Thursday, August 29, 2024

The Arlington National Cemetary Visit: one rant

Warning: this post does not at all mean to diminish the grief and suffering of #GoldStar families, wounded veterans, or people serving in the military.

RantWoman does not presume to know what is helpful for different situations, but does always offer prayers, listening, and as much forthrightness as conversations can handle.

See, RantWoman has LOTS of objections to shipping people off to forever wars. RantWoman is sensitive to a range of views including the idea that sending people off to war helps defend our country, our Constution, and our civil rights. Sometimes thus RantWoman is called to offer pointed opinions.

RantWoman needs to find a suitable Youtube clip under which to unleash even more strong views in connection with the third anniversary of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan. In the meantime, RantWoman includes links to a number of Youtube offerings that present a range of perspectives

RantWoman just needs to pop off

One of the conditions of release in all of #FelonDon 's court cases is commit no new crimes while under court supervision.. I kind of wish someone would investigate enough to file formal charges against candidate and staff. Then when #FelonDon gets arraigned on the superseding #J6 indictment in DC the judge could at least order him to wear an ankle bracelet. Not a great look of course but that's the point

#DementiaDon is treating the #GoldStar families just like he treated everyone at the Capitol riot: get them into trouble and then leave them in the dust. This time though it's the candidate's turn.

Don't just Pop Off DO SOMETHING

Fact Check the hell out of anything #CadetBoneSpuurs says about military casualties.

Point out as many times as we can, as many ways as we can that #POTUS45 is responsible for the bad deal rthat lead to the Taliban takeover AND the deaths of US troops.

And if one REALLY wants to go all in on the #StableGenius and world affairs, point out how many times worse the lives of Afghan women are after the pullout.

Video clips which say what needs to be said better than RantWoman can

Anderson Cooper: "He is the most susceptible to flattery of any world leader I have known and every country in the world knows it."
Worth the listen on multiple counts

First episode of the Ken Harbaugh show with Bobby Jones
Very in-depth presentation of traditions
Frank reference to "freak-out" when #TFG had to visit Afghanistan
mention comment to #GoldStar father JOHN KELLY, his CHIEF OF STAFF.
"We have standards (such as the Geneva Convention)

I would not necessarily try to fact check this grieving mother, but it is heartbreaking to memoryhole the Donald's role in all this.

Also note the vastly disproportionate number of Afghans killed    
And never mind how to nonor people killed in forever wars I disapprove of in the first place.

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