Saturday, January 27, 2018

Data: touchy

RantWoman needs to dump data about touch. RantWoman thought of hyperventilating. RantWoman was knowingly willfully planning to go to a retreat where touch is a key part of the work. This is RantWoman!

--RantWoman spends a fair amount of time around blind people who all bump into each other all the time. RantWoman finds this tiring. RantWoman expects others also find it tiring, irksome, more of a test of RantWoman's path to spiritual enlightenment that anyone wants.

--RantWoman feels REALLY stifled when someone who assumes that embrace will be soothing tries to soothe RantWoman by embracing her. Please BELIEVE RantWoman. Do NOT argue with RantWoman's experience. Just BELIEVE RantWoman.RantWoman THINKS she has been heard about this by several people but does NOT feel heard by one Friend in a specific role. This blog contains numerous other hold in the Light data points about said Friend who offered yet more data today. Enough said for now at least?
   Um, no. Apparently not enough: RantWoman is aware that a very large and astoundingly obstreperous four-year-old keeps showing up in the picture. RantWoman keeps asking God whether the four-year-old can maybe possibly get along without being quite so obstreperous. Somewhat to RantWoman's surprise, the answer keeps coming back "No, and here about 17 more reasons why." Okayyyy, RantWoman does believe in a god who can handle such issues, but....

--RantWoman gets served up WAY too many opportunities to hyperventilate  about "grab the Blind Person and Bless Them." Probably searching on Grab on either of RantWoman's blogs will find multiple examples.

--RantWoman sometimes gives people sitting next to her in meetings permission to tap her on the arm if "Annoying Blind Person Behaviors" are getting in the way of something but absolutely does NOT give people permission either to touch her without her permission OR to tell other people it is okay to touch her without her permission. RantWoman has formed an opinion that the latter may have occurred and is aware that saying so is inflammatory. Cope.
     The no touch without specific permission standards goes about 700 zillion fold for people who had the opportunity to try this on a committee, never even tried it, now do not even remember and ....  YES, RantWoman is aware that she is hyperventilating and not necessarily prepared to listen to others' characterization of RantWoman's experience. RantWoman IS refraining from one inflammatory comment she was clear belonged in email
    There are specific people with specific titles attached to these behaviors. Yo. The BEHAVIORS are the problem which is one reason RantWoman is splattering her reflections all over her blog .Maybe if topical people were more on the ball about answering email and responding with open heart and questions to requests for help in phone conversations, RantWoman would feel less call to splatter matters all over her blog. On the other hand, maybe RantWoman is supposed to take to heart that part from George Fox about "be patterns, be examples" and just realize "be examples" is not the same as be GOOD examples.

But, yes, John Calvi has a gift, and RantWoman will see what more needs to be done with anger.

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