Saturday, January 27, 2018

Data: flip charts

RantWoman's Meeting is having a weekend partly about conflict with Quaker healer John Calvi.

RantWoman herewith dumps several strands of data about the subject of flip charts and accessibility measures. Yes, it opens talking about something besides flip charts. RantWoman promises Friends will get to flip charts.

1. RantWoman considers it an important accessibility measure for one Friend in a key role to get over the Friend's inclination not to attend because of , because of, SHOW UP and listen to the whole community, not just pastoral care committees.

2. There is a sound system with a movable mic!!!!! Please Excuse RantWoman for not having it in her to write all the saga of how Meeting comes to be experimenting with sound systems for Adult Religious Education, for Meeting for Business, and for this event. If RantWoman were to write the whole story from RantWoman's point of view, there would be some pretty SHITTY moments from several directions. Hold that problem in the Light. Meanwhile, as a result partly of RantWoman hitting a wall about accessibility measures at community events there is a sound system.

3. This event listed two organizers. RantWoman sent them an email awhile ago asking to talk about accessibility measures for the event. RantWoman meant beyond the sound system. RantWoman did not hear back until the day the event started. RantWoman also did not find time to follow up even to inquire whether the planners might have delegated accessibility to someone else. Enough said.

4. Today came a text: there will be flip charts. Can we just photograph them? RantWoman's first reaction, No.  Photographing handwriting is not a recipe for happiness. Sometimes people decide for different reasons to type up what gets written on flip charts. Sometimes RantWoman listens to a lot of "This one here and that one there" because presenters like to point and gesture and not read. RantWoman's take:

--Gee it would have been nice to know before today because maybe RantWoman would have looked up some videos with tips for presenters.

--How about we just handle in the moment? (And RantWoman will accommodate everyone's desire for calm by clutching Ambassador Thwack the White Cane and Anger Management Consultant, sitting with one of her meeting supervision dolls, giving herself the option of dissipating mechanical energy by taking notes in Braille, and choosing just one item from the daily menu of reasons to fly off the handle about something or other.)

--In the moment, John said the flip charts would only contain things offered by Friends out loud. RantWoman's recording clerk reflexes kicked in though the notes here are imperfect and RantWoman has imperfectly contained tendency to editorialize.

5. (opening worship and reference to things that are "Mean and Stupid" in our national environment right now, reference to Friends being better at taking their Light to others than handling their own conflicts.) Query:  In one word, speak of conflict at this Meeting:

The words RantWoman got written down; interpreter bookkeeping brain is aware of missing a couple: misunderstanding, mistrust, intractable, heartbreaking, underground, longstanding, stressful, challenging, deep, deflating, complicated, ongoing, personal, looks enough like "pettiness" to remind RantWoman of why scribble font is unreliable, OPPORTUNITY, sad, plus two scribbles RantWoman cannot read and "email" which did not make it out of RantWoman's mouth.

The evening offered other data  collection moments. RantWoman is clear to stop and sleep because she will not be able to tpe further without editorializing and ... and . Hold matters of verbal excess in the Light.

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