Sunday, August 13, 2023

Homework for Christian Quakers: Jesus loves Trump. Deal With it or at least pray for his soul.

Tweet Image: Jesus lives in Trump. Deal With it
Judging by their twitter feed
the person who emitted this Tweet
is quite the Trumpling.
Is he also a SECRET QUAKER?

RantWoman is called to take a break from the hellfire aftermath on Maui, the supermarket tabloid level flood of more breathless #TrumpIndictment anticipation to...pray for Defendant Trump's soul!

So many factors contributed to #TFG turning into the horrible person he is today. So many people have enabled his worst instincts, and when people have tried to divert him from his worst ideas, he has been in no space to listen.

So pray for him. Don't let him anywhere near nuclear codes ever. Get him settled into a genteel retirement. House arrest at one of his properties would suit RantWoman just fine as long as #TFG doesn't try to grift the government for the cost of his incarceration, or space under strict mental health supervision if he were to be found incompetent to stand trial.

Pray for Donald Trump. Pray that he stops being able to hog all the broadcast airtime so that we can work on all the other problems facing our country. 

And pray that there are LOTS of other people willing to pray for Mr. Trump who are not all nutball gun-worshipping cultists.

And by the way, pray that we can lose phrases like "basket of deplorables."

Peace out.



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