Monday, January 11, 2021

Tonight in Unsung Heroines

 RantWoman needs to take a break from heartbreak and outrage related to a bunch of #Trumpanzees treating the US Capitol as if it were Fallujah or somewhere to celebrate unsung women.

Go Flight Attendants

The Twitter hashtag #NoFlyList contains lots of videos of people getting kicked off airline flights for various stupid behaviors. Most satisfying though: the largest flight attendants' union in the US, probably a majority of whose members are women, told their employers to put anyone involved in the Capitol insurrection on the No Fly List or the flight attendants would not work on the planes. It's on Twitter so it has to be true, right? RantWoman thought she saved a link to a New Yorker article but RantWoman assumes readers who want to know more can use their own dang search engines. 

RantWoman also imagines for better or worse that between digitized databases of state ID / driver's licenses databases, overabundant social media posts, and facial recognition software, there is a decent chance it is possible not only to put the people who invaded the Capitol on no-fly lists, but also to arrest and charge every single one of them with every charge that can be proved in the individual case, fine them heavily, put them on very strict home monitoring they have to pay for themselves, and severely restrict their internet access. For an extra fillip of crime solving, maybe all the generous deposits of human waste can be DNA tested and images matched into electronic perp walks!

And in COVID-related righteous fury

Rep Jayapal tests positive after superspreader siege

Now let's remember Elizeabeth Smith Friedman

A friend alerted RantWoman to a broadcast from the PBS American Experience series called The Codebreaker: Wife, Mother Secret American Hero."

The Codebreaker web page

Elezabeth Smith Friedman Wikipedia page

This is a wonderful story of love, mathematics, Shakespeare, multiple strands of heroism. 300+ years after Margaret Fell began preaching one would hope a woman who made huge contributions to modern codebreaking would not have had to put up with the professional SHIT Friedman put up with.

And why is this post in RantWoman's Quaker blog instead of her other one: Elizebeth Smith (Friedman) was raised Quaker in Indiana. RantWoman will watch the full video another time to see what if any role that played in the power of her life, but it's a very cool fact.

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