Monday, August 5, 2024

Golden Rule Project comes to Seattle Events August 5-9 Making Waves: the Rebirth of the Golden Rule

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Veterans For Peace Golden Rule Project

The Golden Rule is a project of Veterans For Peace. We aim to advance Veterans For Peace opposition to nuclear weapons and war, and to do so in a dramatic fashion.

We have recovered and restored the original peace ship, the Golden Rule, that set sail in 1958 to stop nuclear weapons tests in the Marshall Islands, and which inspired the many peace makers and peace ships that followed.

The reborn Golden Rule is sailing once more, to show that nuclear abolition is possible, and that bravery and tenacity can overcome militarism.


For many ways to support this project, check out the link above.

Seattle activities (Check the link above for other 2024 locations) 
Welcome the Golden Rule to Seattle
—Monday August 5 at 3:00 pm at Lake Union Center for Wooden Boats
—–The Raging Grannies, Veterans For Peace and others
— Sun 8/4 Protest against Boeing Military Air Show in Lake Washington (ashore only)
— Sat 8/3- Sun 8/4 Hiroshima Commemoration, Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action (ashore only)

— Tues 8/6 at 7 pm, Hiroshima Commemoration, Greenlake in Seattle (ashore only)
— Fri 8/9 at 6 pm, University Friends Meeting
Flyer for Aug 9 – Click HERE

——- Social Hall, 4001 9th Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98105

View or Download the movie 

Making Waves: Rebirth of the Golden Rule from Caneyhead Pictures on Vimeo.

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