Tuesday, September 6, 2011


RantWoman has been holding in the Light the Tar Sands Pipeline protestors. RantWoman is not even collecting links off her blog roll. Correction: RantWomant WAS not collecting links off her blog roll until she came across this item touching not only on the protest but also on critique of fashion and Plain Dress without Quakers.

and the blog behind the quest:

(RantWoman has been holding the protest in the Light; RantWoman herself has graduated to numerous paths to prophetic witness far beyond getting arrested.)

While the daily blogroll delivered RantWoman's reflections in the direction of sartorial matters, there is an interesting article in Quaker Theology 19 comparing Quaker and Amish capacity to retain youth. The basic thesis: the Amish are more separated from the dominant culture, with fewer and lower level skills about functioning in the outside world as well as bigger penalties (hell) for permanent estrangement. These together tend to help retention. RantWoman notes the conclusion ruefully but she mostly has plenty to do on the salvation front coping with the sludge in her own soul.
Note downloadable pdf

Finally, adding Blog as writer's notebook to RantWoman's Blog as Filing Cabinet practices, one of these days RantWoman means to pen an item about "Day-Glow Friend." DayGlow Friends number n, n+1, n+2.... all bicycle everywhere. These Friends all dress in variants of Day Glow yellow. RantWoman also has some serious reflector gear fixations. The importance of these confessions though: RantWoman reads lots of plain dress material all about making choices about one's clothing as tokens of one's submission to God. RantWoman would point out that Day Glow Friends number n, n+1, ... etc are ALSO submitting to God as represented by laws of physics rather than imperatives of fashion. RantWoman means to elaborate this theory some more and hopes her efforts will not be spoiled by this preliminary peek into the RantWoman writer's desk drawer.

Meanwhile, because it is the time of shifting seasons and shrinking daylight, RantWoman offers an old paean to her preferred reflectivity practices.

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