Thursday, November 6, 2014

Way of the Spirit 2015 Apply by Nov 15 to Avoid Late Fees

RantWoman has received the following item by email a couple ways, most recently with particular invitation to Young Adult Friends:

Way of the Spirit retreat January 16-19, 2015 — Spiritual Discernment
Shalom Prayer Center, Mt. Angel, OR

Will 2015 be your year to come home to who you are meant to be? Deepen faithfulness and explore leadings in life-changing community from the wisdom of the Quaker tradition. Join Way of the Spirit presenters Christine Hall and Wess Daniels for an experiential approach to spiritual discernment, integrating readings, worship and small group sharing. Attend Discernment as a stand-alone retreat ($375) or as the first in the Way of the Spirit cycle ($2,700/yr).
Apply by November 15th to avoid late fees. Details online:

Additional RantWoman commentary:
--Read more about Chris Hall at the site listed above

--Wes Daniels is a young and weighty Friend from the Portland area. He writes the blog

--RantWoman has never participated in a Way of the Spirit retreat but knows that they do provide participants opportunities to worship and study with a variety of seasoned Friends including Noah Baker Merrill of New England yearly Meeting, Wes Daniels mentioned further below, and
--A community of ongoing in-depth spiritual support after the retreats.

Then the Lord Spake unto RantWoman:

First, make a budget. Do not forget to include travel costs. If you wind up carpooling and expenses turn out to be less than you asked for this is not a calamity. But planning for transportation costs is part of helping Way Open.

--RantWoman has been VERY grateful for much support from her Meeting to attend many Quaker events and definitely encourages people to apply to whichever Meeting you feel closest to, EVEN IF YOU ARE NEW both to a Meeting and to Quakers! At RantWoman's Meeting Worship and Ministry administers the Spiritual Enrichment Fund. Talk to RantWoman in person or ask someone else for help making direct contact.

--The NPYM Youth Opportunity Fund has two or three cycles per calendar year. RantWoman is unclear the upper age limit but more info can be found somewhere on

--Read the words of another Young Friend: Ashley Wilcox at has several entries listing other resources. Most of them have timelines tht would be too short for the intro retreat but could be invaluable for those wanting to participate in the whole series.

RantWoman warmly hopes this is enough to encourage peoplewho are curios and have the time to hurry up and think in more concrete  terms.!

And furthermore:

Warning: the following item comes with a possible excessive zaniness alert:
Then the Lord God Jehovah or whatever Quakers in these parts are currently calling Him / Her /Zir again spake unto RantWoman:

C-c-continuing Ed Credits or some kind of useful credential????

RantWoman, why does God keep speaking to you of continuing ed credits?
Um, Why is a metaphysical question, but RantWoman is conscious that one's work and one's spiritual life should feed each other; RantWoman is aware that many professions come with requirements for continuing education. RantWoman is all about continuing revelation which sometimes masquerades outside Quakerdom as "lifelong learning." In any case, RantWoman wishes this like some other Quaker experiences would interact with the world of continuing education enough that people might draw on the study to meet other life requirements. RantWoman humbly offers this suggestion in her usual Captain Picard "Make It So" spirit but leaves to the program organizers to consider ways to accomplish this.

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