Saturday, November 28, 2009

Jana Thanksgiving

RantWoman is stashing excerpts from the latest email update here just as markers over time:

Jana had a whole house full of friends and relatives for Thanksgiving. Knowing in advance of the full house plans, RantWoman noted that Warren also came to Thanksgiving worship before the feast at home.

"Jana's summary of the day: "I really enjoyed preparing a couple of our family Thanksgiving recipes together with Rosa. Felix helped us by setting up the table. We also enjoyed everyone visiting after the meal. We benefited from tasty dishes from all!" Lots of good food, lots of smiles, lots of catching up and reminiscing - and a feeling that we all had lots to be thankful for.

Jana has started to put more weight on her left foot, and this has made it much easier to generally get around. Physical therapy has given Jana the OK to graduate from using a walker to using crutches, which Jana has just acquired. The thought is that stairs might be easier to navigate with crutches - but there will be a new learning curve on walking with crutches."

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