Wednesday, October 18, 2023

The Constitution and the US House of Representatives....

RantWoman is coping with deceased cat grief partly with a lot of vicarious video cats.

Once in awhile, RantWoman lands on something serious, such as, well, it might be telling too much of the truth, the #GOPClownShow.

Tonight one of RantWoman's favorite RESPECTFUL Youtube voices offers the following comments, augmented by RantWoman bluntness below.

Other reminders: one does not even have to be a member of the House to be Speaker.

I personally think Hakeem Jeffries would be a great speaker. HOWEVER the Democrats have suggested options including Angus King, Liz Cheney, a third person I don't remember. I would add Arnold Schwarzenegger.

In terms of demonstrated willingness to uphold the Constitution, a few further points:

For the Democrats to work in coalition or power-sharing with Republicans, there HAVE to be some rules revisions. I am sure Democrats can suggest a number of very helpful changes.

NO ONE who voted not to certify the 2020 election should have a committee leadership position, let alone be Speaker UNLESS they are willing to say that Biden won fair and Square and that #J6 was the single biggest one-day violent crime wave in the US since 9/11.

Anyone questioning the election of Biden is also implicitly questioning the fairness of their and / or their colleagues because the same voting and counting practices are used for both Presidential and Congressional elections. Do they REALLY want to be questioning the fairness of their own elections? I mean there are some states where a whole lot of voters probably voters likely to lean Democratic got purged from voter rolls so how far are people willing to take this?

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