Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Morning Prayers with Oatmeal and a Pop Quiz

RantWoman, first PRAY


Then, since a neighbor is just getting home, wish Eritrean neighbors across the hall a Blessed Ramadan, #ramadanMubarak. Do not forget the oatmeal!


Oatmeal? Neighbors are 4 generations in a 2-bedroom apartment. The youngest mom and baby get WIC but WIC is not necessarily food they eat. So RantWoman asked what would be a good replacement for the food they want to give RantWoman. Oatmeal! And especially during Ramadan. Done! Blessings!


Now pray again

 THEN plan how to pen an admonishment and exhortation NOT to drive anyone’s SOV’s to a bill signing about environmental measures that just passed the legislature. There will be NO place to park. Bus and Light Rail are awesome connections for anyone who can walk 2-4 blocks on decent sidewalk. If someone is really hip and trendy download the new Via app, and see if you can ride from the Columbia City light rail to the event. Leave a comment to tell RantWoman your experience. #waleg




Now wax rhapsodic about HEADINGS IN the news letter. TRY To resist the temptation though to grab the item about consent culture: Gravity is not consensual. DNA lotto is not consensual. Creeping decrepitude is not consensual. NOW WHAT?



Over matters of minutes and what is or is not in minutes and how event sequences look to RantWoman. An acknowledgment in draft minutes that Madame Recording Clerk was unclear what to do matters. It matters because the acknowledgment contained the words “important to (RantWoman). Finally the FACT of nominating committee declaring matters to do with disability off topic is in minutes. That is good news and bad news but it is a SMALL step forward from “look how nice we are being to RantWoman” with no mention of blatant ableism in several forms and only “RantWoman spoke at length” and not a dang thing about what RantWoman said. More words due in their own post.



Last night RantWoman was doing brainless activity trying to soothe her soul enough to corral needed words. RantWoman was responding to a request for old electronic copies of the newsletter, searching a year at a time in her email archives. RantWoman finds herself VERY sad about many email addresses whose people she is not seeing right now. RantWoman thinks there are some pray together across differences issues. RantWoman also hates a sense of either/ or rather than both /and. Further crabbiness available about Friends older / younger than 60. Please hold in the Light along with what Quakers have to offer the world today.



The term of art for travel that combines many stops not just commuting is “trip chaining.” It is more often done by women and is poorly reflected in the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey and therefore women’s work is not in the data. And we will also not talk about the “not in data” problem of pedestrian travel in many data streams. This Not in data problem can make a person crazy and rantwoman has been sitting with that on top of a campus discernment committee full of people who in RantWoman’s experience define problems more narrowly than RantWoman does. RantWoman does NOT apologize for having these concerns. RantWoman does very much apologize for the extremely aggravating way she tried to communicate about her concerns with the process.  RantWoman is doing prayers rather than deal with some email germane to changes around Meeting, but RantWoman would VERY much like to get to better communication with some key people.

Pray Again!
RantWoman has been sitting with a request about special treatment when other people include one Friend in email to Rantwoman and RantWoman is led to do reply/all. RantWoman gets that this request to delete the Friend in question is really, really, really, really important to this Friend. As a practical reality this request is very difficult for RantWoman and RantWoman gets to cope all the time with things that are really really really important to her that other people completely disregard. RantWoman thinks having to cope promotes spiritual growth and RantWoman is not finding herself called to deprive the requesting Friend of the same opportunity for spiritual growth. So please hold the whole soap opera in the Light.



RantWoman has been seasoning how lovingly to tell people near and dear to her that she will go where God tells her to, that if Friends can think BRAVE SPACE instead of just “safe space” really really people, God is telling RantWoman, can cope.


By “Go,” RantWoman does not necessarily mean GO in the sense used here.


Pop quiz:

what principle(s) of the ADA apply here?


What might Friends advise others in this person’s community about concepts such as allyship or spiritual accompaniment?


Since Facebook generously shows RantWoman the names of a number of Friends with Jewish connections, what might Friends advise as far as places to turn for help?


What Twitter hashtags can be used to find plenty more stories just like this or worse?


In Light and Faithfulness



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