Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Racism and Privilege workshop

This is how RantWoman spent her Saturday:

Power/Privilege/Racism workshop
Saturday, September 10th, 1-5 pm

University Friends Meeting (4001 - 9th Ave NE, Seattle)

Cost: Donation
Facilitators: Rosy Betz-Zall and Susan Barclay and Michael Siptroth

The workshop will look at the theory of power and privilege, and how it impacts our lives and our work as a Peace Team. What does it mean for change and for being allies. We will explore our own reactions to oppressions that we experience and link them with other people’s experiences.

Please RSVP ...
We will start on time!

From the Reading List

By way of digression, RantWoman's comments about the article:
--RantWoman wonders how different the conversations about racism are at other colleges and community colleges in our area.
--Read the comments, as many as you can stand to wade through.

Here are RantWoman's reflections from the journaling exercise.
Privilege is about

--dealing with something at one's leisure, not because it's an everyday reality NOW.

--not having to explain why something is a problem because the fact of the problem is enough reason for people to act.

--not having to hear "that could not possibly be a problem because we are so sincere and well-meaning and we already put so much time and effort and process into doing it our way."

There is need for many everyday conversations about racism.

There is power in detaching from systems of privilege or oppression and redefining the center.

After the fact, in Light of RantWoman's seething freight train of fervid fixations this week related to privilege and ableism: look, RantWoman is managing and she has to live it. You only have to visit. YOU CAN DO IT; trust that what you can do will matter. Yeah, right. How about if you need a tour guide, consider hiring a professional; if you are willing to walk alongside, why the bleep do I have to show you the way first. How about we learn the way TOGETHER.

A quote from Rumi: beyond ideas of right doing and wrong doing, I'll meet you there.

Urk. Somewhere in here, RantWoman is still PISSED OFF and also stretching toward self-discipline.

One of RantWoman's workshop-mates announced he is reaching to uphold the dignity of Dick Cheney. RantWoman thinks Dick Cheney belongs in handcuffs. Plus RantWoman has all she can do holding perpetual WA tax rejectionist Tim Eyman in the light and there is no way RantWoman, even in inner blowtorch mode, can yet even try for that of God in Dick Cheney.

After the fact, RantWoman somehow feels called to add all the world's tragically overpaid CEO's to her endles and ever-growing Hold in the Light / Speak to That of God in list.

Power means being able to hear and value difference without feeling threatened.

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