Saturday, May 11, 2019

Fractals in Nature plus meditations

Give us this day our daily fractals.

Search string Fractals in Nature. RantWoman has been playing with fractals when she comes into the STAR Center  when she wants to evoke calm. RantWoman was not very patient today so the bitmap at the bottom, while intriguing, does not reflect a lot of fussing around to improve quality of the resulting tactile image. Cope.

What is it? Found with Fractals in Nature
The Bitmap. Too busy in the middle to feel detail

The Return of the Footstool announcement in the Bulletin!!!


• Need a footstool to worship more comfortably? Footstools can be found behind the side
door of the cabinet next to the UFM office. Please return your footstool to the cabinet
after worship.

RantWoman has been falling down on the job of ensuring that this announcement appears. To RantWoman this announcement is a small gesture of welcome and sharing important but semisecret insider info. RantWoman herself is tall and seldom has problems with her feet reaching the floor. However RantWoman has in the past watch short people struggle to sit when their feet do not reach the floor. If one sees that someone has a footstool, one should not need to ask how to find one for themselves! GO TEAM. Let’s be welcoming.

THREE pots of tomatoes but no chives.

Last weekend due to a happy lack of communication about the location of some heirloom tomato plants a spouse brought to the end of the Blind Geeks meetup, RantWoman has THREE pots of heirloom tomatoes. RantWoman was only expecting one and will give the other two to their intended recipient next month. But in the meantime RantWoman will be glad a major building inspection is over and probably no one is going to get upset about tomato plants on balconies at least for awhile.

The No Chives issue is because of a long and pointed discussion and someone else getting to pick up the pot of chives RantWoman wanted from the plant exchange but did not necessarily want to tote around to the rest of her day. More to the story than that but enough for here.


Ramadan and Not in St Petersburg.


The door to RantWoman's apartment covered in Vision Collages
RantWoman, if you do not know how to deal with late night iftar food, you could consider different iconography in the vision collages all over your door.


Ramadan food from neighbor. Samosas at 10 pm? Meant to save but nuked and ate.


Add goat meat plus injera. Manage to save.  Lunch this afternoon.


Add long days short nights.


Wash dishes at 6 am and do not make it back to bed.


Four hours of sleep means that giddy mid May half exhilarated half exhausted feeling.


At least RantWoman is  not in Leningrad / St Petersburg where giddy would have to hold longer and longer for awhile.


Holy cow. Has it been 30 years since the white nights and grad student humor about “watching the bridges get divorced.”?


Digesting Blog reviews:

RantWoman is managing to hear one thread of her conversation with Dances with Dirt Friend as “get a life.” For better or worse, if RantWoman has all kinds of limitations on what it is possible, let alone easy for her to do, and Meeting is important to her anyway… RantWoman gets that this may be a mixed blessing but…
RantWoman is hearing a second thread as don’t write anything different from what I understand.” Look, it’s RantWoman’s mental sandbox. RantWoman is not sure whether sandbox means plastic bucket and options for sculpting sand into interesting shapes or sandbox as in the cat uses. But the point is, these are rantWoman’s thoughts. They are Blog as Quaker journal. They are not required to fit into anyone’s boxes and if RantWoman needs to express gripes and quibbles but does not feel called to say them out loud, just give the problem to God. That is what RantWoman is doing.


RantWoman is meditating about the problem of needing to record her perceptions differently from prevailing consensus. RantWoman is tempted to refer readers to Franz Fanon and his culture of silence, though RantWoman once used the week’s reading to write a paper about a culture of noise, of ways for marginalized communities to be drowned in chatter deemed meaningful by others but nearly irrelevant to the marginalized communities. RantWoman frequently in many circumstances has a sense of barely being able to get a word in edgewise, which is one reason things spill out all over her blog. And if people feel criticized, frankly, sometimes they are though it is also RantWoman’s responsibility to shepherd written words into better conversation.

The blog posts are public so there is an invitation to read. But tonight RantWoman went back in time and after just a few entries has to concede both that many blog posts are a danged tough read AND that RantWoman has been trying to have conversations about disability and getting written out of minutes for a bleeping long time. Hold that problem in the Light because RantWoman DOES detect SOME efforts and because…

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