Saturday, August 3, 2024

Justice Thomas pays homage to Rasputin????

RantWoman, long ago, while finishing grad school had a weekly column over the summer in the campus newspaper. That was the summer Justice Thomas was nominated to the Supreme Court and RantWoman remembers writing that there was no question that it mattered that he is the right color of conservative.

RantWoman now has a considerably more nuanced view of Justice Thomas and his career.

RantWoman started this post doing standard issue collection of links about the Justice and the vociferous concerns about all the gifts, gratuities and less than transparently reported contributions Justice Thomas has received from Leonard Leo and company.

Please enjoy as many of the links as you feel like, BUT don't miss RantWoman's further comments below the links.

RantWoman idly wonders, aside from the obligations to report large gifts, what led Justice Thomas to visit the palace where religious mystic Grigory Rasputin was finally killed.

RantWoman is not enough of an internet historian to go look up what if anything about the visit to this particular palace appealed to judicial patron and Nazi fascinated billionaire Leonard Leo, but a girl is allowed to wonder.

And for weird grins: 
The song has one historical inaccuracy: Rasputin was killed in what was then known as Saitnt Petersburg, not in Moscow.
No, there is not the slightest bit of irony linking this song. There's Rasputin the religious mystic. There is an aura of general lust and bawdiness hanging around Justice Thomas. Sure, Congressional committees are coming at SCOTUS with hearings and subpoenas, not poison and bullets. But good disco music somehow helps about SKANDALY, to use the Russian transliteration for SCANDALS.

See other people can please work on all the disclosure issues. RantWoman would be just fine with some kind of "what I did on my fancy yacht trip" article

What was the draw about the Yussopov palace? Was it something about Rasputing and the 1917 revolution? Was it something in connection with the 900-day siege of Leningrad or  Leonard Leo's fascination with Nazi topics? 

What were the travel logistics?

Who, which post-Soviet billionaires, did the justice get to hang out with? What was distinctively Russian and what more fit into a vibe of nearly lawless lucha libre among the global billionaire glitterati?

Enquiring minds...

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