Sunday, January 22, 2017

Memorial January 29, 2 pm: Cristina Taran

The RantWoman department of proper celebrations for Departed Friends sincerely offers the following invitation:

A memorial will be held for Mow the Lawn Friend on Sunday January 29 at 2 pm at RantWoman's Meeting.

Mow the Lawn Friend lived a long and colorful life of activism and commitment and probably outlived many people who knew her well, but RantWoman invites anyone curious about her life to join us for the memorial. Even if you never met Mow the Lawn Friend. there should be some wonderful and inspiring stories, and hopefully many laughs especially if there are some people who remember her jokes more completely than rantWoman does.

And if the idea of going to a memorial for someone you never met sounds a little out there but you are still a little bit curious, RantWoman would be happy to put you to work tending to coffee and refreshments!

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