Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Peculiar Invitation

Dear Seriously Weighty Friends

So, um, I am decompressing from everything to do with recent Meeting for Business figuring out what I need my clearness committee to help me debrief about.

I am resisting the temptation to send email several directions without running things through the sarcasm filter several times.

I am meditating about what to blog about and what of certain emails I might be led just to dump into blog posts. This inclination is likely to be limited by time constraints, but...

And I have a problem: there are several seriously weighty friends who might come up in, um, challenging terms. My blog convention is as much as possible to use Noms De Blog for lots of reasons. Characters may
appear under more than one name. Most of the time characters have not been offered a choice about what nom de blog I assign, but I decided to experiment this time:

--Promising NOT to blog is not likely.

--I do not guarantee that either of you will appear but if you do, you deserve noms de blog.

My question: do you have the slightest interest in choosing the nom de blog for which I offer comments OR
 Are you content to see what I come up with?

How are you led?

In the Light


RantWoman penned the above inquiry to two seriously weighty Friends in the same household. One wants to preview choices before posts occur. The other told RantWoman to pick. At first RantWoman did not have clear leading but then an option occurred.

In both cases, the Seriously Weighty Friends are among several engaging in several annoying behaviors which, among other things, RantWoman in froth at the mouth mode has no problem calling ableism. RantWoman would have to choose serial noms de blog such as Put it Off Until It's More Convenient Friend #1, #2, #3, Make Decisions on My Behalf Friend #1, #2, #3 or, in Quakerese Are We Seasoning the Right Question Friends #1, #2,...#n, #n+1

RantWoman understands perfectly well the point about respect for people's time but examining the point caused RantWoman in Be True to Your Light mode to apply to bracing effect to recent events and her own time. RantWoman is grateful for what arose.

RantWoman is also grateful for Seriously Weighty Mentor Friend who responded as writing drew out more points RantWoman needs to articulate. RantWoman is also grateful that such efforts sucked up time RantWoman might be inappropriately tempted to use to ill effect. RantWoman is VERY humble about the degree to which her soul needs HELLLLP right now and even more tender about what is flowing her way.

Alas, RantWoman also understands why, on a recent survey about the experiences of people with disabilities, she was checking "Would Rather Not Answer" uncomfortably often on the survey section about her faith community.

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