Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Contracted Braille--with Freight Train

RantWoman awhile ago took note of the date of our September Meeting for Business and based on past experience predicted that our entire nation would be bathed in endless coverage of the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on September 11.

RantWoman's heart specifically was full of detritus from her spiritual compost heap including some screaming moments of the form "My faith community is busy reminding me why I REALLY need a faith community." Then there was the media week as well as remembrance and not repentance of the "If...God Forgive me, but..." message RantWoman remembers being called to at our Meeting's called Meeting for worship the day of the attacks.

This year, Meeting for Business was to go forward regardless. For additional cheer, RantWoman knew that the agenda would feature an item about the Safest Sex Offender on the Planet or not exactly The Safest Sex Offender... himself but a much-needed adjustment about our Meeting's organization of our support for him.

For better or worse, this time around, RantWoman got most of the hyperventilating her own STUFF can cause around this topic out of the way ahead of time; all the emotional energy of this was parked in RantWoman's head like a freight train full of grain with a few cars of miscellaneous material needing to be unloaded. There would of course not be time to unload the whole train in our shortened Meeting for Worship; RantWoman gets to keep bearing he load regardless.

RantWoman is blessed to have had the following author reading preview for Adult Education:

Business Meeting teetering on the horizon is the main reason that RantWoman jumped up almost impermissibly soon after another message, from Deuteronomy about God being close at hand among ye, in worship on Sunday.

RantWoman gave more or less the following message:
It is funny to be called to give a message about the overhead lights in our worship room on a sunny day when the lights are not on. Our overhead lights form the outside of a 4x3 rectangle. To RantWoman they look like, from either side symmetrically like the two Braille contractions for And You.

A completely blind person would never know this unless someone with enough vision to see the pattern and knowledge enough of contracted Braille told them so. Sighted people, even sighted people who have glancing contact with, say, one of those educational braille alphabet cards also would never know this unless the likes of rantWoman told them so.

RantWoman likes this image very much. To RantWoman, the And You is both Quaker baptism, the holy spirit filling, energizing an individual, and Quaker communion, the holy world of sharing worship with others.

RantWoman lately has had to have several long and difficult conversations of the form "That could not possibly be a problem. How can you say that is a problem....Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, NOW I see!" RantWoman is not particularly enjoying these conversations; she can tell they are not really a lot of fun for her counterparts either, but RantWoman wants to bless and deeply appreciate those who have stayed present. Staying present matters.

RantWoman frequently has a problem with messages arriving in long freight trains and needs to stop here for today.

RantWoman did stop but decided to put more of the freight train into her blog.

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