman would spend at least as much time thinking about work process for next steps as in detail wordsmithing of a values statement. 

There are going to be some circumstances the Meeting has no control over but where watchful observance which some Friends may be led to do anyway can add important value. And to RantWoman seeking the will of  God means being on the lookout for and open to possibilities not initially considered. Plus RantWoman just believes in the community building value of shared work, hopefully accompanied by FUN. To state RantWoman's own view, RantWoman values realism about many circumstances, financially sound decisionmaking, accumulation of information over time, openness about possibilities, engagement with the community around UFM, community building in the work. so the question is how to have a good conversation about values and what does accessibility mean in this discussion?

2. Okay, now the actual topic of this post. RantWoman is VERY glad to hear that UFM is again picking up the work of discernment related to property issues. Between COVID related economic upheavals and the fact that the Brooklyn Avenue Light Rail Station near Meeting is set to open in less than a year, RantWoman expects there is much to discern about. (RantWoman believes there is a link somewhere on this blog to a Google drive about previous efforts but RantWoman is not going to try to locate it tonight.) 

--What review of previous efforts would help restart community conversation.

--What are basic economic bottom lines  or what path would be helpful in understanding choices and scenarios?

--What might be different economic or activity profile scenarios related to different options

--What changes can Friends expect in flows of different travel modes, bus / train, bike, pedestrian, automobile around Meeting and what steps can Friends take to think more about this?

3. What worked well or did not work well in the previous round of committee work? RantWoman is perfectly well aware that there are some voices who are going to say "Well, RantWoman if you would just shut up and trust us everything would have been so much better. RantWoman can definitely take responsibility for communicating badly and could probably now go Oh OWWW about a number of old emails. All RantWoman can do now is acknowledge the Owws and try to do better next time. RantWoman is stuck on a further point: when work is assigned to a committee, it is still entirely reasonable to expect questions in Meeting for Business.

RantWoman thinks that Meeting has been grappling with the potential impacts of Light Rail since the early 2000's when an initial system map put a Light Rail off ramp right through UFM property. The scenario associated with that offramp proved unfeasible for many reasons but other aging building fluctuations in community energy issues continue to flow around the entire topic. Plus RantWoman has acquired a good bit of experience geeking out about different travel modes, the build environment, and continuous travel networks for the different modes.  RantWoman would have started the discernment process from a different place than it started but the initial series of discussions was very fruitful and interesting. RantWoman was disappointed and frustrated that after the initial work, everyone felt tired and did not want to continue. RantWoman wonders whether going forward Friends can anticipate both some ups and downs and some schedule or timeline points that may require timely action of different kinds. 

RantWoman also would aim to have a bigger committee but that would mean eldering multiple previous committee members about already being overloaded and maybe trying to wear too many hats at once. That of course would not instantly make for convivial relations among people RantWoman might be called to elder, but RantWoman can live with that possibility even if it is not preferable.

    RantWoman feels somewhat ignored about some suggestions she made early in the process. RantWoman expressed concern about one Friend trying to clerk three committees at once. The friend is very bright capable and motivated, but that would be a stretch for anyone. RantWoman also thought it would make sense just to have some small subcommittees working on some pieces of discernment and monitoring of ongoing developments. RantWoman is clear that there are some practical things like proposed changes in bus routes or pedestrian safety enhancements that just need monitoring with reports from time to time of anything that seems significant. RanttWoman knows of at least one other Friend with similar thoughts because RantWoman sees that Friend at some of the same meetings she goes to. One of RantWoman's community-building values is to draw on the gifts and leadings of individual Friends.

Here is one example of such monitoring, about a bus route that passes very near Meeting. 

The Latest on the RapidRide J Line

4. RantWoman almost did a face-plant recently during a phone conversation: "It's GOOD that we are putting work on disability on pause because we promise to take it up as we work on property issues." Really? Are disability accommodations, accessibility, disability justice, the practicalities of reasonable accommodations only all about physical accessibility? Maybe RantWoman was misunderstanding the comment and if this Friend is led elsewhere maybe what she meant is less important than people doing the work figuring out what accessibility means to them.

RantWoman appreciates much work the Friend who made the comment has invested in the report of the committee on disability. RantWoman is disappointed that interacting with some in the community about the topic has caused this Friend to run away screaming, though RantWoman sincerely wishes her well. In any case, RantWoman outlined some different aspects of accessibility that might apply for this committee. RantWoman forgot about accessible documents, a dimension the previous committee handled decently. RantWoman, for her part, has a continuing dialogue mainly with herself about every form of graphical images she encounters, plans, maps, charts about how much to fuss about not being able to see and what information to try to acquire some other way. That is not a problem RantWoman would expect any committee to solve definitively but it is a factor in how RantWoman interacts with such information.

RantWoman in language nerd mode notes that there are bunch of concepts in this paragraph that are not addressed at all in the Disabilities committee report even though they are very much about disability. RantWoman notes that point and will come back to it in another post.

5. RantWoman remembers recommending a change in the original property discernment committee charter. Now when RantWoman reviews the before and after versions of the charter, she can see how the importance of small changes in one paragraph might not seem consequential to some readers. All RantWoman can say: recently she was at a Meeting for Business for another meeting. The Business Meeting was seasoning a minute and two people in the Meeting had very strong and different views about a key point. The first month, the clerk recognized there was not unity and the two people with the most divergent views volunteered together to refine the draft before the next meeting. RantWoman thinks it is too early in the property discernment process to see whether RantWoman's suggestions will make a difference in the process of the committee but RantWoman is grateful they were included in the final version.

Property Discernment Committee Charter

RantWoman invites readers to consider these comments, rambling and not quite as tight as might be preferable to be a contribution of technical assistance about matters important to at least some people with disabilities and is happy to assist in further discernment related to the UFM property.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

More nights Meeting for Suffering: Healing the Nation

First the call perhaps you came for

A red amaryllis next to a window
An amaryllis of hope

Meeting For Suffering will continue Friday January 8, Saturday January 9, and Monday January 11

6 pm PST, 7 PM MST, etc.

On the eve of the Georgia Election on January 5, 2021, Davis Friends Meeting (with the support of Atlanta Friends Meeting) hosted 80 Friends from across the U.S. in a “meeting for sufferings,” a special meeting for worship focused on a particular concern. In this case, the focus of concern was for democratic processes to proceed in good order on January 5, 2021.

In light of insurrectionist actions in Washington, DC, yesterday, (January 6) Davis Friends Meeting invites Friends Everywhere to join another meeting for sufferings tonight – again with a focus on the health and survival of U.S. democracy.

Link to Join the meeting     

Thoughts that stuck with RantWoman from tonight's worship

“Live Oak Friends Meeting joins with people of good will everywhere in affirming the way of love.  We denounce the normalization of hate and violence in society and within ourselves.  We commit to working with others to build trust in our wider community.”

"Violence is what happens when we do not know what to do with our suffering”, Parker Palmer. I am struggling with recognizing what suffering, other than fear, many Americans are dealing with as they riot." 

College Park Quarterly Meeting.  January 16.  Theme: Reweaving the Ties that Bind.  There will be queries and conversations about how we might heal and communicate across divides.  More info at  CollegePark Quarterly Meeting

 A Friend John Wilmerding organized a  Facebook page for white Quakers who want to address their racism, here is the link.

See also:   A Friend shared with me  Barnstable Friends Meeting Racists in Recovery Anonymous 2007  Tutoring and virtual workshops available on creating a more justice world and on race matters, equity and responsibilities  (leave a comment and RantWoman will provide the contact info.

FGC Friends of Color 2020 Epistle

What RantWoman was muddling around

--all the chatter about disparity of treatment for different causes and racial identities.

--RantWoman was arrested once in the capitol--for praying in the rotunda with a bunch of other people from Sojourners. RantWoman is trying to consider what would be appropriate proportional punishment for yesterday's crowd.  RantWoman went all very Bad Friend in an email, but Friends are invited to consider their own take on this question. 

--RantWoman appreciates a woman on the radio tonight who voted for T twice but said yesterday was just too far!

--Defund the police, all the different police agencies in DC, the importance of several networks, of the Capitol Hill Police working with MPD and MPD being able to call on mutual aid from local jurisdictions. RantWoman is feeling contrarian about Twitter voices reading police complicity with rioters out of the two sides taking selfies together. What if all the selfies wind up helping identify rioters?  The US is probably not going to be able to police our way out of millions of Trumpling malcontents any more than we can police our way out of all the pernicious effects of white supremacy.

--What an interesting circumstance it was to have both the sitting VP and the VP elect at the capitol with their security details who have sworn oaths to uphold the constitution

--The election protests in Khabarovsk, Minsk, Hong Kong

Waging Nonviolence article on Belarus

There was no way anything cogent was going to make it out of RantWoman's mouth about any or all of that but for now RantWoman is grateful just for the meeting to hold the space. RantWoman is still sitting with...

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Georgia, Georgia, Georgia on my mind

 Who organized this?

No idea?

RantWoman to say the least was not the gentlest recipient of an invitation to open Zoom worship about today's Georgia run off elections. RantWoman is very glad she went. People listed locations from all over the US in their Zoom names.The worship, though scheduled for only half an hour was very centered.

RantWoman does not remember one message.

RantWoman heeded a call to deliver what she has been sitting with.

--If you were going to write a "thank you for your service" note to the outgoing White House occupant, what would you say?

--What is your response when emails continue to arrive with subject lines like "Mitch McConnell Explodes"?

    --What a blessing! Spontaneous Human combustion might be just the perfect divine intervention!

   --Oh, Lord, Please deliver me from inappropriate prayers.

Then came a message of deep gratitude from a Friend in Atlanta for the presence of so many Friends from different places.

Rantwoman is moved by:

--A tweet from a Friend who lives in Atlanta: "Stop sending us postcards. We can only vote once."

--Someone who recently moved from Seattle to Savannah and his impressions of people's opennes, not at all the views he was expecting. 

--An organization RantWoman does not even remember the name of working in North Georgia in non-partisan issue oriented terms and the inspiration of a blind guy in one of RantWoman's Zoom circles to generate personalized letters in connection with today's runoff. 

May everyone learn from today of the importance of reaching out to ALL the voters.

In Light and Faithfulness.


Sunday, January 3, 2021

Disability Justice Take 2

It may not be obvious but there is invitation to further dialogue and many avenues to dialog along. Only one of the questions being seasoned: what would be good venues for further dialog? What else needs to happen to take good care in a space for conversation. Hint: this blog post contains several examples of points to support full inclusion of people with different disabilities participating in life. 

 RantWoman, MUST YOU argue with every the newsletter?

So far, apparently yes. RantWoman will heed the call to deliver and will as much as possible let go of... Wait. WHAT are we talking about. RantWoman is secretly into world domination and if it were possible to make a South Park Crip Fights episode...


Okay, Okay. Here is a link to the "Thank you for attending" email to RantWoman about the event described below. As We are: Disability Justice and Community Care Full recording of the event is pending. RantWoman is grateful for the note that hundreds of people attended remotely and that the email jogged her memory about the parts she found memorable.

But first, the newsletter article as snarfed and crudely reformatted. 

An Encounter with Disability Justice

Mackenzie Barton-Rowledge

At the Disability Justice and Community Care Conference last month, one of the featured speakers was Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha. They are an incredible local writer and a disabled disability advocate.

 Leah spoke about disability justice, but to me the most powerful part of the presentation was how she did it. There was ASL translation and live captioning the whole time. Leah began by describing themself and their surroundings so that anyone with low vision could picture her. While speaking, she kept an eye on the chat, pausing regularly to make adjustments mid-presentation when people made access requests. The interruptions were not treated as if they were taking away from the presentation—quite the opposite. Part way through, Leah moved to their bed and continued presenting while propped up on pillows.

It was really amazing to be a part of such a welcoming space, where each person’s bodymind was allowed to be however it was being at that moment, and there was no shame in asking for what we needed. The how of the presentation was like a 40-minute sigh of relief.

Near the end of their presentation, Leah shared her curated Seattle Public Library resource list on disability justice

The list includes books of course, but also websites, online articles, a DVD, and a few YouTube channels. I am excited to work through it myself, and thought many of you might be, too!

Editor’s Note: Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha uses the pronouns “she” and “they” interchangeably. The use of both in this article is intentional.


 RantWoman needs to get a few personal twitches out of her system right off the bat.

--RantWoman did not even notice the presenter shifting to pillows on her bed. Probably this is not a catastrophe. The noticing was about RantWoman taking care of faltering eyes in a Zoom environment.

--Based on a recent non-scientific poll of readers of a statewide blindness list, opinion among blind people is divided about the usefulness of physical description information. RantWoman and other people who have ever had even some vision tend to really appreciate it; people who have never had any vision are indifferent. RantWoman like some blind people she knows also appreciated it when people identify whatever disabilities they are experiencing.

--The resource list lists BOOKS. It lists other things too. RantWoman can live with the possibility that the resource list is about resources specifically available at the Seattle Public library, no fuss, no muss, no interlibrary loan, no checking resources for availability in alernative formats. RantWoman collides with this issue basically every time she think s about joining a book group. RantWoman hopes the topic is of at least passing interest to anyone talking about disability justice. At least passing interest. As in RantWoman has a whole lot more on her mind but means to try to stay on one main topic for this post.

--RantWoman very much wants to respect people's choice of the word "They." RantWoman WANTS to respect this even though both grammatically and on conceptual integrity grounds, she has may problems with use of the word "They" in many circumstances. Perhaps the most offensive to RantWoman is when people, in say a State of Society report, insist on using "they" while writing about RantWoman when RantWoman specifically asks that she and her be used! Among other things this puts RantWoman in an awkward position: does she let people she basically cares a lot about continue to be as ableist as they need to be or does RantWoman continue to heed a call "Oh, COME ON, you can do better than that?"

--Invitation to read: who is the invitation issued to? Will it fall apart in "I don't have time for this" if the wrong person responds to the invitation?

But sticking to the conference and the last paragraph of the thank you for attending email:.

At the conference, we had presentations on Disability Justice 101, Community Care, a Black Lives Memorial Garden where the gardeners made medicine out of the plants grown and donated proceeds to Black organizations, Trauma-Informed Care in Communities, DeafBlind Cultures, the Anti-Black Roots of Psychiatry, Body Sovereignty, and Safer Protest Strategies.

Event Process notes:

Attendee access needs. RantWoman is very grateful for the following response to expression of an access need: Zoom screen shares are inaccessible to screen reader users and RantWoman very often requests copies in advance of materials to be screen shared. RantWoman is VERY grateful for the prompt no questions asked response and had energy to cope for people who did not submit anything in advance. 

This standard, provide RantWoman alternate access to materials other people access easily in print or on screens, is um another area of "You can do better than that." RantWoman particularly has in mind a specific committee and Meeting activity when speaking of this topic. RantWoman has not summoned anywhere near the charm needed to impress upon a committee clerk that alternate access needs to be thought about EVERY time but it is definitely an area where RantWoman is happy to contribute some technical assistance.

From Rebel, the event host:

My introduction and land acknowledgment:

Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, DJ 101:

Vo, Trauma Informed Care in Communities:

Interpreters: there were actually 3 or 4 different providers of interpretation for deaf attendees. There were two ASL<> English, one Certified Deaf Interpreter, and one pro-tactile interpreter. There was also Spanish interpretation; RantWoman assumes there should have been two spoken language interpreters trading off but RantWoman did not switch in to listen. 

The most insightful expression of an access need: someone knew enough about Zoom to ask that when an ASL interpreter was voicing for a deaf speaker, the camera needed to allow people to lip readm, not just to rely on the audio. (RantWoman was on another webinar with a similar theme the same week,. RantWoman is pretty sure the request to put the ASL interpreter on camera when speaking came at this event.)

Actual content

The content RantWoman remembers most clearly was about Body Sovereignty, about Deaf-Blind Culture, and about traum-informed care. RantWoman humbly admits that she skipped the session on the anti-Black roots of Psychiatry because the title rings as ahistorical and also because her body-mind just needed a break. This does not mean RantWoman has nothing to learn about the topic, only that this event was not going to be the moment.

The theme of body-sovereignty not only had its own session but came up as threads connected to other sessions as well.  One dimension of body sovereignty is about desired touch as from a partner and unwanted touch, including a number of ableist behaviors. More than one speaker riffed on this point.

The person presenting specifically about body sovereignty was a large woman. She spoke of going to a camp equipped for people with disabilities and of being able to do something she had always wanted to do, travel by canoe. She and a similarly proportioned friend scheduled a canoe trip. The day of the event, the speaker realized once she was able to sit in the canoe that she might have trouble getting out of it. 

The canoe trip went well for most of the session and then tide threatened to wash them too far out to sea. They were able to paddle toward a dock, but something happened and the canoe capsized. The women made it to shore. RantWoman thinks there was some kind of help involved but does not remember. After the women were safely on land, the both confessed to each other that each had had a dream about theboat trip going badly but that they did not want to tell each other about the dream for fear the other person would not want to go on the trip with them. RantWoman is still sitting with all the themes this story touched.

The session on Deaf-Blind culture by a local figure named Koko talked about many complexities of communication with a deaf-blind person and some basic courtesies. RantWoman hopes an anticipated recording will refresh her memory about the suggested courtesies. RantWoman really enjoyed Koko's perspectives, both his own history and his comments about the importance to him of touch. Then RantWoman reality checked with her experience, with no particular comments about deaf-blind culture.

RantWoman has two neighbors who clearly qualify as deaf-blind. One relies on close visual interpreting and gets lots of appropriate services. This neighbor also works with RantWoman on a mutual process of deciphering each other's handwriting and language peculiarities.. But it's the age of freaking COVID, body sovereignty matters all the time but especially during COVID. Touch is not a thing and RantWoman even wipes her pen with disinfectant after the needed communications with this neighbor.

The other neighbor  for various reasons does either identify as deaf-blind or get relevant services. In the latter case no amount of protactile or close visual interpreting will help; RantWoman relies a lot on email and always makes a point of walking behind this neighbor's wheelchair when travelling with.  Let's just say RantWoman was grateful for all the communications measures that made it possible to learn of Koko's views about life and life experiences.

RantWoman will re-read the presentation materials about Trauma-informed care. The materials seemed very helpful but too much to absorb in one Zoon session.

But what next? Why all this detail? Which pieces will help make connections with others interested in matters of disability? RantWoman would definitely be up for some kind of discussion group, advertised in a WELCOMING way. Enough said for now because RantWoman really does want readers' impressions of this event to have their own space separate from other issues.

Friday, January 1, 2021

New Year's Greeting from Roshi Joan

 RantWoman is pretty sure a. she is not called to be a Buddhist and 2. she would be a terrible buddhist. Still RantWoman is grateful when something Buddhist-flavored deeply speaks to her condition.

quoting the Friend who forwarded the statement

"...I’ve learned from personal experience these last three years ...—both as a receiver and a giver of “bearing witness” how incredible, beyond words, bearing witness is—no expectations, no duties, no changing another person’s point of view, just being there for another—to experience connection—to both be a “giver/bearer" and “receiver” bearing witness goes--oh so deep—being seen, listened to…….to me is a gift beyond words. That’s one side, being the receiver. The “bearing” side—being present—without judgment, no fixing, no doing—just simply being there listening to the other (and to yourself—supporting staying present). Every single one of you receiving this e-mail have gifted “bearing witness” to me—I’m here tonight in this "deep place" as I try to put in words “what" there are no words for. "

Statement of Roshi Joan from the Upaya Zen Center