Tuesday, August 8, 2023

DON'T try that in Montgomery!

#AlabamaSweetTeaParty #TryThatInMontgomery #MontgomeryBrawl

Forget conversations about the ethics of punching Nazis ("I recommend you don't," punch Nazis, that is just to mix up memes currently in the zeitgeist. 

RantWoman here offers a sampling of videos available on YouTube. Hopefully the videos reflect enough of the story for readers to evaluate a number of points.

"Not on those docks"
"There are a lot of places in the South where a whole lot of horrible horrible things happened that are hallowed hallowed ground."

Reference to a Tucker Carlson bit about "that's not how white men fight."
Ding! Ding! Ding! THANK HEAVEN someone besides RantWoman thinks "Thank god no guns."

Arrest warrants issued for 3 white assailants all of whom already had at least one outstanding warrant for assault.

"Regarding any possible retaliatory action, don't come here with it."

Somewhere in here: mention that the person who invented the folding chair was Black

in context of AL defying Supreme Court ruling about redistricting and a visitation by #TFG
"Hate speech on Twitter has gone up since the purchases purchased it."

PS. RantWoman, why you gotta bring up punching Nazis? This was CLEARLY self-defense. 

There is the part about try to bring out everyone's better angles.

Oh, and as for profiling WHITE people who already have outstanding warrants for assault charges...?

Watch to the end for a white guy telling white people why they should stay out of the water this year.

The assailants are not from here.
We are the second most visited city in the state. Please keep coming to visit.

"Lord, help the white people contain themselves when Trump come to town."

"I don't know what was in the hearts of those men" who come up every year.
Previous years,  police said (behavior) was just a prank.

Investigation is fluid. We are looking very strictly...
We hope people will keep coming to Montgomery to enjoy what the city has to offer.

Noted lasting consequences of someone being hit by chair, no matter how many chair memes are going around.

meaning of throwing hat in the air
liquored shirtless boating white
"It was 3 against the ancestors"
more commentary about visual details

Jami That's me press charges sue I do not care sex or race.
Blunt commentary about voices that minimize race angle.
"More statements coming out!"
"bama boat whites..."

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