Sunday, August 9, 2015

Grumbling with Pictures

Warning: this post contains #hashtag s . If you do not know what a #hashtag is or why they would be used, please feel free to leave a comment and RantWoman will explain.

RantWoman has a LONG list of topics about which pretending things are all right is NOT a happening concept. If Friends can live with the point that RantWoman appears to need a minimum daily requirement of howling, yowling, complaining, grumbling, and general interpersonal charm, probably everything will be fine. Please hold RantWoman and all and sundry around her in the light.

Today's grumbles, considering this link:

Pictures from the PlayShop organized by MInistry and Oversight before Annual Session

--The actual url looks like in a year or two when new pictures are added it might not take RantWoman back to the pictures here. That is a geek point for people who administer webpages to think about.

--The pictures are lovely. That is when Rantwoman is equipped with sofware that blows things up, oops, screen enlargement software, RantWoman can recognize that the link includes pictures of people an actual activities. But the pictures are not tagged with descriptive tags that might identify people and  / or the activities  they are involved with. This is a really basic internet accessibility point. RantWoman knows there are people with topical expertise who might assist and advise, but RantWoman in her endless quest for world domination in the realm of universal accessibility #a11y notes that tagging photos is something almost anyone can learn.

--RantWoman is also peeved that something about the presentation makes it hard for RantWoman to click on individual pictures and enlarge them enough to think about how she might caption the photos just for an example. That is another geek point for the people who tend websites.

--RantWoman works in a realm where getting photo releases before posting people's pictures all over the internet is highly on point. There are both intellectual property / digital rights issues and gigantic #privacy considerations. RantWoman also notes concerns related to minors and to people with complex personal lives, stalkers, and other topics they may not want to stir up. RantWoman recommends that at a BARE minimum people ALWAYS be warned that someone is taking pictures and offered the opportunity to ask photographers not to use pictures that include them.

--RantWoman has had to get all this off her chest before even starting on the other things on her mind.

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