Wednesday, August 7, 2024

New Weapons. New impacts Russian Military Base Devastation Revealed in New Images!

There is no shortage of footage about destruction and the machinery of destruction in Russia's war on Ukraine.

RantWoman may in fact have posted too much herself, especially from this commentator. RantWoman appreciates learning that his military experience involved staffing ICBM's in America's heartland.

What draws RantWoman's attention in this post, though, is his vehemence about the opinions expressed by some of the political prisoners released and flown out of Russia in the most recent multinational prisoner exchange.

RantWoman has not kept meticulous track of exactly who all the released figures are besides the US citizens and green card holder. Commentary here, though, speaks about different political views expressed by some of the released Russian prisoners.

RantWoman did not catch the name of the person saying that ordinary people are hurting because of international sanctions on Russia. Therefore, the West should repeal sanctions and just accept a ceasefire and leave Russia in place. That unquestionably is a pro-Kremlin position. OF COURSE ordinary people are suffering under the sanctions regime. That is nothing unusual. Some ordinary Russians also feel it is there patriotic duty to send their sons off to war. There is patriotic duty, and there is having no alternative: plenty of ordinary people are upset by the war but feel powerless because of endless crackdowns on all forms of dissent. 

This commentator seems, to RantWoman, a little glib about the necessity of violence in this case. Ukraine has a right to self-defense. Russia needs to GO HOME and to get the troops home while they are still alive, not fed into Russia's military meat grinder. And unfortunately, when Russia goes home, there will be SO MUCH healing needed that it is hard even to have a vision of all that needs to occur.

The second figure RantWoman remembers is Ilya Yashin, an opposition politician from Bashkortostan, one of the "brown people regions where Putin continues to forcibly conscript people. Yashin at least is considerably more categorical about the war needing to end and Russia bearing responsibility. 

So, the interesting questions: who will these two former prisoners find to talk to in the West and will either of them consider returning to Russia? 

And will RantWoman ever get around to digesting some of the "Russia is about to collapse / Putin is this, Putin is that" content out there to consider....

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