Monday, November 30, 2009

Advent / Apocalypse

RantWoman is the daughter of a church choir director. RantWoman will at some point perhaps rhapsodize about music bringing people to worship, to encounters with the Divine in ways that words just don't. Today though RantWoman is thinking of Advent.

A Friend had a lovely message at Thanksgiving about the rightness of a season of thanksgiving before Advent, the time of expectant waiting for the Light to return to the world.

In RantWoman's childhood, Advent often meant special music at church; as an adult, RantWoman, cough, cannot really rely on her beloved Meeting to meet her musical needs and always has to make an extra point during this season to fill up the tanks of her soul.

RantWoman is feeling extra focus about tending to her own needs this year. RantMom is still laid up from badly needed knee replacement surgery and RantWoman cannot even rely on RantMom's accounts of Advent services at her church for vicarious Advent revivals.

RantWoman is thus especially taken by today's God's Politics entry Many years running, RantWoman's father, call him RantDad got quite upset with the pastor of the church where he worked. Dad would always prepare lovely Christmas-themed programs and the minister every year without fail would also have to launch into long discussions of the crucifixion on top of the baby Jesus. Pastor never got to Revelation which considering the time conflations of the above post may or may not be a good thing. In any case, RantWoman finds herself delighted to look at the matter in a completely different light.

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