Thursday, July 11, 2024

Thursday Worship Sharing


NPYM Annual Session Queries.

The queries are below. The hymn numbers are from Worship in Song.



242 - I Am an Acorn

I am an acorn, the package, the seed.

God is within me and God is the tree.

I am unfolding the way I should be.

Carved in the palm of God's hand.

Carved in the palm of God's hand.



What helps you to feel connected to the living world around you? How do you nourish and care for those connections?


When have you experienced separation or estrangement from the Divine? How did that feel, physically and emotionally?

RantWoman is tending to these queries at a distance of almost two weeks.

RantWoman DEEPLY blesses the Friend who responded to RantWoman's grumbles about how different ways that dealing with Worship Sharing queries can be vexatious. RantWlay DEEPLY appreciates having the queries in advance electronically. RantWoman read and extracted them for each day.

RantWoman signed up for worship walking but wound up not going to a single session. RantWoman did spend a good bit of worship sharing time walking around the campus of the University of MT, just not in a group.

RantWoman realizes that one POINT of worship sharing is to LISTEN to others. God will have to take care of that another year.

RantWoman is a bit lecturing herself about how the point of going is to LISTEN in person.

That did not happen this morning.

RantWoman spent a little time wondering what genious morning person thought 8:30 am is a good time to start worship sharing. But then it dawned on RantWoman that it's SUMMER and starting early in cooler hours makes a lot of sense...

RantWoman tends not to feel estranged from God and does not want to go into other forms of estrangement here. RantWoman is going to spend a little bit of energy wondering when estrangement from people is also estrangement from God, but wandering too far into that is beyond RantWoman's Light.

RantWoman discovered a couple picky accessibility points future site committees. These days campuses sometimes have rooms specially equipped for someone with physical disabilities and it might be worth asking for more info as things get planned. Also little ledges and no grab bars in Bathrooms ...

Nicest help offered to RantWoman at breakfast: nice young woman from The Other Group helped identify the zucchini bread on the hot line.

RantWoman went on a good walk to the Washington Education Building. On the way, RantWoman found a wonderful mural in the journalism building.

It dawned on RantWoman that they have invented Google Maps for a more detailed look at the campus. However, RantWoman approached two clumps of people with the "Ask a Human" algorithm who both pointed RantWoman in the right direction.

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