Friday, September 23, 2016

Blessings, Bountiful Blessings!

May the Lord Bless us and keep us and make his / her ./zir face to shine upon us!

Uh wait, the blessings are so bountiful RantWoman does not quite know what to do with them.

Blessing 1:
RantWoman received lovely fun feedback. Youthful public officials are reading and ENJOYING RantWoman's tweets about an esoteric transportation related topic.

OH GOOD. RantWoman enjoys her efforts, AND RantWoman is NOT going away.

Hold both points in the Light.

Blessing 2:

RantWoman is featured in her Meeting's bulleting in the following form:
Query: What are we doing to make the larger community aware of our Friends Meeting?

Reference "...we have confused an 'implicit Quakerism' with not knowing how to talk about our faith - or not being willing to do so." "We fail our Quaker ancestors and tradition when we remain silent about our faith away from our Meetingroom's doors." LizOpp, RantWoman blog, 9-28-10

Now if only RantWoman had a search string to find said post faster than the baths involving the post date.

Blessing 3: Praise Jayzus!

"I'd love your feedback.."

Do you REALLY want RantWoman's feedback. It starts with "Thank you for inviting me to the party." Stay tuned for Further Light. Warning: high probability that Inner Blowtorch will be involved.

Blessing 4: In other news
Praise Jesus.

RantWoman is packing for Quarterly Meeting, theme something to do with Getting Along with Each other.

Oh Holy Jesus!

RantWoman found her "F*CK WAR" T-shirt.

It used to say "F*CK WAR" in Russian, a la Tatu's US television appearances where one network's censors caught the profanity after another one did not. NOw "F*CK WAR" has been laundered into invisibility --to everyone but RantWoman.

The "F*CK WAR"  events of 2003 have morphed / mutated into multinational multiethnic  regionwide fiascoes.

Praise jesus?

Blessing 5: Bless us oh Lord and these thy servants.

RantWoman's current Light about why Quaker Voice in / on / over / under WHATEVER WA Public Policy is just not doing it as a new name for...

Sometimes being a Quaker is about LISTENING. RantWoman hears a number of voices resonating with her concern that there is a need to STFU AND LISTEN about several matters related to racial and Economic justice. RantWoman has clear leadings about further steps in this regard and is VERY grateful for someone who does LISTEN and does offer feedback RantWoman digests.

Please hold this whole circus in the Light.

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