Sunday, January 14, 2018

Minutes corrections 12 2017 as important to RantWoman

RantWoman posts her point of view here in a spirit of humility edits she hopes will make it into the official minutes for 12th month

Campus Discernment Committee

The Committee presented a report on its work to date, as per their committee charge. Friends expressed appreciation for the committee’s work. Friends were encouraged to learn more about Gethsemane Lutheran and other congregations that have made decisions about the future of their property. [add: A friend requested and a member of the Discernment committee agreed to post the document found on the link to the Gethsemane item on Campus Discernment Committee’s public Google drive. The document describes several other congregations and the housing programs they partnered with.] A Friend asked what the meeting can do to prepare for and participate in this discernment process as the committee continues its basic research. Friends spoke to the challenge of preparing spiritually.


Finance Committee

The Committee presented a report for the first four months of the FY2018 (July to Oct). Most expenses are in line with budget, with a few exceptions as we adjust to our new lease arrangement (attorney’s fees [to review rental documents], remodeling expenses, wifi service, etc.) These expenses are all within the range of what we expected and should even out in the future. The balance sheet shows …(information Rantwoman considers sensible but is not clear to put on this blog)…

Friends asked questions about [the possibility of one of our tenants qualifying for a city free Wifi program], advertising for additional [short-term or regular] renters, [(parking issues are one barrier)] as well as the Quaker House budget (which is managed separately). Friends expressed appreciation for the committee’s work in transitioning rental spaces.

Someone else reminded Friends of the opportunity for year- end contributions to UFM.



The minutes from the November Monthly Meeting were laid over until January, with a few substantial revisions proposed in the interim. [Add as led: considerable back and forth developed between two Friends. In contrast to numerous recent instances of Friends standing to silence a speaker and RantWoman not even necessarily realizing people were standing, a third Friend rose, USED HIS WORDS, and asked everyone to speak one at a time and to wait for the Clerk to recognize them. There was further clarifying conversation and Friends agreed to lay over final approval of the minutes until January.]


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