Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Tacoma gratitudes

RantWoman is falling down on her resolve to exude more gratitudes. This is a problem among other things because RantWoman has a sense of needing a giant chill pill. RantWoman has a sense of needing... Will she achieve...?

Anyway, travel gratitudes:

"...I went to Thailand."

"...I went to Hyderabad..."

"...I went to Arizona..."

RantWoman:  I went to Tacoma!

RantWoman is DEEPLY grateful for the ministry of guest bedroom and car rides supplied by a combination of Tacoma Friends. Aside from the immediate help needed so RantWoman could participate in the annual convention of the WA Council of the Blind, the ministry of guest room and car rides comes with the opportunity to get to knowFriends RantWoman has been in meetings with but does not  know well. RantWoman is VERY grateful.

One of RantWoman's tasks was to hold a live meeting of the committee she chairs. It is a committee full of people who are as intense, passionate, annoying / difficult as RantWoman. It was a great meeting, but can Friends imagine why RantWoman might have ducked away for a light supper alone.

RantWoman's menu as recommended by the bartender: basically tater tots and bacon. Really good bacon. Two kinds of sauce.Some fancy hotel bar name. Washed down with a brand name combination of sugar, caffeine and fizz. Fuel for revolution or at least quest for a specific flavor of world domination? Stay tuned. But next time RantWoman will press for details before ordering.

RantWoman means to pen a separate message about Business Meeting while Blind. Think Pledge of Allegiance. Think young missionary voluntters to help lead people around. Think moments of total sonic free-for-all. But Business Meeting happened.

After the convention RantWoman stayed and went to worship at Tacoma Friends. RantWoman came in rattled. There are lovely plants. There is worshipful space. RantWoman came in debating whether to introduce Ambassador Thwack the badly behaved white cane, whether to mention other canes, Myrtle and Ethel, and Sugar Cane and candy Cane. The first message to rantWoman: just put all that STUFF down and LISTEN.

RantWoman was deeply grateful just to worship. RantWoman was also grateful, during close of worship, to be given words of prayer about the election, the time between election and new legislative sessions, and the work of Friends Committee on WA Public Policy. RantWoman was heard; news of this came with a request duly fulfilled to put some version of RantWoman's thoughts in the newsletter. Flattery will get you everywhere.

Then, after two days of hotel food, RantWoman wrapped up the weekend with a rtruly awesome Quaker potluck: two kinds of vegetarian stew, various other items, oh and leftover Halloween candy in honor of all things meandering between worlds.

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